Good Morrow, Happy Paganfolk

words by William Baldwin

<bgsound SRC="../YuleMIDI/godRestYe.mid" loop=4>
Tune:  "God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen"

Good morrow, happy paganfolk,
On this great day of Yule.
And may ye brightly celebrate
And sing and dance and fool.
And deeply drain the wine of life
From Heaven's glistening pool.


O partake of the ecstasy and joy,
Laughter and joy,
O partake of the ecstasy and joy.

The good and gracious Lady,
Her only law is love,
To cherish every living thing
Below us and above,
She reigneth as She did of old
The Queen of Heaven above.


The great and mighty Horned One
Whose trident some do see,
Destroys and builds the world anew
From Birth and Death and Thee!
He leads us through illusion
To the everliving tree.


Now may the GODS and GODDESSES
Bestow on us the grace,
To ever walk in balance with
The Spirits of the place.
And lead us all to Paradise
To greet them face to face.


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