Carry Your Brothers Load

Accept every individual on the face of the earth for whom and what he is.....none of us are perfect and we are all created equal!!

Forget about skin color;
And remember that we are all > HUMAN!

In my college oral communications class, I did my persuasion speech on PEACE. In it I included getting rid of nuclear weapons. I talked about gang warfare and crime in America. I went on to include a section about World hunger caused by Political oppression. In this section I told about how 30 MILLION people died from starvation. My teacher wanted to know what hunger had to do with PEACE. This saddened me even more than the information that I had uncovered during my research. I ask you: If Mao Zedong had been a peaceful man, would these people have died? PEACE is not just the absence of War. It includes every act that helps mankind evolve.
NOTE: It also frightened me to think that SO MANY lives are held in the power of SO FEW people, and what possibly could happen even in our country. Though I did recieve an A+ on my speech, I was no longer the same person as before.

A good thing to keep in mind when trying to achieve peace:
Nobody can do everything, but everybody can do something!

This is the way of PEACE:
overcome evil with goodness, falsehood with truth, and hatred with love!

Mohandas K.Gandhi