Strawberry pez is good if you drop them in a blueberry slushie, then let them disolve. It tastes kinda fuzzy. (Quadra15)
So seldom seen, Suddenly Susan seems silly ...oops, wait a minute...wrong game. Sorry. (Buuuubye)
Remember when you where a kid and you'd get new shoes and suddenly you just KNEW you could outrun, out jump, etc. every single kid out there??? That's the way I felt when I added memory to my computer... (Buuuubye)
What the hell does this have to do with anything? (PeterD84)
i want tokens, pleeaasee pleeaasee please give me tokens. i'll do anything for tokens. pleeaasee pleeaasee. i need tokens. (Spookie607)
Brothers and sisters, we all must understand that there is only one thing that can bring peace to earth forever and eternal happiness forever... CHEEEESSSSEEEEE! I'll get the NACHOS! Someone grab the Cheetos! Cheese is the thing that bring everyone together! Long live the CHEESE! (LIQUID101)
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba and stuff.... (Da King B)
And we all must remember, cheese is a great household tool! Look at how it melted my cat's fur off! No more cat hair around the house! Life couldn't get any better. Also, It's GREAT for scraping off excess mildew in the kitchen sink! (LIQUID101)
Know what? A salesman came to my door one day, trying to sell me some collective snot from famous people and I slugged him! He was in a coma for 3 weeks. Now no salesman will ever come to my house again! LET THAT BE A WARNING. (LIQUID101)
Rhetorical question - if you were a salesman and you saw a sign on a house that said "ALL SALESMEN WILL GET SLUGGED", would it stop you from knocking on the door?
called myself up on the phone, just to see if i was home, asked myself out on a date, gotta be ready at half past 8, i'm a nut, i'm a nut, i'm craaaaazy. Took myself to the picture show, sat myself in the very first row. Wrapped my arms around my waist, got too fresh and slapped my face. i'm a nut... (Shilorider)
In the middle of writing that song i realized it was annoying. Oh well. (Shilorider)
I wish Los Del Rio had realized that before they unleashed the Macarena on the world...
Do people who wear camoflage pants to, say, school, really think that they make them invisible? "Hey look everybody, i'm a floating torso!" (Shilorider)
Actual intstructions on a white out pen: never mind, i can't find it. it was funny though. (Shilorider)
Give me some tokens (please) (Shilorider)
My family has no underwear and we need the jolt cola boxers (Shilorider)
Why does madcat2 get an entire section of this game named after themself? (Shilorider)
Madcat paid the $50 it takes to get yourself honored in the Random Game Title for one day...(it's kind of like those name some star in the cosmos after your girlfriend/boyfriend/relative/cat/whomever for some fee - AOL has kind of extended it to the contests now to make money...)
OK OK I'm glad you printed my "Pubic Woman" thing but I'm really disappointed in you HOs. I thought that what I sent in was at least mindly amusing, at least more amusing than the crap that you usually print. So I want to see some action this time. Chop chop! Print this and I may forgive you...maybe.... (TBIRD79188)
That doesn't seem fair to me. you can't eat in class unless you have enough for everyone. that's a metaphor. not that i'm saying madcat eats in class. (Shilorider)
Now I'm going to say it one more time. I am severely starved for online attention and I am going to tell you once more that there is a desperate medical need that what I have written must be posted, or else Little Jimmy gets it. (TBIRD79188)
Crap, was i supposed to put my name on those? i'm Shilorider. the last few that you got w/out a name on them? well, those were from me. they started with that i'm a nut song. (Shilorider)
Buster Brown, he lives in a shoe, he's got a dog, and he lives there too. (Mr Onliner)
There is just one more thing I have to say. I just studied previous entries and I have determined that if I send in enough messages to make HO smoke and spark, you'll print them. Or maybe if I changed my name to MooGeneric..... (TBIRD79188)
Actually, I think that's what AOL is worried about - too MANY messages and the whole damn AOL server's gonna' smoke and spark, never to print anything again...
Did you realize when you named this place that the keyword would end up being HO? (Shilorider)
A guy in my art class last year fell out of a tree and onto a deer. ouch. (Shilorider)
A truly wise man will never play leapfrog with a unicorn (Shilorider)
If i'm not supposed to be putting my name on these i'm gonna feel pretty dumb. (Shilorider)
Don't worry, Shilo - you don't need to put your name on these entries ...some contraption in AOL assigns your name to your entry
Alright that's it. I got my "Pubic Woman" entry into Secret Identies and what did I get for it? NOTHING! NADA! ZIP! GOOSE EGG! You jerk offs ought to be ashamed of yerselfs...unless you just haven't posted my winnings yet in which case, ignore the previous jerk off statement. If you really didn't give me anything.........JERK OFFS! (TBIRD79188)
Last time I checked, they had just announced the Bill Clinton winners...From what I figure, they've still got quite a way to go before the Madonna entries are even considered (Steve Case still stands in the way)...
Hi, My name is shelly, and I am Ho-aholic. (SMAC48)
Did you ever wonder? (HempenSpun)
Do you remember the time President Bush threw up on a Japanese man. just making sure. (HempenSpun)
Whoa, for a moment, I thought you said President Bush THREW a Japanese man...LOL
anyone out there like to play Quarters? (PodrazaR)
How about a good game of Zoom, Schwartz, Perfigliano instead?
Today.......I consider myself..........a man....... ..taking up space on the Earth. (HempenSpun)
WANTED: Dead only Vanilla Ice. Reward: The gratitude of the entire world. (HempenSpun)
Here's another rhetorical question: If you HAD to spend time on a deserted island and you had to choose between Barney the Dinosaur or Vanilla Ice as your companion, who would you choose? (I have a feeling many would choose suicide, but who knows...)
I saw a picture on the wall of the hallway today. That is all. (HempenSpun)
You can write down anything and win (Lovethyme)
like me (Lovethyme)
or not. (Lovethyme)
I hug the TV. A lot. Is that wrong? (HempenSpun)
Nyaaahhh...I tend to hug the VCR a lot myself (well, that's because I can't get it to stop blinking, but that's another story...)
You say to-mA-to, and I say blow it out your ass. (HempenSpun)
Bite this Dahmer!!!!! (Guangzhou7)
Tell me friend, are you tired of wasting your precious time decorating for Christmas? Does the thought of dragging your weary butt through endless toystore isles filled with snot nosed kids make you want to puke?
Have you ever wanted to burn your spouses visiting holiday relative at the stake?
Maybe it's time for you to try... CHRISTMAS IN A CAN!
With Christmas in a can your holiday worries will evaporate like the ozone layer.
It's simple
It's Logical
It's Christmas in a can!
Just spray Christmas in a can in your house and laugh the next time you see the guy next door fall off his ladder with a plastic Santa not far behind.
Christmas in a can has it all.
With a one time payment of your living soul you get all the normal Christmas junk plus special added features like:
garanteed to keep off those Christmas pounds
Which will completely eliminate the words I and want from your childs vocabulary
garanteed to fry those howling trespassers
Tried of mother in law?
Chrismas in a can is completely toxic to all annoying relatives!
Chistmas in a can totally evaporates on DEC. 26
So if your sick of Christmas, try - CHRISTMAS IN A CAN
Hello!! (DS5531)
Why don't you send me a copy?!!! (Cogby)
Most of you people just can't understand being from drive 20 hours and are still in the same state. Yes, Alaska's bigger; but there's not 20 hours thawed out anywhere in that state. (Groovedog2)
Iced Tea....table wine of the south. (Groovedog2)
HUH (Rastanot)
Do you think getting someone a raw piece of meat with a knife stabbed in it would be too mean of a Christmas present? (CurlyAnnT)
Well, not really that mean, if you shiskabob some fruitcake along with the meat on that knife, that might cross the mean border
How do you say "Please put your damn clothes back on" in Spanish? (CivilWar49)
I don't need any lousy tokens....I'll just jump the turnstiles, thank-you (CivilWar49)
Can't wait to fumble through the boxes of AOL 2.5 disks we have as token prizes, huh?
So, I heard your dad is a chicken farmer by trade.....'I saw your dad the other day in your yard. He had his shirt off, he's a sweaty one. He was plucking the chickens feathers. Is your family weird or something?' (Glynis1002)
Is it just me or should all the entries for this be made when you're tired or messed up? (Glynis1002)
My friend one said 'the walrus is on fire put it out'. I said that's impossible'. He said 'I love you man'. THis is all right after he dragged me down some stairs by the ankle while some one atempted to drag me up them. My girlfriend was tickiling me too. this all sounds like random bs, but it's not, it really happened, it's just this too long? I'm really need some sleep.... (Glynis1002)
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Ship arriving to late to save a drowing witch. (COOLHW)
P.S. I tried to save this ASCII art - it didn't transfer too well when it was forwarded to me, so it may not be exactly as COOLHW had drawn it originally...
Q. What does a Naval ship, and 2-bit hooker after a night of working the streets have in common?
A. They both contain a lot of "Seamen" (semen) (COOLHW)
Beethoven is a magical eclair. (DuendeUna)