To Cast Against Another


By, Steven Clements


To many Witches, the thought of casting against another Witch is never really considered.  In a perfect world, it would never happen.  Since the beginning there have always been those who discarded the Rede and mindless of the consequences did it anyway.  I, myself, have been cast against and it was for stupid reasons.

I couldn’t understand why, suddenly, I couldn’t stand to be around this one Witch.  The mere mention of her name would send me into a fit of rage.  The caster made a mistake, she confided in another Witch what she had done to me.  This person then told me what had been done.  My first instinct was to curse her, but fortunately reasoning prevailed.  I performed this simple spell:




1 bowl filled with about 1 inch of water  (you may use blessed water if you wish)

1 votive candle (you decide the color)

Incense (I chose lavender and patchouli)


I set the ingredients in front of my altar.  Cleansed the area and cast my circle.  I then called the quarters and the Lady and the Lord.  Once this was done, I lit the incense and said:


I come to you now with sadness in my heart

and anger in my mind. 


I have learned that one of our own

has violated the Rede and cast against me. 


The reasons for this are unknown to me

but known to you. 


By the lighting of this candle

I do see and feel her spell upon me.


I place this candle in the water.


As the flame burns

her spell does wither


Till at last when the water snuffs the candle

and the spell is broken.


At this point, I have placed the lit candle in the water.  Now comes the optional part and IT IS NOT TO BE TAKEN LIGHTLY.  Focus on your anger again, and feed it into the flame.  Watch as the flame will react to your emotion.  Keep feeding until all of your anger is gone.  Now say the following:


Anger is gone

My mind is clear

Where against me there was fear

I ask for justice here


Aridia, Queen of Witches

I ask of you to show ________________

The error of his/her/their ways


Give to him/her/them punishment three times three

For violation of the Rede

Three times three

A curse upon thee

For casting against me


Repeat the last verse three times


About fifteen minutes after I completed the spell and released the energy.  The Witch who cast against me appeared at my door.  She apologized profusely and said that the Lord and the Lady said that she should do it to protect herself from me.  I don’t understand why because I barely knew her and never ever thought of doing anything to her

She apparently didn’t learn her lesson because she kept casting against other people.  Two of the Witches she cast against wound up in the mental ward of the local hospital.  The other one did a similar ritual to mine and is okay to this day, as far as I know.

We would bring this up to the other Witches we circled with and they just kept saying that the Lord and the Lady would take care of it and that we should do nothing.

I have never had a migraine headache in my life until one night this same witch showed up at our meeting.  Things were going great until while I was sitting at the computer, she came up and touched the back of my head.  I didn’t think much of it at the time but about 20 minutes later I started to get a headache.  I attempted to ground and re-center.  Twenty minutes later I still felt bad and the headache was starting to get worse.  I took some aspirin.  I took some more medicine about an hour later.  Nothing was working to remove the headache and to the pain was getting stronger and stronger.  One hour later, I could not stand up.  I couldn’t see straight.  It hurt to lie down.  I was miserable. 

One witch came in and saw me, and started to draw off the negative energy.  Without a word from me, she hit the exact spot of my pain and began draining it away.  After about ten minutes or so the pain was only slightly lessened but as soon as my friend quit the pain came back full force and with a vengeance. 

Another friend came to my aid with some migraine medication and a hot shower.  I put a circle up in the bathroom.  As I sat in the shower feeling the water course over my body, I began to be able to focus on the pain.  I then opened my chakras and used many different colors to help drive the pain away.  Within twenty minutes, I was back to my cheerful self.  I then asked the other Witches what we were going to do about this person.  Everyone agreed that something needed to be done but many of them didn’t know what to do.  This is unacceptable to me that a group of like minded people couldn’t decide what to do in order to protect himself or herself from someone doing negative things to them.  If any of the other Witches did anything or not, I do not know.  Many of the people that I circle with adhere to the fourth rule of the magus, “Know when to be silent.”

I, on the other hand, did cast a spell on the dark of the moon and it is great because it puts everything all on the person it is centered on.  This spell is simple and goes like this:



Something personal from the recipient

(In this case, she had left a brush and a rose quartz stone at my place)

A small box to place the object in

Salt and Pepper

Paper and writing tool

1 black candle


Cast your circle.  Design a sigil appropriate to the situation and inscribe it onto the paper.  Wrap the paper around the item and place in the box.  Place pepper and salt in the box.  Inscribe the persons’ name in the candle along with any appropriate runes or the sigil you designed.  Then light the candle and allow the candle to drip a liquid base in the box.  Then place the candle in the hot wax until it will stand on its’ own.  Then focus your energy on the person who is doing so much harm. As the candle burns the wax should fill the box up.  As the wax is filling the box chant:


You are causing harm where there should be none,

With love in my heart it saddens me to do

I place this curse on you

No spell, no magick, no energy

You shall do

Until you first learn to love you


From this moment forth

All your works are bound

Spells of love and

Spells of hate

Shall bounce back at you

Three times three

So mote it be


Visualize your sigil around the person so that no matter where they turn the sigil is there in front of them blocking what they want to do.  When the box is filled with wax and covering the items in the box.  Seal the box and take it outside and bury it.  After that, don’t worry about it.

As I said before, I don’t know what the others did, but I do know that the person who was casting against everybody has stopped.  She has gotten divorced and has found a new love in her life.  She seems a lot happier now.  Perhaps, she has learned to love herself.  I hope so.

Some people will question the ethics of my actions.  Did I violate the Rede during these times?  Maybe I did and maybe I didn’t.  I tried very hard to construct my spells in such a way as to get something positive from it.  The Lady and the Lord will take care of matters but that does not mean that we must stand idly by and let someone consistently bring us down.  I stand by my decision.  Did I infringe upon her free will?  Maybe, but in this case the ends justified the means.


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