Vertical Watch Program©
Exhibit #3 - Points to Highlight

(Please feel free to copy this list off)

  Lost Children

If a neighbourhood child is reported missing, Vertical Watch members will likely be asked to assist police in the search. Point out that such joint efforts by police and residents have been very successful in locating missing children in a short period of time.



Explain to residents that their apartments will be watched by their neighbours while they are on vacation, or if they are hospitalized, lessening the chance of burglary. Criminals know that the sticker on your apartment door means that your neighbours are looking out for your interests. Crooks also know that many Vertical Watch members have taken advantage of Operation Identification, and have labelled their valuables, making any goods that are stolen much more difficult to unload.


Purse Snatching

If purse snatches occur in or near the building, police will notify Vertical Watch members, so they can warn other residents. If they have a description of the suspect, this will also be passed along, with a request for members to be on the lookout for this individual. If anyone matching the description is seen, the police or building security should be notified immediately. Do not approach the person who you suspect is the purse snatcher.



Similar procedure to above.



Similar procedure to above.



Inform residents that Vertical Watch meetings are held periodically in the building, or in a nearby location. Explain that these gatherings, which frequently involve the police, building security and management, and sometimes guest speakers, are excellent opportunities to keep up to date with what is happening in the building and the surrounding area. As a Vertical Watch member, they will be able to participate and ask questions about issues they are concerned about.


Floor Captains

If someone is interested in becoming a floor captain, give the chairperson the individual's name, apartment number, and phone number. Notify the chairperson of the person's interest. Be sure and explain the responsibilities associated with being a floor captain. Stress to all residents that the program needs one floor captain for each floor of the building.


50 Percent Participation Rule

Stress to residents that at least half of them must register as members, for the building to receive offical Vertical Watch designation. The local municipality demands 50 percent participation, before it will supply Vertical Watch signs. Likewise for the police to supply door stickers. These signs and door stickers are very important. They are a proven deterrent to criminals. They send a clear message to would-be vandals and criminals that they take a high risk entering your home; that residents of your building are watchful, and if seen, they will be reported to the police and to building security.


Member's Responsibilites

As a member of a Vertical Watch Program, your only duty is to look out for your own interests and that of your neighbours: To contact building, security or police whenever you suspect a crime is being committed, when you see people loitering suspiciously in the building or when there is excessive noise in the halls or coming from another apartment.


All of this can be done anonymously. You can call building security or the police and report a problem without identifying yourself. You can tell them your name and where you live, but ask that they do not come to your door. No one need know where the call came from. However, it is helpful when you identify yourself. This way building security and the police know who to contact for further information or for clarification.

When you join Vertical Watch you receive a door sticker. You also gain access to Operation Identification -- the program run by Metro Police that provides free use of an engraving pen to imprint valuables, such as TV's, stereo's and computers, in case of theft. (For those of you not in Metro Toronto, ask your local Police Department if they have such a program available.) Vertical Watch members always have an insider's understanding of what is going on in the building and in the neighbourhood. Members also receive first notice of Vertical Watch meetings and events.


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