A few links for you to check out

My home away from home. You can usually find me here quite a bit.

Mac's page. Still under construction, but worth taking a look at.

The Sancuary of Fallon Sykes

A most excellent page of a most excellent friend.

Elfsea, a great chat much like the Inn. Common sense rules here, be sure to give 'em a look before headin in ^.^

Just go there, it's real neat!

The page of my total best friend in the world! Josh&Jen, aka Tenchi&Moonspell, some really cool pics of them, as well as some of Jen's wonderful artwork. ^.^

The Shapeshifter's Nightclub. A great FFRP place on IRC. Check it out!

Packed with info on the Nightburn family, with some beautiful pictures as well, not to mention some really good links.

A twisted page, the product of a twisted mind. . . I rather like it

Homepage of #Dragonsworn. You can find some fantastic digital newsletters
here. I recommend it highly.

Dark Ramoth.

Fern's Page

Aegis' Page.

Mystic's Page
Another dear friend, and a blacksmith of extraordinary skill. You can purchase practically anything at his shop.

Blademoor's Page
This page is brimming with some fantastic artwork! He may call his page humble, but his talent is not!

Red Raptor's Lair
A great place to check out. Some info about the Inn, some great links, and pics too.

Domain of the Devil's Angel
Come and learn all about T.H.E.M. and the conspiracies around us!Not to mention, have great fun!

Mirage's Page
Do you like SouthPark? Then go here!

The Meadow
Some interesting information about Centaurs

Thorin Falstaff's Home
A quiet place to kick back and relax.

The Grey Keep
The Grey Keep. Home of the Brotherhood of Twilight.

Iyana's Page
A litte bit of info on the (formerly)vamp (but still)mercenary, Iyana

A bit of info on LONEWOLF.

Skieweaver's Lair

Top 50 List
The top 50 worst reasons to pull an all-nighter

Adam vs. The Flaming Koosh of Doom
The sad thing is.. it's a true story

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