Commander Henry H Strong Jr.

You Are Not Forgotten

Name: Henry Hooker Strong, Jr.

Rank/Branch: O5/US Air Force

Date of Birth: 27 February 1933

Home City of Record: North Wales PA

Date of Loss: May 25, 1972

Country of Loss: North Vietnam

Loss Coordinates: 183700N 1054200E (WF733607)

Status (in 1973): Missing in Action

Category: 2

Aircraft/Vehicle/Ground: A4F

SOURCE: Compiled by Homecoming II Project 01 September 1990 from one or more of the following: raw data from U.S. Government agency sources, correspondence with POW/MIA families, published sources, interviews.

SYNOPSIS: When Douglas Aircraft created the A4 Skyhawk the intent was to provide the Navy and Marine Corps with an inexpensive, lightweight attack and ground support aircraft. The design emphasized low-speed control and stability during take-off and landing as well as strength enough for catapult launch and carrier landings. The plane was so compact that it did not need folding wings for aboardship storage and handling. In spite of its diminutive size, the A4 packed a devastating punch and performed well where speed and maneuverability were essential.

Commander Henry H. Strong, Jr. was a Skyhawk pilot who participated in a strike on a target near the city of Vinh on May 25, 1972. During this mission, Strong's aircraft was shot down by enemy fire and he was declared Missing in Action.

The Defense Intelligence Agency further expanded Strong's classification to include an enemy knowledge ranking of 2. Category 2 indicates "suspect knowledge" and includes personnel who were lost under conditions that they may reasonably be expected to be known by the enemy, or who were connected with an incident discussed in enemy news media; or who were identified (by elimination) through analysis of all-source intelligence.

When 591 Americans were released from POW camps in 1973, Henry Strong was not among them. The Vietnamese have denied any knowledge of him. Through the years his family has continually sought information about him. His two children, still very much a "military family" have found it frustrating and difficult to get answers to their questions.

Intelligence reports surfacing over the years during the war and following build a strong case for a well-organized second prison system, and a well orchestrated plan to keep prisoners within systems from intermingling. As it is widely believed that the Vietnamese withheld the release of many prisoners until peace agreement terms were met (specifically reconstruction aid), it is logical to assume that one prison system's inmates were released while another were held back for possible release at a later date. It is also logical to assume that the scenario might be played to its fullest, including convincing each man in a two man crew that had been separated, that the other was dead.

Whether Henry Strong survived to be captured is not known. But as reports continue to mount, the awful truth that we abandoned men to the enemy becomes more and more apparent. It's time we brought our men home.

Henry H. Strong, Jr. was promoted to the rank of Captain during the period he was maintained missing. I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to keep pushing this issue inside the Beltway... The need to get specific answers is more important now than ever before. If still alive, some MIAs are now in their 70s...They don't have much time left. We have to demand the answers from the bureaucrats and keep standing on their necks (figuratively speaking) until they get the message that THEY work for US and that we are serious about getting these long overdue responses. It is time for straight answers for a change.

Please take some time today and write the President, your Senators and your Congressman, and ask for a full accounting of the whereabouts of Henry Hooker Strong Jr. He still waits! He is not forgotten!

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