Route 66 Picture Index:
1. The historic start of Route 66, in downtown Chicago. (Postcard)
2. Postcard map
of the trip. (Postcard)
3. Renting our
trusty steed in Chicago. About to start the journey.
4. She, in the Route 66 Hall of Fame at the Dixie Truckers Home in McLean, Illinois.
5. We love this picture. We wanted to get to a certain point by the end of the day, so this
is St. Louis,
Missouri as viewed from a car going really fast.
6. The Route 66,
Missouri sign, taken in a pretty town whose name we don't remember.
7. The Route 66,
Kansas sign, with directions to Joplin, Missouri.
8. He sitting in front of store inGalena, Kansas. I
thought the car was part of the Route 66 theme there, and then some guy walked around the
corner and drove off in it.
9. A piece of the original
road in Kansas.
10. Painting of Will
Rogers at the Will Rogers Memorial in Claremore, Oklahoma. (PC)
11. He, at the Will
Rogers Memorial in Claremore, Oklahoma.
12. Excellent
water slide! Near Oklahoma City.
13. God
bless giant chickens and used car dealers!
14. The Texas sky
was pretty amazing.
15. McClain, Texas
gas station. (PC)
16. "Cadillac
Ranch" near Amarillo, Texas. (PC)
17. Texas picnic
18. Landergin, TX
19. Midpoint sign
near Adrian, Texas.
20. The Bent Door Cafe. Adrian, Texas.
21. A nice one of the Route
66, New Mexico sign.
22. Beautiful downtown
Albuquerque, New Mexico. It's not as clear as we hoped, but you can sort of see the
Route 66 signs high on the posts. Route 66 was actually Central Ave., the main road
through town.
23. Route 66 Diner
in Albuquerque, New Mexico. (PC)
24. The Rio Grande
in Albuquerque was a bit less grande than expected.
25. The New Mexico
sky was also pretty amazing.
26. Sign announcing we were entering Arizona
went flying by.
27. Route 66
sign, Arizona.
28. Winona, Arizona
sign. From the book, Route 66: The Mother Road, by Michael Wallis.
29. Route 66 Museum
Club in Flagstaff, Arizona.
30. Arizona sunset.
31. On an original
stretch of Route 66 on the way to Oatman, Arizona.
32. Oatman, Arizona
33. More Oatman,
34. Finally, the sign announcing we were entering California!
35. The end of the road. Santa Monica,
California. From the book Route 66: The Mother Road, by Michael Wallis.
37. "The
Mother Road" (PC)