Eternal Insanity 5/?

Eternal Insanity 5/?


Disclaimer: Marvel owns most of it, with the exception of V.S.M. and Thierry.

CRIM§ON'S Complaints: As far as Marvel continuity goes, this story, I suppose, exists pretty much out of the time stream. Apart from a few issues which were bought for me as presents from a sympathetic friend, (Thank you Sarah!) I have about two issues in my collection since 350. Let me explain. There used to be about three comic book stores where I live, but they all ended up stealing each other's business, until slowly, one by one, they all went out of business. So I figure, "Okay, I'm fine. I can handle getting my books from Walmart. So what if they're a little beat up, the story's still there, right?" Well, yeah, that was just great, until Walmart decided not to carry Comics anymore. So okay, fine. I'm undaunted. I'll just get them from the Super Store. What does the Super Store decide, but not to carry comics anymore. The local drug stores and little corner stores don't sell them. All I'm left with now is Needs, and recently, Needs haven't had any tittles that I read (Which is pathetic considering I read about ten different tittles between Marvel and Image!). So what am I left with? I get to take an hour long bus ride every week, which ends up costing me about a buck fifty five extra, try to find my way around a city I don't really know, hope that they still have the book I want, pay anywhere between three and six dollars for one book, try to find my way back to the bus so that I can pay another buck fifty five, and enjoy another hour long trip home.

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is: I have no idea what the Psi Wars are, so they don't exist in this little world. Also, as long as we're omitting things, let's just forget about that whole OZT thing, therefore the mansion's in one piece, and Scott and Jean never left, although Marrow and Reyes are there, as is Joseph. I may come up with why in the future, I may not, It doesn't really matter anyway because, if I'm correct that's what the point of the fiction in Fan Fiction is! Anyways, enjoy!

July 23, 1998

Eternal Insanity 5/?

Cyclops sat alone in the War Room, cordless in hand, deliberating over what had happened, and what to do about it. He came to the conclusion that he was annoyed. He hadn't been in Antarctica for Gambit's Trial but he was sure he didn't like what was happening because of it.

Remy had been a wild card as long as he had been a member of the X- Men. He had been lawless and arrogant and down right irritating, but the one thing that Gambit had never struck him as was a traitor. That word never crossed his mind in connection with Gambit, even with Bishop's insistence.

Loyal was a good word. After seeing him in the lower catacombs of New Orleans, holding his wife in his arms as she died, and then standing up and fighting for the safety of his family, relentlessly.

But traitor was the word which they labelled him, and that was only one of the words which stuck out in Cyclops's head for the past two weeks. The others flashed in his mind, and as they did, his mind automatically reversed them.

Ruthless. That was another one going around about him. But to Scott, that just didn't seem right. Gambit had always seemed to have a second nature about him that made him feel for other people. Sure he hid it with his false bravado, but underneath that laid a deeper sense, almost empathic in nature, that allowed him to feel the pain of those around him, and as Gambit had noted this pain, he seemed almost to reach out to those hurt, and try to help them. Cyclops marvelled at the amount of brooding this man did. When he felt all that love for humanity, how could he feel so much hate for himself?

Of course there was always that old chemistry law. He couldn't remember the name of it exactly, but he did remember what it was about. The law stated that if energy was put into something, it had to have been taken from something. For example, an unlit match had what was know as Potental energy. That is, there was energy within the match that had the potential to be more, but for the moment was content to remain the way it was.

If potential energy was struck with Kenetic energy, the molecules would begin to move, creating different results, for example the lighting of a match. The tip of the match, and the back of the match pack used to light it, possessed potential energy. The friction between the two was constructed of kinetic energy. As the match passed, the charge in the friction was traded off for the potential energy in the match tip. An equal exchange. Potential and Kinetic energies trade places exactly. The same amount in as out. Somewhere deep inside, the analytical side of him wondered where Gambit's charge was stored within him, but that wasn't the point of his train of thought.

A theory based upon this law stated the same things about emotions. For every person in the world who was happy, there was an exact number of people who were equally as unhappy. Scott wondered if Gambit sacrificed his own pleasure to help those in need, and more to the point, he wondered if Gambit even realized it.

The third word that the others had been saying about Gambit came to mind. Mercenary. A money-grubbing soldier of fortune, that had killed for the mere promise of money. Nothing could be farther from the truth for Remy.

Hero. No better way to put it. Cyclops remembered the Professor's exact words. He had looked at Gambit and asked "How many times must the scoundrel prove himself a hero, before he believes it himself?"

If someone could possibly say that Cyclops, leader of the Uncanny X- Men, was a poor judge of character, then that would be their opinion. But the World's foremost telepath did not just go around, making false assessments of people.

With that final thought, Scott dialled and put the phone to his ear. He had to find the truth. If anyone on Earth could help him now, it would be this man.

Gambit's mind was spinning as he searched for Scott in his memories. Where had he met this man before? He couldn't remember. But if they had never met, then how did they know each other's name? He just had a feeling that he knew this man, but he didn't know why.

His head ached from the effort of searching, and so he decided to try a different approach. Climbing out of bed, he made his way to one of Sinister's main computer labs.

It was six minutes to four in the morning, and he was pretty sure that everyone would either be asleep, out on a mission or helping Sinister in his lab. Any one of the above things would keep the rest of the Marauders out of his hair while he checked a few files.

Gambit sat down in front of a terminal, wincing at the pain in his right thigh. Sinister had managed to remove the bullet, and there was no permanent damage, but still it hurt, one does not forget being shot overnight after all.

"Computer, admit access. Subject: Gambit. Voice check and password: Twenty four eighty seven."

Subject Gambit. Password two four eight seven, confirmed. Welcome Remy. The mechanical voice of the computer systems came. What do you require?

Gambit sighed. What did he require? He had the face in his mind, and the name on the tip of his tongue, but he wanted to find this person and ask him a few questions. "Search query, name: Scott"

There a are currently three million six hundred eighty two thousand nine hundred and twelve people with the first name Scott in this data base. There are five million eight hundred ninety three thousand one hundred and thirty three people with the last name Scott.

"Let's narrow the search a little. Computer, access only files where the subject is a male, english speaking, North American. Give approximate number."

There are approximately one hundred eighty seven thousand subjects within search perimeters.

"Try Caucasian with red or brown hair, between six foot three and six foot six, and between the ages of twenty and twenty five."

There are one thousand two hundred ninety two subjects within search perimeters.

Gambit frowned. "Try... " He was at a loss, and then something hit him, or rather, it had hit Creed. "Try mutant subjects."

Twenty eight.

"With the power to create energy blasts from their heads?"

Two subjects found.

"On screen."

The screen in front of Gambit split down the middle, as the two subjects came up in front of him. The first was Richard Scott, a lawyer from Flin Flon, Manitoba, Canada. The second was Scott Summers, unemployed, from NYC.

"Computer, dossier for Scott Summers," Gambit stated in excitement.


Subject: Scott Summers
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Age: Twenty four
Height: 6'5"
Nationality: American
Code Name: Cyclops

"Computer hold."


"Current location?"

Searching. Westchester, New York. Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, home of the X- Men.

"X- Men?"

The X- Men are a group of mutants dedicated to the co existence of mutants and ordinary humans. Other causes include: Protecting both mutant and human kind, offering a school where mutants can learn to use their powers and researching a cure for the Legacy Virus.

"Profile the X- Men," Gambit queried.

Profile contents?

"Names, code names and powers of members, as well as anything which would be useful to know if in battle with or against them."

Compiling information. Complete.

X- Men.

Founder/ Leader:
Professor Charles Francas Xavier. Power: Telepathy.

Field Commander:
Scott "Cyclops" Summers. Power: Optic Blasts. Powers can not be controlled without an optic visor.

Field Commander:
Ororo "Storm" Monroe. Power: Ability to control and create the weather. Acute Claustrophobia.

Jean "Phoenix" Grey Summers. Power: Telepathy and Telekinesis. Once possessed by the entity known as the Phoenix.

Doctor Henry "Beast" MaCoy. Power: Increased metabolic physiology, and superior intellect.

Warren "Angel" Worthington III. Power: Physical mutation giving him feathered wings.

Elizabeth "Psylocke" Braddock. Power: Telepathy focused into a psychic knife, which extends out of the tip of her hand. Experience with the Crimson Dawn left her with heightened telepathic senses, and new abilities, such as teleportation. Trained Ninja.

Robert "Iceman" Drake. Power: Manipulation of frozen water molecules.

Logan "Wolverine" Machiera. Power: Heightened senses and healing factor. Three retractable bone claws on each hand. Experimented upon by the Canadian Government. Possesses multiple false memories. Age: 83 years.

Solange "Rogue" Macross. Power: Ability to absorb another's powers, memories and persona, temporarily or permanently through skin to skin. Permanently absorbed the powers of Carol "Ms. Marvel" Danvers: Near invounerabulity, flight and a deepened seventh sense.

"Computer hold on current subject. On screen."

The image came up on the monitor in front of Gambit, and he sucked in a deep breath. Sinister's words about his 'Contact with Rogue' passed through his mind momentarily, but only momentarily. There was another memory of this woman which sparked inside him.

Her image, more beautiful then the stars in an Arizona sky, more breath taking then the snow on the peaks of the Rockies in Colorado, more intense splendour then a sun rise over a Mississippi bayou... Or rather a Louisiana one...

Rogue... Ma Belle amour... His eyes glistened over with tears and he reached out to the screen and brushed her face with the tips of his fingers. He remembered how he had hurt her, and how much she hated him, but more then that, he felt how much he loved her, and how much it hurt now to have lost her.

At least that's why he Thought he had felt the pain. Memories flooded over him, as he collapsed to the ground, clutching his head in severe pain. The flashes of faces he had seen before came back again, but this time, he remembered who they were, and what they had meant to his life.

Storm, first as a small child, then as a grown up, as his friend. The woman who had brought him to the X- Men, the only real family he had ever had.

Cyclops the man he strove to be perfect for. There was something between them, it wasn't really love, but it was close. It was a common trust that they would always be there when the other needed, and Gambit wished for all he was worth that he was here to help him now.

Lean Luc His father.

Henri, his brother.

In fear, Gambit tried to call out. The memories were coming to fast, and out of order, confusing and flooding him, and his mind was burning because of it. "Fa..." He squeaked out.

Professor Xavier the man who became his surrogate father, his leader, and his friend.

"Father," He managed to whisper.

His Beautiful Rogue.

Getting no response, he decided to try a different approach. Putting his hand to the floor, he charged it.

Bella Donna, his wife.

He heard a presence behind him coming up behind him. "Jesus Christ! Comm Room 6 to Med Lab 1. Sir, you better get down here, it's Gambit."

Jean... A telepath... Maybe she could help me...

I'm on my way.

Thierry... thierry... what ever happened to thierry...?

"father...?" He whispered.

"He's commin'. Just hang on." Came a voice from the door.

WOLVERINE Gambit opened his eyes and saw the glow all around him. Managing to concentrate, he pulled it back inside himself, so that his father would be able to reach him. Claire

The voice came closer, "What's happening to you?"

"Too fast... Can't understand... confusing... hurting... need help..." Gambit muttered. Marius "help..." He whispered in pain.

HankMaCoyAlexandriaLapinSarahJullianGeneviveNickFuryGreyCrowTanteMattieWarrenCali sto...

Strong arms moved around Gambit, as visions flashed in his mind's eye, taunting, hurting and confusing him. He felt himself being lifted from the floor and carried away, but he didn't care anymore, he just wanted it all to stop.

His mind drifted to his birth mother and held on her image, just as oblivion hit.

Scott had been on the phone all night trying to track down the one person he believed might hold some answers. When he had finally found him, he found that 'It couldn't be discussed over the phone.' But someone would be sent to discuss it.

It was almost five in the morning by the time he returned to the infirmary. Hank had left him there, believing that since this was Cyclops, he would stay put. That was his first mistake. His second was not coming to check up on him.

Scott didn't blame him though. The information they had lost earlier was very important to Hank's research. In fact, one of his fellow scientists were very close to discovering a cure. Now that information was destroyed. Viruses in the computers, and hard copies destroyed. Hank was doing everything in his power to solve the virus, but was not being very successful.

Cyclops took a deep breath, immediately regretting his decision to do so, as his wounds on the tissue around his ribs were immediately pulled.

He didn't resent Gambit for firing upon him. Gambit was afraid and confused, and Cyclops had just fired upon the only person that he felt he could trust.

He also didn't regret firing upon Creed. Just because he was the leader of the team, that didn't mean he wasn't allowed to want revenge, and at that moment, Creed was the closest he could get to Sinister.

Cyclops wondered about Sinister, and why he would do such a thing to Gambit. Erasing his loyalties was one thing, but he had actually erased Gambit's memories. His hopes and dreams. Everything he was, and everything he had ever felt was gone, and that made Cyclops more angry then he had ever been in his entire life.

He had seen villains kill before, and that had repulsed, and angered him. But Sinister hadn't just taken Gambit's life, he had taken his soul. The anger inside Scott was so strong that he found he could not sleep, despite the late hour. But not wanting to be too tired the next day, or rather later that day, he decided to try anyway.

At 6:30, he finally managed to get to sleep. As he drifted off, the only thing on his mind, was getting some answers.

I have a few things to say.

One: I don't like Cyclops. I never did like Cyclops. I am, however, sick and tired of all those Gambit hates Cyclops, Cyclops hates Gambit stories which are quite unjustified, and usually slanderous.

Two: I am by NO means a Chemistry expert, so whatever I said, although I'm pretty sure is correct, may be slightly off. If anyone can think of the names of the law or the theory, could you please tell me, because it's driving me nuts!

Three: No, I am not a psycho path who knows the exact number of 'Scott's on the planet.

And Four: Go Here