Sailor/Princess Kakyuu

Princess Kakyuu looking at Starfighter

Anime: The beautiful princess of the Sailor Starlights, Kakyuu(fireball). Kakyuu-hime is a princess from the planet Kinmoku, her guardians are the Sailor Starlights(Seiya! Seiya!). She came to earth to escape from Sailor Galaxia, who destroyed her home planet.

Manga: As Princess Kakyuu, she is the same as the anime. In the manga though, she is also Sailor Kakyuu. Her henshin call is"Kinmoku Star Power Make Up!". She has two attacks, Starlights Royal Straight Flush and Kinmoku Fusion Tempest!. They are flowers and cards.(impressive, eh?)
She dies when Sailor Galaxia takes her star seed.
Sailor and Princess Kakyuu
Sailor and Princess Kakyuu

Kakyuu looking weird
A weird looking Princess Kakyuu