Are You Eating Rocks and Chemicals? Are You Paying Too Much?

Do you feel run-down even after taking vitamin and/or mineral supplements?

Have you ever thought that maybe you could be allergic to the pharmaceutical chemicals that the vitamin and mineral supplements are made from?

(Also see related article at end of this page.)

Or have you been lead to believe that "food-based" or "natural" vitamins and minerals supplements are all "real food?"  Are you in the habit of eating chemicals, rocks, and metals?  If you're taking vitamin and/or mineral supplements, even most of the brand-name ones, you are! A popular 30-day supply of vitamins and minerals from T.J.'s costs $9.99 but its actual cost could be $69.93 or more (read on--)!  One doctor went on national TV and stated, "Taking large doses of vitamin and mineral supplements produces expensive urine!"

Read on to find out why....

What's Wrong With Ordinary Supplements?

Contrary to what vitamin companies would like you to believe, the truth is that the vitamins and minerals in supplements are not the same as the vitamins and minerals in food.  In vitamin supplements, even so-called "natural" ones, the vitamin ingredients are what is know as "USP" (United States Pharmacopoeia).  That means they are isolated pharmaceutical chemicals and the minerals are mined from the ground.  These chemicals cannot be found in any food-matrix on this planet!  Have you ever wondered why your doctor suggests you take your vitamin and mineral supplements with your meals?  If they were truly food, couldn't you eat them anytime?  It's because these supplements are synthetics (rocks, metals, chemicals) and may upset an empty stomach.  See NOTE.

Vitamins: Supplements vs. Food

For example, vitamin B-6 in supplements is pyridoxine hydrochloride, a synthetic USP chemical.  This is not at all like the vitamin B-6 in food.  You won't find pyridoxine hydrochloride in any food.  The vitamins in food are in a highly-complex form we call the food matrix which our bodies recognize and utilize.  This food matrix contains proteins, carbohydrates, lipids (fats), bioflavonoids, and other food factors.  The USP vitamins in supplements are not in a food matrix.  They are isolated chemicals which your cells cannot recognize and utilize properly.  Your body does the best it can to absorb a small amount (at best, up to 7%), but most is excreted.  The cells of your body were designed by nature (God) to be nourished by vitamins in natural food, not by pharmaceutical chemicals.  Now, if your body can only assimilate (digest and use) up to 7% of the USP vitamin or mineral supplements, the actual cost of a 30-day supply costing $9.99 is really $69.93 or more!  That's over $2.33/day!  And that's not counting the cost of any health damages that could be done to your system by these foreign USP chemicals.  Can you really afford that?

Minerals: Supplements vs Food.

All minerals originally come from the ground.  Food grows in the ground.  The minerals come up from the soil through the roots and are transformed inside the plant cells into complex structures our bodies can utilize.  They become part of the living plant tissue - part of the food matrix.  That's why the iron in broccoli doesn't look like the iron in your car.  One is a food and the other is metal.  In synthetic supplements, the USP minerals are not food - they are rocks and metals mined from the ground.  For example, look at calcium supplements.  When you know how to read the labels, you can translate some of the chemical names into everyday language: calcium carbonate is limestone (concrete sidewalks); calcium sulfate is sheetrock (plaster of Paris); calcium phosphate is chalk.  Often they are reacted with chemicals.  For example, calcium citrate, lactate and ascorbate are limestone reacted with acids.  Other unnatural forms of calcium include amino acid chelates, colloidal minerals, and hydroxyapatite.  If we could assimilate rocks and metals from the ground, we wouldn't need to grow food!  We could just eat the soil.  Worms do!  Of course, we all know that's ridiculous.  Our bodies are not designed to be nourished by rocks.  No civilization has ever tried to eat rocks, shells, or bones.  Yet, that's what you get in supplements.  How much ground-up rock do you think you can assimilate?  Not very much!  Once again, your body does its best to make the minerals into complex molecules it can use and it excretes the rest (remember: expensive urine).  Even the small amount that's absorbed has questionable nutritional value.  And mega-dosing can cause side effects!  There has been a lot of talk about colloidal minerals but these are simply minerals that have been suspended in their own salts.  These salts are very sensitive to pH,  and as a result, can be broken down easily by the acid/alkaline in the stomach.  Where they might provide some higher level of absorption than the simple synthetic minerals, colloidal minerals are still synthetic and are not in the form of a food matrix; therefore, they do not compare favorably to food produced minerals.

What About the So-Called "Food-Based" Vitamin/Mineral Supplements?

"Natural" or "food-based" supplements are formulated with the same USP, synthetic, chemical vitamins and minerals.  They are simply put into a big blender and a small amount of powdered foods are mixed in.  Then they are sold as powders, tablets, or liquids.  The problem with this approach is that the USP vitamins and minerals are unchanged. They are still not recognizable to your body.  Your mind may be fooled by a little food mixed with the chemicals and rocks, but the cells of your body won't be.  Your body does get some nourishment from the powered food, but this does nothing to change the synthetic vitamin/mineral into natural food!  Vitamins and mineral that are in a true food matrix contain protein, carbohydrates, lipids, bioflavonoids, soluble fibers, and insoluble fibers.  When in a food matrix, all the proteins, carbohydrates, etc. are woven together; they are not separated from one another and are totally assimilated by the body.

Some Vitamins/Minerals and Their Chemical Names.

Vitamin B-1 ... thiamin, thiamin hydrochloride
Vitamin B-2 ... riboflavin
Vitamin B-3 ... niacin, niacinamide
Vitamin B-6 ... pyridoxine, pyridoxine hydrochloride, 5 phosphate
Vitamin C ....... ascorbic acid,
Vitamin E ....... dl-alpha tocopherol, dl-alpha tocopherol acetate, dl-alpha tocopherol succinate
Calcium .......... carbonate, sulfate, phosphate, citrate, gluconate, lactate
Iron (ferrous). sulfate, ferrous fumarate, iron glycinate, iron gluconate
Manganese ... sulfate, chloride, citrate, glyconate
Magnesium ... cabonate, oxide, citrate
Zinc.................. gluconate, citrate, sulfate, picolinate

Rest assured; if you see any of the above USP synthetic chemical names listed in the ingredients on your bottle of vitamin or mineral supplements, the remainder of the contents are also USP synthetic products and not REAL FOOD!

Bottom Line

Next time you purchase vitamins or minerals, ask, "Where's the independent research studies on your products?  Show me the vitamin and mineral food; not their chemical names!"  But, be ready to be surprised!  Even the most popular brands of vitamins and minerals CANNOT show you either the food OR the studies!

If you believe the best way to nourish your body isn't with pharmaceutical chemicals and rocks, but with a diet of wholesome, natural food, and you want to know more about vitamins and minerals that are in a true food matrix, contact Mr. Herman S. Waldorf below.

"With natural foods as the bench-mark, there is no compromising your health or that of your loved ones!!"

NOTE: All information contained herein can be verified at your local library or ask your pharmacist.  Look for REMINGTON'S PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCE, a book written by doctors for doctors to prevent mis-match of prescriptions.  This will also explain HOW these synthetics are made.

E-MAIL Mr. Herman S. Waldorf: zz1793 (at) juno (dot) com for additional infomation, but be aware, Mr. Waldorf only retreives his e-mail about twice a month due to his travels.
NOTE: Use correct email syntax in the above email address!

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