Practice these things in your daily life!

In serving each other we become free!

Live simply that others may simply live....Mahatma Gandhi

The greatest truths in life are simple....Zig Ziglar

A fool doth think himself to be wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool!...As You Like It...Shakespeare

Total truth is necessary. You must live by what you say. Men will hate you for telling the truth. They will call you names. They may even kill you, but you must tell the truth. If you live in truth, God will always stand with you.... Neem Karoli Baba

Who can say, I have made my heart clean, I am pure from sin?....Proverbs 20:9

For there is not a just man upon earth, that doeth good, and sinneth not....Ecclesiastes7:20

All suffering comes from cherishing ourselves. All happiness comes from cherishing others.... old Tibetan saying

We must not wait for leaders, we must do it alone; person to person.....Mother Teresa

If you judge someone, you have no time to love them....... Mother Teresa

To understand another human being you must gain some insight into the conditions which made him what he is.......Margaret Bourke--White

In a just cause, the weak o'ercome the strong.....Oedipus

The gifts of a bad man bring no good with them......Medea,618

Adversity makes a man wise, not rich....Romainian Proverb

Avoid the evil and it will avoid thee....Gaelic Proverb

When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, "I used everything you gave me".....Ermma Bombeck

Where there is great love there are always miracles....Willa Cather

Prejudicies, it is well known, are most difficult to iradicate from the heart whose soil has never been loosened or fertilized by education, they grow their, firm as weeds among rocks.....Charlotte Bronte

Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat....Theodore Roosevelt,1899

You can not teach a man anything, you can only help him to find it for himself...Galileo Galilei

Life is what we make it, always has been; always will be....Grandma Moses

The world is round and the place that may seem like the end may also be the beginning.

You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do!

Peace comes from within, do not seek it without....Buddha

One must not be mean with the affections; what is spent of the fund is renewed in the spending itself.....Sigmund Frued

Only connect....E.M. Forester

Advice for a teenage daughter-Five inexpensive beauty hints:
For attractive lips, speak words of KINDNESS.
For lovely eyes, seek out the GOOD in people.
For a slim figure, SHARE your food with the hungry.
For beautiful hair, let a CHILD run his fingers through it once a day.
And for poise, walk with the KNOWLEDGE that you will never walk alone......Sam Leveson

If we are not our brother's keeper, let us not be his executioner....Marlon Brando

Do NOT let people put you down. Believe in yourself, stand for yourself, and trust yourself....Jacob Neusner

If everyone had positive thoughts this would be a positive world...Cindy Layman

Always want what you have and you will always have what you want

The best way to knock the chip off someone's shoulder is to pat him on the back...Anonymous

Never trouble another for what you can do for yourself....Thomas Jefferson

Be sure to keep busy, so the Devil may always find you occupied....Flavius Vegetius Renatus

We must not, in trying to think about how we can make a big difference, ignore the small daily differences we can make which, over time, add up to big differences that we often cannot foresee....Marion Wright Edelman

The strongest principle of growth lies in human choice.....George Elliott

The truth exists independently of what anyone believes...St. Augustine

We must come to the point where we realize the concept of "race" is a false one. There is only one "race", the human race....Dan Akroid

Believe nothing on the faith of traditions, even though they have been held in honour for many generations, and in divers places. Do not believe a thing because many speak of it. Do not believe in the faith of the sages of the past. Do not believe of what you have imagined; persuading yourself that God inspires you. Believe nothing on the sole authority of your masters or priests. After examination, believe what you yourself have tested and found to be reasonable, and conform your conduct thereto....Gautama Buddha

It's a very short trip! While alive, LIVE.....Malcom Forbes

Our prayers should be for blessings in general, for God knows best what is good for us....Socrates

Work out your own salvation.....N.T. Philippians 2:12

The truth shall make your free....John 8:32

I want to be the white man's brother, not his brother-in-law.....Martin Luther King

Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need, but not every man's greed....Mohandas K. Gandhi

Non-violence is the 1st article of my faith. It is also the last article of my creed....Mohandas K. Gandhi

There is no way to Peace, Peace is the way!!!

It isn't enough to talk about Peace. One must believe in it, and it isn't enough to believe in it. One must work at it.....Elanor Roosevelt

Peace hath higher tests of manhood than battle ever knew....John Greenleaf Whittier

Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding....Albert Einstein

Blessed are the PEACEMAKERS: for they shall be called the children of God.....Matthew 5:9

Pray, for all men need the aid of the Gods....Homer

Gnóthi seautón
Know Thyself...
Anonymous, inscription at the Temple of Apollo at Delphi

God I thank thee, that I am not as other men are....Luke 18:11

Truth is the only safe ground to stand upon....Elizabeth Cady Stanton-The Woman's Bible

Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missles and misguided men....Martin Luther King Jr.

Nothing can harm a good man, either in life or after death....Socrates

No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted....AESOP

Where there is no vision, the people perish....Proverbs 29:18

Pay attention to the young, make them just as good as possible....Socrates

A thing is not neccessarily true becuase a man dies for it....Oscar Wilde

Love is an ideal thing, marriage a real thing; a confusion of the real with the ideal never goes unpunished....Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

This world is a comedy for those who think and a tragedy for those who feel.....Horace Walpole

There never was a good war or a bad Peace....Benjamin Franklin

Never give up on anybody....Hubert Humphrey

Let us endeaver to live that even when we die the undertaker will be sorry....Mark Twain

Neglect not the gift that is in thee....I Timothy 4:14

Do not trust to the cheering, for those persons would shout as much if you and I were going to be hanged....Oliver Crommwell

Whenever you start measuring somebody, measure him right child, measure him right. Make sure you done taken into account what hills and valleys he came through before he got to wherever he is.....Mama, in the play "A Rasin in the Sun"

Before you borrow money from a friend, decide which one you NEED more....Anonymous

We human beings ought to stand before one another as reverently, as reflectively, as lovingly, as we would before the entrance to hell.....Franz Kafka

Keep in mind that the true measure of an individual is how he treats a person who can do him absolutely no good.....Ann Landers

Before we blame, we should first see if we can't excuse....G.C. Lichtenburg

The probability that we may fail in the struggle ought not to deter us from the support of a cause we believe to be just.....Abraham Lincoln

Whenever you fall, pick something up.....Oswald Avery

Hold faithfulness and sincerity as first principles.....Confucius

The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches, but to reveal to him his own.....Benjamin Disraeli

No blessing lasts forever....Plautus

To know what is right and not do it is the worst cowardice.....Confucius

Fools rush in where Angles fear to tread....Alexander Pope

Who knows whether the Gods will add tomorrow to the days already passed?....Horace

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.....Karl Marx

April 1st---this is the day upon which we are reminded of what we are on the other three hundred and sixty-four....Mark Twain

He that shall humble himself shall be exalted....The Bible

What alot of things there are that a man can do without....Socrates

Am I therefore become your enemy because I tell you the truth?....The Bible

It is every individual's obligation to put back into the world atleast the equivalent of what he takes out.....Albert Einstein

Whoever has a heart full of love, always has something to give.....Pope John XXIII

The only disability in life is a bad attitude...Scott Hamilton

You become what you believe you are!

Share Your Wisdom

If you have knowledge, let others light their candles in it....Margaret Fuller.