
Sailor Uranus's name is Ten'oh Haruka, which means "Distant Heaven ruler", and was born on January 27. She shows up with SailorNeptune in SailorMoonS. The other the inner Sailors didn't really like them because of the mission that SailorUranus and Neptune had. They had to collect the three pure hearts, the talismans. This, they believed, meant that they had to kill three people. This was considered evil by the inners.

Haruka was extremely rich, owning 3 cars, a motorcycle, and a helicopter, which she can fly. She loves racing, both cars and running. She's an F1 racing champ. Haruka also likes flirting with pretty girls and playing the piano, both of which she does well.

Although the Sailors dislike Uranus and Neptune as Sailors, it's a totally different story when in normal life. All five of the Sailors had crushes on Haruka, and they all looked up to Michiru(SailorNeptune). Most of them wanted to be like Michiru.

Haruka had been having weird dreams about the end of the world, the Silence, and she also saw this girl that had blue-green, wavy hair(Michiru). Haruka met Michiru one day at a race that Haruka had won. Later, Haruka went on an expensive cruise. She was surprised when she found out that Michiru was on the ship too. Michiru told Haruka that she had to accept her destiny. Haruka said all she wanted to do was race and Michiru said all she wanted to do was play violin, but destiny was destiny.

Haruka entered her garage and a daimon was there. It attacked Haruka and Michiru appeared as SailorNeptune and fought against it. Sailor Neptune won the fight but had gotten hurt. Uranus's henshin stick appeared and Neptune said not take it, it would ruin her likfe. Haruka cradled her in her arms and then accepted her destiny. In time, Haruka began to love Michiru.

Eudial, one of the witches 5, called Haruka and said she knew where the talismans were. Haruka then called Usagi and told her to meet her at an aquarium. They met and Haruka took her transformation brooch. Then SailorUranus and Neptune went to Eudial. She said that they had two of them inside themselves. Since Eudail was also trying to get them, she started shooting Neptune, who also took a shot meant for Uranus. When Neptune "died" her talisman, known as the Deep Aqua Mirror, appeared. Then she killed herself, taking out the second one, the Space Sword. SailorPluto came and said that the people who had pure hearts in them could live after the talismans were extracted. She proved this by showing them the Garnet Orb, the third talisman.

Sailor Saturn had then defeated Mistress 9 and took her Silence Glaive and destroyed the world. Everyone was then reborn on another world where SailorSaturn was a baby. SailorUranus and Neptune and Pluto then took care of her. SailorSaturn(later) gave all the Sailor Senshi their Super forms.

In the last season, Uranus and Neptune turned evil, and had started working for Galaxia. After Galaxia had killed all the Senshi, Uranus and Neptune then turned around and blasted Galaxia with her own weapons. Although Galaxia was mostly immune to her own weapons, it did considerably weaken her. Galaxia took off the life-bracelets that Uranus and Neptune had on and they died and faded away.

Sailor Moon then destroyed evil Galaxia. Everybody then comes back to life.
