Script for a jester's tears....

Although I cannot play a lick of music, I have been a music lover since my Dad gave me a copy of Black Sabbath's "Paranoid" when I was 4 yrs old. (No, I did not make that up!). I collected records and cd's quite extensively for years, and still have quite a few , maybe 1500 lp's and about the same in compact discs. I occasionally get a table at one of the local record shows, and sell a bit of vinyl that doesn't mean as much to me now as it once did. I still do collect several groups though… my serious listening is devoted to the following:

Marillion : The British progressive rock group, number one in my book with or without Fish.

Pink Floyd : These guys are unbelievable, even now. They have produced the soundtracks to many of my dreams as well as nightmares. DsoTM rules…

Genesis (with Peter Gabriel): I still listen to "Suppers Ready" at least once a month, no matter what.

Doors: The only competition Jim Morrison has ever had for being the best lyric writer is Fish, ex-of Marillion. The Lizard King was BRILLIANT! I still like to think he is living somewhere anonymously, growing old and wishing he had taken better care of himself.