James W. Watkins, II
Employment Objectives
Certificate in Network Engineering
(Windows NT 4.0)
University of Maryland,
Baltimore County, 1997
Certificate in Network Engineering
University of Maryland,
Baltimore County, 1995
Certificate in Forensic Science
George Washington
University, 1975
Morgan College,
Baltimore, Maryland, 1963-1967
Information Technology Manager
Commission on Human Relations, State of Maryland, Baltimore, Maryland
Responsible for developing and implementing information technology solutions
to the agency's business problems.
These solutions include WAN, LAN, and Internet strategies that include
SCO Unix and Novell 4.1, with Windows. 95 clients
and X-Windows interfaces. Oversees the deployment and configuration
of Cisco 3600 and 1600 routers. Responsible
remote access using ICE-TEN for telecommuting. Responsible for establishing
and maintaining network security. Manages
the Commission on Human Relations' MIS office.
February 1998-Present
Computer Network Specialist Supervisor
Office of the Public Defender, State of Maryland, Baltimore, Maryland
Designs and manages wide
area and local area networks, utilizing Novell 3.12, Novell 4.1, Windows
NT 4.0 NOS's. Manages installation and configuration of servers,
workstations, routers, DSU's, and
switches. Responsible for maintaining network
security, monitoring network traffic, and
upgrading hardware and software , as needed. Also responsible for
designing, managing,
and updating the Office
of the Public Defender web site. Responsible for user and
MIS training.
Computer consultant to the Governor's Office of Minority Affairs, Governor's
Office of Constituent
Services. Supervises Computer Specialists, Computer Technicians,
and Help Desk personnel.
July 1994-February 1998
Programmer-Analyst IV
Designed and wrote code for agency management information systems used for personnel, case tracking, client services, investigation management, and records management. Supervised agency programming staff.
July 1992-July 1994
Managed all agency investigative activities, including field , Intake, and sensitive personnel investigations. Agency Fair Practices Officer. Developed agency intake and investigation policies.
November 1979-June 1992
Supervised all Baltimore City investigative and intake activities.
July 1975-Nonember 1979
Conducted criminal investigations
October 1972-July 1975
November 1967-March 1972
Internet Users Group; Veterans of Foreign Wars; Olde Mill Estates Growth
National Defense Investigators Association; Defender Council, National
Legal Aid and Defender
Interests - personal
Contact Information