Last update: january 2, 2002
What was updated:
road rules: episode 112,
survivor: season 3 work,
the mole:
My Guestbook
My Guestbook
Hello All!!!!!! I hope that you are enjoying your stay here at my site. I know things have been getting behind a little but I was hoping that Bunim Murray would be posting new summaries on their page. But just like my fellow Road Rules pages have decided not to keep their pages up to date. But as I have said before you ALWAYS will get the most update summaries that are possible on this site so please enjoy all that you see and I hope that you find what you need here. Billy
As usual am I wanting to know if anyone out there knows a cast member or is a cast member, because I would like to include them in this page. As for what I would like them to do is up to them but I do have some ideas that I would like to pass by them. I also would like to say up front that I will not email you or every give out your email address unless you ask me I know how important it is to have your privacy. Thanks and you email me here at roadrules@hotmail.com
Before you leave I would like to thank MTV / and Bunim-Murray for making this cool show.
Any problems? email me
maintained by billy gilmore
All text and pictures are copyrighted by MTV and Bunim/Murray, page put together by billy gilmore