Some Circle Casting Examples




By Victor Anderson


By the earth that is her body,
and by the air that is her breath,
and by the fire of her bright spirit,
and by the living waters of her womb,
the circle is cast.





Adaption of Starhawk's The Spiral Dance.


By the earth that is her body
And by the air that is her breath
And by the fire of her bright spirit,
And by the living waters of her womb,
The circle is open, but unbroken
May the joy of the Goddess live in our hearts
Merry meet, and merry part
And merry meet again.




Hide-away Circles


If you are one who has trouble with space, want a change of atmosphere or want something more visible for your circle.....consider a "hide-away" circle. Hide-away circles are usually made of cloth from the fabric store or maybe a simple tablecloth that is round (72 inches = 6 foot circle). It can be anything from simple to elaborate and plain to very decorated. It can go anywhere with you...just fold it up and put it in your bag. It is a good thing if you are making one that it be a 6-foot circle...or if you dont want one that big..then one suitable for you. Since you are the one who will be using it. When you need it simply take ti out and lay it down.....perform a casting on it like you would any other time and do your ritual....when you are done fold it up and put it away for next time.


** This was found in the Witch's Brew....part of an article by WillowHawk **

General Circle Casting

written by Val Lubowicki


Circle Opening

Set up your circle and altar space with any and all tools you wish to use. A candle should be present in each of the four directions in the appropriate directions.

If you are lighting the space or room with candles that are not within the circle space, light them now. Light incense or a smudge stick and cleanse the circle. This is done by using a feather or fan to fan the smoke around the space and the circle while visualizing all negativity being brushed away by the smoke.

When you are through smudging, stand before the altar and say:

Be it known the circle is about to be cast

Pick up the athame and invoke (draw in the air) the pentacle. Light one candle on the altar.

Go to the East with the lit candle and say:

Hail to the Spirits of the Air

We invoke you and call to you

To illuminate our sacred space

And bring it the breath of life

We ask that you send forth your power

So mote it be!

(light the candle from the other)

Go to the South with the lit candle and say:

Hail to the Spirits of Fire

We invoke you and call you

To illuminate sacred space

And bring it warmth

We ask that you send forth your power

So mote it be!

(light the candle from the other)

Go to the West and say:

Hail to the Spirits of Water

We invoke you and call you

To illuminate our sacred space

And wash it clean

We ask that you send forth your power

So mote it be!

(light the candle with the other)

Go to the North and say:

Hail to the Spirits of Earth

We invoke you and call you

To illuminate our sacred space

And build it in strength

We ask that you send forth your power

So mote it be!

(light the candle with the other)

Go to the East and then return to the altar.

Take the athame and walk the circle starting in the East, tracing the circle and concentrating power into it. Return to the altar.

Light the God and Goddess candle (if used). Invoke the pentacle with the athame and say:

This circle has been cast

We welcome the God and Goddess

To this sacred space

So mote it be!

Take a sip of wine (or water, juice, etc.)

You are now ready to proceed with any and all work, spells, etc...


Circle Closing

Stand in front of the altar and say:

This circle is about to be closed

Invoke the pentacle and say:

Our thanks to the Lord and Lady

For watching over us

And guiding us in the laws of Truth, Trust, Love and Giving

We bid you both good night / day

Blessed be!

(snuff out the God and Goddess candle(s) if used)

Walk to the East and say:

To the Spirits of the Air in the East

Thank you for joining us this night / day

We called to you in Truth, Trust, Love and Giving

And we leave you with more of the same

Blessed be!

(snuff out the candle)

Walk to the North and say:

To the Spirits of the Earth in the North

Thank you for joining us this night / day

We called to you in Truth, Trust, Love and Giving

And we leave you with more of the same

Blessed Be!

(snuff out the candle)

Walk to the West and say:

To the Spirits of the Water in the West

Thank you for joining us this night / day

We called to you in Truth, Trust, Love and Giving

And we leave you with more of the same

Blessed Be!

(snuff out the candle)

Walk to the South and say:

To the Spirits of Fire in the South

Thank you for joining us this night / day

We called to you in Truth, Trust, Love and Giving

And we leave you with more of the same

Blessed Be!

(snuff out the candle)

Return to the East and then to the altar. Take the athame and retrace the circle counter clockwise visualizing the circle dissipating. Return to the altar, snuff out any remaining candles and say:

This circle has been closed.



Casting the Circle

Light direction candles.
Standing facing east with athame or wand pointing east:
Hail to the watchtowers of the East, the element of Air.
May your knowledge guide me Blessed Be.
Mark in the air a pentacle with tool.
Facing south with athame or wand pointing south:
Hail to the watchtowers of the South, the element of Fire.
May your spirit guide me Blessed Be.
Mark in the air a pentacle with tool.
Facing West with athame or wand pointing West:
Hail to the watchtowers of the West, the element of Water.
May your wisdom guide me Blessed Be.
Mark in the air a pentacle with tool.
Facing north with athame or wand pointing north:
Hail to the watchtowers of the North, the element of Earth.
May your strength guide me Blessed Be.
Mark in the air a pentacle with tool.
Walk around the circle deosil saying at each appropriate direction:
As the air is my breath, the fire my spirit, the water my blood, and the earth my body.
Stand in the center of the circle:
From above (pointing athame/wand upwards) and From Below (touching ground with athame/wand)
The circle is cast. We are between the worlds, beyond the bounds of time.
(Sealing the Circle - from Starhawk's "Spiral Dance")
Blessed Be!

Closing the Circle

Stand facing North pointing athame/wand :
Oh great spirit of the north who gives us the earth. Thank you for joining this circle. Go if you must stay if you will, hail fairwell and goodbye. Blessed Be!
Oh great spirit of the west who gives us the waters. Thank you for joining this circle. Go if you must stay if you will, hail fairwell and goodbye. Blessed Be!
Oh great spirit of the south who gives us fire. Thank you for joining this circle. Go if you must stay if you will, hail fairwell and goodbye. Blessed Be!
Oh great spirit of the east who gives us the air.Thank you for joining this circle. Go if you must stay if you will, hail fairwell and goodbye. Blessed Be!

The circle is open but never broken.  Blessed Be!

Merry Meet, Merry Part, Merry Meet Again!

Any Questions or Suggestions??? PRESS HERE