Coimbatore, Tamil-Nadu India

contact Dai SiFu Nareskkrishna

SiFu Nares Kkrishna, 10th degree Red Sash Master of Ving Tsun Kung Fu. Vice President of Asian Affairs for the International Ving Tsun Kung Fu Federation, and Chief Instructor of India, National Representative to India for Tucson Ving Tsun Academy. Also head of the Indian Ving Tsun Academies and the All India Ving Tsun / Wing Chun Association.

SiFu Nareskkrishna and his student Michael Simkin.

Recent attendees to Ving Tsun Seminar Held at the Mumbai Ving Tsun Academy.

TOP PHOTO: Dai SiFu Nares Kkrishna seated, with SiFu Nitesh Kotian in white shirt standing behind.

MIDDLE PHOTO: SiFu Nitesh Kotian with the Future of Ving Tsun Kung Fu.

BOTTOM PHOTO: Seated Dai SiFu Nares Kkrishna with the hope of Ving Tsun Kung Fu.

Action photo's with the instructors at the Mumbai Ving Tsun Academy under the watchful eye of Dai SiFu Nares Kkrishna.

SiFu Kkrishna presenting SiFu Don with a garland of respect and appreciation upon his arrival in Coimbatore, India.

Welcoming committee from the Coimbatore Ving Tsun Academy, along with SiFu Kkrishna.

SiFu Dn Grose giving personal instruction in Chi Sau to SiFu Nares Kkrishna of the Coimbatore Ving Tsun Academy

SiFu Don instructing SiFu Nares Kkrishna in the Pak Sau technique

SiFu Nitesh Kotiam, Instructor of the Mumbai Ving Tsun Academy, Not pictured is SiFu Madhu, Instructor of Mumbai Ving Tsun Academy

SiFu Don demostrating mid level kick defense with SiFu Nitesh at the seminar held in Coimbatore, India summer of 2000
SiFu Sabu Instructor of the Kochi Ving Tsun Academy, Not Pictured is Udayan Instructor of Kochi Ving Tsun Academy