Notes: I've decided I will follow some of the Marvel timeline (example with Gambit and Rogue kiss or something like that) but I won't follow all of it so you'll have to put up with her as I go jumping all over the place about this story :) This is for Choi Ying who kept bugging me while I was writing this story.
Gambit My Love
by Gamine

Chapter Six

Vadeline glared resolutely at the cyborg towering over her, its eyes glowing with a bluish-white light. Her hands flicked out like a flash of pink lightning, the wind billowing her hair freely out. Her aim was true.Five playing cards, shimmering with explosive kinetic energy flew out in a wide arc, each card taking off one limb of the cyborg with much fanfare. The force of the explosions threw the cyborg backwards and onto the ground.Leaping lightly onto it, Gamine extended her metal bo to its full height of four feet ten inches and swung it. It seemed like a harmless gentle graceful movement but it possessed a power no one could underestimate. It crashed into the joint between the cyborg's neck and head effortless. The cyborg's head danced as though in a death frenzy and rolled nosily onto the ground.

Sensing something behind her, she spun around, her long jet-black hair which was as light as gossamer fanned out in a semicircle. Faster than the eye could see, five more playing cards similar to the earlier ones flew out.The second cyborg never even saw it coming. It crumpled to the ground in a messy heap of metal parts. Currently for the moment and unassaulted, she turned to glance at Gambit.

Gambit was holding up quite well despite being surrounded by eight cyborgs in all four directions. Piles of rubble lay where the other more misfortunate cyborg had ended their usefulness. Gambit's own five feet 6 inches metal bo was fully telescoped. His carried even more finesse and power than hers. Humming softly with energy, the bo seemed to have a life of its own as it slammed forcefully into the right leg of one of the cyborgs. One of its vital limbs disabled, the cyborg collapsed onto the floor, sharing the fate of the others before it.

" Now you be makin' Gambit angry non?"

Lasers from all seven remaining cyborgs shot out simultaneously. Gambit surged into the air like on wings, avoiding the lasers easily and with great grace. The lasers slammed into the very ground he was standing on just seconds ago. Gambit landed, rolling out of their way into half standing, half crouching position, his bo held in front of him. Six cyborgs shot again in phrase. He ducked down immediately, searching his pockets for a fresh deck of cards. Suddenly, his spatial awareness tingled and he sensed another being behind him.

"Merde! Another cyborg!"

Gambit decided to take out the six cyborgs in front first. Before he could even take his cards out, the cyborg behind him exploded. A rain of sparks showered down. Looking beyond the six cyborgs in front of him, he saw Gamine standing there, a smug smile on her face. Three cyborgs turned their attention to Gamine. She tensed swiftly into a jumping position and pushed off into a flying kick, legs fully extended. She knocked one cyborg to the ground, grabbed a card and pushed it under its head. She hopped off nimbly and attacked the other two, without even giving a second glance to the fallen cyborg behind her. The sound of the explosion hardly affected her.

Just to make sure, she looked once in Gambit's direction. Two of his cyborgs were already down, electric circuits fizzling with blue sparks. She could see that he was just toying with his last cyborg, hopping around, easily ducking the lasers. Briefly, their eyes met.

Something just sparked in these windows of the soul and then faded out.

Both cyborgs exploded simultaneously as cards flew from both parties. Only crackling sounds of electricity could be heard over the deafening silence.Gambit and Vadeline stood silently, surrounded by piles of scrap metal, their trenchcoats billowing out gently. Their metal bos snapped back to their normal sizes.


The unsightly piles of rubble vanished into nothing as the room was reduced to what it once was-- nothing. The two X-men were left standing in an empty room now, its walls lined with metal. Gambit broke the stillness and flashed a mega-watt smile at Gamine before reaching into his pocket for a packet of cigarettes. He tapped the opening of the package lightly against the palm of his hand and with deft gloved fingers, removed one. He was about to light it in his usual way by sparking a little kinetic energy from one of his finders when the airlock hissed softly and the door opened. Cyclops stepped in, his blood red visor gleaming coldly in the harsh lights of the Danger Room. He glanced at the two X-men. They looked so similar, in brown trenchcoats and long hair, each glowing with an element of danger. Perhaps it was this element of danger that bonded the two of them together like teacher and student, father and daughter and maybe something else. He had seen something, though briefly from his place at the top of the Danger Room from the glass window. Brushing these thoughts aside, Cyclops placed himself in between the two of them, his back to Gamine and glared at Gambit.

A low intensity optic blast shot out from Cyclops' visor and knocked the unlit cigarette from Remy's hand. Remy looked unaffected, bent down easily and retrieved the disgraced cigarette that was miraculously unharmed and placed it in his mouth though he did not light it.

"Aw Cyclops, can' a man be smokin' in peace wit'out bein' disturbed?" Gambit drawled lazily, cigarette dangling carelessly from the corner of his mouth, a smirk on his face. He loved irritating Cyclops.

A frown creased Cyclops' face, darkening it slightly.

"Gambit you know full well this is a restricted non-smoking area. You're breaking the rules on purpose."

Gambit was about to retort back but thought better of it. Cyclops turned to look at Gamine who was making faces behind Cyclops at Gambit. She immediately relaxed her facial muscles and put on her most innocent and sweetest look. Behind Cyclops, Gambit shook his head in mock defeat, grinning in his easy way all the same.

"Vadeline, I must commend you on your excellent performance today. You have performed far better than we have expected." Cyclops' frown softened into a smile.

"Well, lotsa credit goes to Remy." Gamine smiled shyly, her natural female charm working its way on Cyclops. if you'll excuse us, Gambit and I have to take a shower."

Gambit swiftly lit his cigarette and turned around, grabbing Vadeline by the hand.

"Come Gamine, we be needin' a bath non? Au revoir Cyclops." Saying so, he defiantly blew a smoke ring at Cyclops before making an exit with Vadeline.

The airlock hissed again, and they stepped out together, each hiding a secret smile of satisfaction. Cyclops shook his head in despair.

To be continued in Gambit My love part seven