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The Conquerors ~ RMS ~ City on the Lake

Author's Description:

Made by Matei (website:
This is Version 1.1 (fixed some small bugs)

You are in the lush rainforest around Tenochitlan, the great Aztec City on the Lake. The jungle is rich in fruit, animals and wood, but
most of the gold and stone has been carried off by the Aztecs to the city. However, the city has long been abandoned and its treasures are ready to take. Unfortunately, your enemies know this and want them for themselves. Who will claim the ancient City on the Lake?

- dense rainforest with gaps in it that may contain berries
- you start in a clearing near the shore of the lake which contains berries, turkeys, and small gold and stone piles; a road connects you to your allies.
- the lake contains one large and several small islands where the city used to be; on these islands, there are relics and rich deposits of gold and stone
- there are random amounts of shallows connecting the city's islands to eachother and to the shore; sometimes there are a lot of extra shallows making defense with walls near to impossible, other times it's just a matter of walling off; in any case, the islands are hard to defend because they're pretty small, crowded and susceptible to naval attacks; controlling the islands is a matter of life or death, though, because there is very little gold in the jungle, most of it is on the islands.
- sometimes, you start with extra things other than a town center, scout and villagers; these may include:
  - a dock
  - extra vilagers (try being Chinese with this!)
  - 2 houses
  - a second town center (completely changes your strategy!)
  - 2 woad raiders (for rushing)
  - 2 longboats (for shore raiding)
  - a battering ram (for repelling flushes)
  - an extra scout
  - in Regicide, you don't get 7 extra villagers and a castle, you only get a king and a keep; this makes regicide games more fun and gives you the option of killing the enemy king early in the game.
- LOTS of eye-candy: flowers, birds, lily pads, Aztec ruins and sculptures, and much, much more. Enjoy the scenery while destroying your enemy!

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