Well known
illustrator Jimmie Frise was best known for his cartoon illustrations
that accompanied Gregory Clark's stories in the now defunct Star Weekly
Magazine . His signature appears as " Frise for Supertest " and the scenes
are usually based on the village of Seagrave, Ontario where he grew
up . Jim also did many British American ads and also Bordens
Milk . A trip to
the Scugog Shores Museum will afford you the opportunity
to see his work on display . The museum , just east of Port
Perry , Ontario, is located in the same school house that Jim attended. Here are a few
of the Supertest Petroleum illustrations which were used in road
maps, newspaper and magazine advertising , as well as book covers .
---- With thanks to
Bill Blair and the Garage Door News ,
official publication of the Canadian Service Station Memorabilia Assoc.
1940 Supertest map with illustration by Jimmie