The Mind Whammy

  By Steven Clements


When a friend and I first started talking about the “mind whammy” it was mainly in fun and jest.  We had been practicing influencing the stoplights for sometime.  I will also admit that she is a lot better at it then I am, but I continue to practice and get better and better.  Our subjects turned from one topic to another and we had just seen Star Wars: The Phantom Menace recently.  We were laughing and joking about what if we could do the little mind trick that is shown in the movies.  As a matter of fact, we were laughing too hard about some of the suggestions.

            When she looked at me and said, “Why, not?”  She was serious, and suddenly I found myself the same way.  We discussed the positive and negative aspects of “the whammy”.  I would like to share them with you before we go on to explain “the whammy”.  Also understand that this is a work in progress.  I know of no other Witches at this time that are experimenting with this.    

The positive aspects: 

1.      It is quick and easy. 

2.      It will get you what you need at the moment, no more no less. 

3.      It can be fun to use.

The negative aspects:

1.      You can violate the Rede very quickly.

2.      It only works in a few situations.

3.      The person to receive the whammy must not be thinking too clearly.

4.      It will not help you break the law.

5.      It most likely will not help you get a date either.


At the time of this writing, I am currently in the United States military and stationed overseas.  Mainly local nationals man the gates that provide access into the military bases.  Many of them can speak English but only at a moderate level.  I would say about a seventh or eighth grade level.  After 10:00 PM at night, they are supposed to check everybody coming in to verify if they actually have authority to come in to the bases.  Some friends and I were out one night and one of them forgot their identification card.  This can be a real hassle when you get an uptight gate guard.  I decided to use the mind whammy.  I sent the thought or suggestion to the guard to allow us to pass without stopping us.  There were three cars in front of us and one behind us.  Each car in front of us was ritually checked.  I kept sending the message to the guard.  When it became our turn, he waved us right through the gate and then stopped the next car.  I was stunned to say the least.

Since then, I have experimented with it to find out the limits.  I have found that a person focused on what they are doing is not very susceptible to “the whammy”.  No, you don’t need to wave your hand like the movies, that actually draws attention.  You can’t make someone bark like a dog or do anything that they wouldn’t ordinarily do.  Don’t try it.  I have been able to get people to believe that they are hot when the temperature is 68 degrees.  I have been able to have people get up and offer me something to drink by mentally suggesting that they were thirsty and since they are maybe I would like something.  So you can see how this works.  I would also like to point out that this works better on men than women.  Women seem to have a natural resistance to “the whammy”.  So guys, if you were thinking of trying to use “the whammy” on a woman to get your way, think again.  I wouldn’t try it.  The same goes for the women; we may be more susceptible but when we are focused, it won’t work.  All of my experiments have been harmless in nature.  I am still working on some issues with this and the Rede.  I also am looking for volunteers that I can practice with and on.  I am still experimenting with this and a defense to it and I will expand this area as my knowledge increases.


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