Old St. Louis Cemeteries 1897
PLEASE NOTE!! - This list is over 100 years old. I've copied it from
Gould's St. Louis Directory as close as I possibly can. It is intended for reference only. The people mentioned cannot possibly still be alive, many cemeteries have been moved, many addresses have changed, and there were no telephone numbers or zip codes. A few of these older cemeteries still exist. You can also see the list for cemeteries for 1864-65 at St. Louis Cemeteries 1864-65. To see the current list of cemeteries, go to: St. Louis Cemeteries 1997-98 .
- Bellefontaine Cemetery Association (Incorporated March 7th, 1849), ws. Broadway, Florissant and Morin avs. James E. Yeatman, pres.; Geo. S. Drake, vice-pres.; J.B. Gaszam, sec. and treas. Office, 514 Security Bldg., Locust, sw. cor. 4th. A Hotchkins, supt.; office at cemetery.
- Bethania, Easton av., 7 miles from city; office, 1138 N. 6th.
- Bethlehem, ns. Bittner, nr. Wabash R.R.; Frederick W. Lindhorst, sexton.
- B'Nai El (Hebrew), Gravois av., 7 miles from city.
- Bremen Saxon, Bellefontaine rd., nr. Six-Mile House.
- Calvary Cemetery Association, ws. Broadway, nr. Wabash R.R.; Most Rev. John J. Kain, pres.; J.B.C. Lucas, vice-pres.; George V. Emery, sec.; F.L. Haydel, treas.; office, 13 N. 10th.
- Carondelet, Sigerson's Farm.
- Central, Bonhomme rd., 9 miles from city.
- City, at County Farm, Arsenal, nr. Sublette av.; office, Board of Health, City Hall.
- Concordia Evangelical Lutheran, ns. Bates, nr. Morgan Ford rd. Henry Frerck, sexton.
- Evangelical Friedens, N. Broadway, nr. Seven-Mile House. Henry Wolf, sexton.
- Fee Fee, nr. St. Charles Rock rd., 15 miles from city.
- Greenwood Cemetery Association, Cemetery, Hunt rd., nr. Easton av.; office, 1138 N. 6th.
- Holy Ghost, Wyoming, nw. cor. Gravois av.; office 1334 S. 7th and 1138 N. 6th, William F. Krenning, sexton.
- Holy Trinity, ss. Bircher, nr. Florissant av.; office 13 N. 10th.
- Missouri Crematory, 3211 Sublette av.
- Mount Olive (Catholic), Sigerson's Farm, s. of Cardt.
- Mount Olive (Hebrew), Olive; 8 miles from city; office, 214 N. 21st. A. Gershon, supt.
- Mount Sheerith, Olive, 7 miles from city.
- National, at Jefferson Barracks, James Burke, supt.
- New Mount Sinai Cemetery Assn., Gravois av., 8 miles from city. L. J. Singer, pres.; Isaac Koperlik, sec.; office, Lucas av., nw. cor. 9th.
- New Picker, Gravois av., nr. River des Peres; office 822 N. 4th. John Luethge, sexton.
- Oak Hill, nr. Kirkwood; office, 2 N. 4th. Augustus S. Mermod, pres.; N.D. Allen, sec.<§BR>
- Odd Fellow's Cemetery Ass'n of South St. Louis, 7427 S. B'way. A. P. Watkins, sec.
- Old Picker Cemetery, ss. Arsenal, nr. Gravois av.
- Salem, Nat. Bdge. rd. 7 miles from city.
- St. Ann's, Nat. Bdge. rd. 8 miles from city.
- St. John's, Bellefontaine rd., 9 miles from city.
- St. Marcus (Evang. Luth.), 6638 Gravois av.; office, 1721 S. 2d. Louis Rolfes, sexton.
- St. Matthew's, ss. Bates, nr. Gavois av.; August Oberfeld, sexton.
- St. Paul's (Evangelical), Gravois av., nr. Wilmington rd.; office, 1625 S. 9th. Charles Drengberg, sexton.
- St. Peter, Hunt rd., bet. Easton av. and Nat. Bdge rd.; office, 1321 Franklin av. Louis Spellbrink, sec.
- St. Peter and St. Paul's, Gravois av., s. of Loughborough av.; office at the church. Casper Todt, sexton.
- Wesleyan, office, 1127 Olive.
- Western Evangelical Lutheran Cemetery Association, Marcus and Ashland avs.
Future lists are planned,
so please check back soon!
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