I never understood the arbitrariness of the random game. People work their hardest to be funny. I mean they try the best they can. Granted, some just aren't funny, but they are intended to be. Than everyday i see someone winning tokens and it's like, why does a fish deserve it?? I love that fish ( <*}}}}}}}<> ), don't get me worng, but there are like hundreds of other entries that just don't win. And some deserve to win. So what i'd like to know is, who died and made you king of funniness. You're no Richard Pryor, don't think you are cause you're not. You're no Willie Nelson either: he ain't funny, but at least he knows democracy. Democracy is what this game needs. Let the people vote for what deserves a token. Choose nominees, and let the randomers vote for the winner. Or even better, assign each entry a number and randomly pick a number to decide who wins. Anything would be more fair than what you have now. Wanna be a Karl Marx, a Stalin??? Of course you don't Mr. Boldletterman!!!!! In honor of FDR and the New Deal, let's vote for change. RANDOM CHANGE......Amen and merry christmas to all (Tocadisco)

I've put Toca's entry up front to clarify some seeming growing misconceptions over why I do what I do...

As was explained to me when they strapped me into the chair and said "Work, fool!", the Random Game is basically a blank slate where anything (within decency boundaries) can be entered in and anything can win something from HO...By far, a much of the stuff entered in here is funny, more than I can throw LOLs, ROFLs, and LMAOs at most of the time...But nevertheless, the Random Game is what it says it is - a game of stuff, whether it be funny, unfunny, or indifferent...

The entries which I write my bold comments under have attracted my attention and encouraged me to comment in some way. That's all, plain and simple. Because I DIDN'T write anything under your entry does not mean I didn't think it was funny; likewise, a comment on your entry is by no means an attempt to belittle the humor within said entry. I find it much more rewarding to laugh along WITH you and at myself and other deserving public targets rather than laughing AT you (In a burst of enthusiasm when I first started, I tried the latter approach the first entry batches and everyone seemed to raise their weapons in mass protest over that ...) Believe me, I have no delusions of me being a Richard Pryor or anything like that (people have compared me more with Richard Nixon, but that's beside the point)...

Because of the concept of the game (pretty much anything can win) and since I do realize I am not the king of comedy by any means, I have selected random themes to pick winners...However, do not think that I do not reward what I consider to be quality entries or persistence (or both) over the long haul...I generally select my winning entries themes to grab a few of those folks who have been either spending lots of their time sending entries to this game and/or submitting quality entries...The winners that fall into this category may have entries picked which are not be the most funny they have sent in, but they are representative of a long-term persistence and/or quality...

Two more minor matters - I have learned my lesson about deleting entries. When I did that the last time, I found it took more time to delete entries and edit than to edit the whole friggin' batch itself, simply because I realized that many folks have trains of thought extended over many entries stretched out over several pages - to randomly delete pages would screw up those trains and I'm sure would peeve those folks. My policy when I started doing this game has been to delete only duplicate entries or those entries which could be either considered highly offensive or laden with a large amount of profanity, and I will continue in that policy from now on...And as for the fish winning five tokens, I believe that some of those who are working above me (those who actually set up the Random Game area, place these entries in the proper area, etc.) have started giving tokens for random entries (I edit the entries, but I do not have the power to myself directly award tokens - they're much smarter than that), so if you think a fish shouldn't have won 5 tokens, by all means - blame them! ("It was their fault! It was theirs!")

Toca did bring up a couple of good suggestions (thank you, Toca, by the way) for picking Random winners. One was voting on it, but the main criteria for picking out finalists (humor, after all, is not necessary for winning the Random Game) would be at best vague. The other suggestion, a "numbering" of entries and a random selection from each batch, is something I could go for. This method would indeed befit the very notion of Random. Of course, there would be no guarantee that something humorous would be picked, and there is a chance that those who have worked hard may not get anything selected for a long time, but the selection process would be truly random...

Whaddya think? Should we go to a truly random picking process or should I keep picking winners the way I have been in the past? I welcome your input on this matter...Thanks for playing the Random Game, and now, let's kick away the soapbox and get on with the entries for today...

I skeletor, the evil red spirit of mischeif, demad you give me five tokens before I am forced to strip you of your skin and lock you in a fiery pit for all of eternity! Please?? (Mr Onliner)


Doctor, Doctor, reattach my goiter! (Mr Onliner)


sometimes i feel ive got to boom boom getaway ive got to beep beep runaway (Markie3097)






WH"Y" IS THE 4th OF JUL"Y". (PLal)


Why does Curly get tokens and not me? (BabyLamms)


I want tokens just as much as she does. (BabyLamms)


I have this thing for frogs you see. (BabyLamms)


I want to save up and get that really cool frog hat. (BabyLamms)


Please make my dream come true. (BabyLamms)
I think AOL's working on getting frog hats for prizes, BabyLamms... I'll keep you abreast of the situation


Hey BlueWaffle () () () () () () um, that's not quite it, is it. (BabyLamms)


i'm worthless (BabyLamms)


hey, will tokens get me a new car? (BabyLamms)
LOL, I wish...All those spare tokens I found in my drawer only got me 35 tickets at the Skee-Ball machine at the arcade yesterday


my car is broken and no one will fix it (BabyLamms)


everyone hates me (BabyLamms)
C'mon, BabyLamms...we don't hate you here at the Random Game


"This sucks" (Calvinbert)


You mean I could've gotten tokens for sending in a fish?!?!?! SH*T!! (Calvinbert)
To tell you the truth, if I'd known that too, I would've played the Random Game a long time ago...(It was them! They awarded 5 tokens for a FISH!)


"How to play The Random Game" (Calvinbert)


*IMPORTANT* (Calvinbert)


Tired of me yet? (Calvinbert)


*MORE IMPORTANT* (Calvinbert)


"Hey, I'm ratman." (Calvinbert)


Who comes up with those names like, "Randomness that Killed the Heckling Star?" (Calvinbert)


DO NOT type something in the box below. (Calvinbert)


la la la (Calvinbert)


I failed a test today (Calvinbert)


I do it to spite you, Goblin. I do it IN spite of you. (Lt RJ)


i am odd (Calvinbert)


chapstick (Calvinbert)


scotch tape (Calvinbert)


pencil sharpener (Calvinbert)


yup, I think I have my nouns down...time for verbs (Calvinbert)


I RAN to the movies (Calvinbert)


jump run hop talk skip fart send burp write read (Calvinbert)




I am Calvin, doodler on desks. Worship me, ignorant masses!! (Calvinbert)


What kind of game is this? You people need to get to work and stop jackin' off all day!!! NOW!! (Girl 62768)


da na na na na na na na BATMAN!! (Calvinbert)


I would really like to write one of those bold letter comments. (Tocadisco)


By the way, I have a patent on all binary code jokes, so i'm afraid i'm going to have to sue you, Mr. Boldletterwriter. You have to be pretty BOLD to write in binary. (Tocadisco)
LOL Toca...


Have you noticed the "copycat" trend going around? How, without fail, whatever won the tokens last time will predominate the entries this time? Watch, there'll be a bunch of typed images on the screen this time around. (Devian C)


the mindless workers of heckler's online:
{} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} { }{} { } { } {} {}
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
/\ /\ /\ /\ /\/\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\/\ /\ /\/\

Merry Christmas!!!!! (Tocadisco)


Pass the salad, conchita bonita (Tocadisco)


Whatever happened to the act of giving???
Give me a token, please (Tocadisco)


Just a little note. When you write for like 25 lines, people just don't read your entries, unless you are one of the big 7. (TroubWLW)


I see the Clam bake is over. Dammit. (TroubWLW)


It's always sad to see innosence dropped down into a trash compacter isn't it. (TroubWLW)


See, digital art sucks (TroubWLW)


Here are all the words I can think of that have the magic letters in them: sHOw HOly HOlly scHOol HOwl HOwler monkey HOpe HOld HOrn HOrny HOth (Star Wars--the second one, Empire Strikes Back) HOrrible HOp HOpeful HOrror HOt HOpping mad HOse HOe HOrse -- there, that ought to get me a token or two. (Tiger Spot)


* *
( ^ ) Guy after hit by a bomb
###### (Willy443)


I want to play (BPalakie)


Did you hear the one about the shape-shifter who was walking down the street and turned into a grocery store (PhroZak)


hgghh (RCcola2416)


(:()-I-< (SprklFresh)


no (Kree13)




987654321 (Forty9erss)


My name stands for the San Francisco FortyNiners. But some dork took Forty9ers so I became Forty9erss and thats how the story goes. (Forty9erss)


You know, if AOL allowed names that started with numbers, I'd want to be 49ers but someone would take that, so I'd probably have to pick the name IH8THECOWBOYSWITHAPASSION (Note: If you're a ho, and like the cowboys, please ignore this entry. (Forty9erss)
Don't worry there, Forty9erss - I don't care too much for the Cowboys either (if you are a Cowboy fan, by all means don't let this discourage you from sending in entries though...)


Yuck!! If you have ever dated a girl with peanut butter breath, you'll know what I'm talking about (Tocadisco)
I guess it would be okay to have a "Peter Pan" complex with her then...(okay, okay, it's a BAD joke, I admit it)


we ganked my friends jeep yesterday and went out driving. then i fell off of his skateboard (not while i was in the jeep, but later.) is that supposed to be some kind of cosmic payback? 'cause, um, i had a lot more fun, proportionally, driving the jeep, than i hurt when i fell off the skateboard. which is not to say my butt doesn't hurt. please, god, don't punish me again! i'm sorry, really. i'm lying through the pain... (Shilorider)


do you ever get those days where you really don't feel like yourself at all? i'm Don today, or so this bowling shirt from before i was born says. but, seriously, i didn't feel like shilo today. i wonder who i was.... (Shilorider)


oh, that's right, i was bob. wrong shirt. never listen to a shirt that says Don in cursive right above the pocket. (Shilorider)


we made vials of crack in science today. i don't think that was the point of the experiment, but we've always done things our own way. my friend is a crack queen. we'll give her a crown and she can rule the crack kingdom. all bow to the queen of crack. (Shilorider)


author's note...my friend is not really on crack, nor is she a queen. Ni! (Shilorider)


don't listen to magic clams, clean-up man! i loves ya!

give me tokens or i'm taking that back (Shilorider)
I think you should look at the last batch of Random winners, Shilo...I do recall seeing your name in there, if I'm not mistaken...