Meet    Dream    Jarna

I've just adopted this little dragonling!
Here's her stats:

Owner's Name: Dragonspire
Dragon's Name: Dream Jarna
Colour: white and gold
Gender: Female
Age: 4 cycles
Dam: Wild
Sire: Wild
Species: Minidragon
Origin: The Kalenik Sands, Minidragon Isle
Mate: None
Mate's Bond: None
Mate's URL: None
Children: None

Dream Jarna was abandoned and I rescued her!
I want her to feel comfortable and welcome in her new home!
I want to train her further in her abilities and have fun so,
I've brought in a few things for her:
A waterfall like something out of one of my dreams,
A book of dreams for her to keep records of what she sees,
and a picture I once found that reminds me of a dreamscape!

Dream Jarna is a rare minidragon but she may not breed,
being of a species of minidragon which is far to shy,
and such to brave seeking out a mate
(though if I can find one gentle enough and one
that will not scare her,
maybe something could be arranged someday...
with her permission of course!).
These dragons stick extremely close to their owners
(I found that out when I adopted her!).
You can often find one nestled deep in it's owners hair.
This dragon's gift is power over dreams.

These are great little dragons!
I bonded Dream Jarna at