I never realised converting text files to HTML were so darn time-consuming and all because I don't convert them (simple because I dunno how..). Anyway, I just found out that they were irritating after a certain e-mail from some other friend. Therefore I think I should really dedicate this part of the story to a very special and self-sacrificing friend who, upon not having enough time, had to convert the file to HTML while she was ill. A million thank yous Geraldine. I owe you one.
Gambit My Love
by Gamine

Chapter Five

Vadeline stepped out of the shower, a soft terry towel wrapped around her snugly. She fingered the luxurious cloth nervously. Walking briskly towards the wardrobe, she could not resist a glance at the full-length mirror.Despite the thickness of the towel that did not allow her to see herself properly, she could tell she had lost all of her puppy fat. She looked lean and fit now, not to mention incrediblely beautiful. The body of a full-grown woman, the desires of one, yet still a simple child at heart.

Swiftly putting on a pair of ragged blue jeans that had seen better days and a loose midnight blue shirt, she wondered if the dinner tonight would go well tonight. Afterall, Gambit was cooking tonight and she wasn't sure whether he might turn the kitchen into another Danger Room. for one thing, despite the period of three weeks that she had been here, Remy had never cooked once, though everyone was going around scaring her with horrific stories about Gambit's cooking.

Grinning at the image she conjured up of Gambit in an apron, she quickly brushed her long silky jet-black hair. It shone in the soft light of her room. Vadeline then swept her hair up and piled it on top of her head, securing it with a red hair clip.

Vadeline then bounced out of her room, slamming the door behind her.Afterall, she had promised Gambit to help him with the cooking and she wasn't the type of person to be late.

A strong whiff of spicy Cajun spices assaulted her senses as she turned around the corner to approach the kitchen. Screams and shouts were coming from the direction of the kitchen and she was sure Gambit was incensed, probably with some minor matter. Shaking her head and sighing deeply, Jean aka Phoenix pushed the swinging door to the kitchen open.

The smell of Cajun spices was overpowering and she choked, frantically fanning the air around her, trying to clear the sharp smell that was burning her senses. She coughed and glanced up.

Gambit and Gamine, looking alike in ragged jeans and loose shirts grinned up at her, Gambit holding a bowl of spices that she was sure was potent and Gamine slicing huge red peppers. The kitchen was in perfect order, utensils all shining brightly and Gambit smiled smugly at Jan upon seeing her suprised look at seeing the neat kitchen. Hot oil was bubbling in a pot on the stove and Gamine moved towards the pot. She held some battered red peppers in a bowl. Expertly, she swept the lot of them into the hot oil, hardly even disturbing the oil surface then turned to look at the other dozen or so pots and pans that were on the stove, each emitting a delicious fragrance of spices.

" Wat' be de matter Jeannie? Never be seein' a man cookin' b'fore? I won' be too surprised, Cyclops don' look like like he can even heat somet'ing up in the mircowave oven." Gambit chuckled lightly.

"Well Remy, do speak for yourself. You don't know how to use the mircowave oven either," Jean retorted, referring to the incident of the ruined oven they had found after hearing a loud explosion just two nights ago. Upon coming down to check, the X-men had found Gambit in his boxer shorts, looking guiltily at the sorry remains of the oven.

" Aw Jeannie, don' be bringin' dat up. Look who be talkin'. Y' be breakin' de stove an' all de pots and pans de other night after cookin' y' strawberry pie," Gambit glared at Jean, stirring the bowl of marinated meat he was holding so vigorously that some of the contents spilt onto the kitchen counter. Cursing, he wiped the stain up with a kitchen towel.

Gamine interrupted, "Oh stop it you two. You're behaving like kids. And you two still keep saying I'm childish."

Jean and Gambit's eyes widened in surprise.

"Remy, is it me or did she just call us childish?" Jean said in a mock growl, walking towards Gamine, Gambit just beside her. Gambit carefully put the bowl of meat that he had been marinating on the table. He turned and winked at Jean then turned back to grin evilly at Gamine.

"Oui she be doin' dat."

Both of them simultaneously lunged at Gamine. Gamine, remembering her training, relied on her quick reflexes and agility, catapulted neatly over their heads, landing just behind the two adults. Jean and Gambit went sprawling onto the floor.

Jean shook her head and sighed, turning to look at Gambit who was sprawled spread-eagled on the floor beside her.

"I think you trained her too well......."

"I won' bet on dat mon amie."

They lunged at her again. This time there was no escape.

Gambit held her closely. She could smell his cologue even over the strong overpowering smell of spices. Polo Sport, she decided almost stupidly. and of course cigarettes and Rogue's perfume that smelt like magnolias. She wriggled in his arms, trying to get out before Jean could lunge at her again. She could see Jean tensed up, ready to spring again. Suddenly the lights flickered briefly and went out. Darkness covered everything and she could not see Jean any more. Only the faint glow of the fire on the stove could be seen. She could only feel Gambit's body warmth behind her.

"Jeannie, de lights be gone. Y' wan' t' stop or we go on as normal?" Gambit's husky voice came from behind her head.

"Give up Gambit? And spoil our fun? No way!" Jean's voice came from Gamine's right.


Jean ignored Vadeline's pleas and mercilessly tickled her. Gamine squealed and tried to wriggle out of Gambit's grasp.

"Stop!! Hahahahahaha- No! Don- do that- hahahahaha, oh come on sto- !! I can't take it any more! hahaha! NOOOO- hehehehe! Gambit don't, Jean-!!"

Vadeline was laughing so hard and she couldn't stop. She was helpless in Gambit's grasp, unable to escape Jean's renewed assaults on her sides.

Suddenly, Gambit's grip loosened on her. Grabbing the chance, she jumped up. Gamine realised what had distracted Gambit. She smelt smoke and it was coming from the stove!!

Screams and yells could be heard coming from the kitchen.

Half an hour later, the X-team emerged from the kitchen as well as the adjoining kitchen, looking tired, dirty and sooty. Bishop said wryly," The next time you people intend to have a marshmallow toasting party, try not to do it in the kitchen." He then stomped off, leaving sooty footprints behind.

The X-men having smelt the smoke from their rooms after the lights had extinguished, had rushed to the kitchen to see what was happening. All they could see of the kitchen was hungry flames licking the doorway. Dark acrid smoke was billowing in huge clouds and they could hear yells and screams coming from behind the door.

Jean had attempted to use telekinesis to shield out the flames and smoke but she had inhaled too much smoke and collapsed. Gamine and Gambit had also been affected by the smoke but they had managed to remain conscious.

Gamine and Gambit had alternately shouted for help. It was lucky Logan, with his highly sensitive senses had smelt the smoke and heard the faint cries for help. He had gathered the other X-men on his way down and they had managed to put out the fire while Logan and Beast rushed in and carried them out of the way of the arms of the flames.

"Ohhhhh...." Jean moaned softly, her hand flying immediately to her head.

"Jean, are you all right?"

"I'm fine Hank. But I would like to go up to my room."

As Beast helped Jean out of the room, she turned around and glared at Gambit.

"This will be the last time I will cook with you in the kitchen." and swept out of the room.

Gambit turned to look at Gamine. They burst into laughter despite the chafing in their throats and tears ran down their cheeks. Finally, Gamine with great effort, controlled her laughter long enough to gasp out, "Jean's right. the next time we cook dinner, I'll cook."

Peals of laughter rang wildly through the house.

What will happen next in the next chapter of Gambit My Love??