Sailor Neptune

Sailor Neptune's name is Kaioh Michiru or "Complete Ocean Ruler". Michiru was born on March 6, making her a Pisces. She appeared in SailorMoonS and was 16. Her mission, along with Sailor Uranus, was collect the pure heart crystals with the talimans in them. The two thought this meant that they had to kill three people(there are three talismans) to make the Holy Grail, to save the world.

Michiru is extremely rich, and acts like it. She's even a little bit snobby, but other than that she's the soul of elegancy and sophistication. Michiru is a violinist and a painter. Some of her artwork hangs in museums. She played the violin in concert several times.

Her Love Story

The first time she met Ten'oh Haruka, Michiru recognizes her as SailorUranus. Then, later, Michiru accidently (nothing's accidental in destiny) ran into Haruka on an expensive cruise ship. Michiru, who knew Haruka's destiny, told her to accept it. Haruka didn't want to be a hero, she just wanted to race. Michiru told her that all she wanted to do was play violin.

Haruka went into her garage one day and there was a daimon and then SailorNeptune appeared. Neptune fought against the daimon and won but was hurt. SailorNeptune told her not to take the henshin pen, it would ruin her life. That was when Haruka accepted her destiny and took her transformation pen.

They became nearly inseparable, and while neither of them had any feelings other than friendship for each other, that friendship grew into love.

In their relationship, Michiru is the one who makes more decisions. Most people would normally think that Haruka is the controller, decides what they should do, but most often Michiru does that stuff.

Michiru has the first talisman, and to get it, she nearly died. Actually, for a short time everyone thought she was dead, but SailorPluto gave the heart crystals back to Uranus and Neptune. Michiru hates the Starlights, because she thinks of them as intruders to the Galaxy, but not as much as Uranus. For a time in Stars, Neptune was on the side of Chaos/Galaxia, but later both she and Uranus turn around and blast Galaxia with the weapons that she gave them. Galaxia then kills them. After the fight with Chaos, everyone was reborn.

