Ya know what, biochick1, I think you have a little too much free time on your hands..... (NJFoNiX96)


Be like my brother who licks himself when he is cold and licks himself when he is hot. (NJFoNiX96)


Ya know, if biochick ever turned against the world, would she be antibiochick? no too long...i just don't know (NJFoNiX96)


If E=MC squared means Energy equals mass times the speed of light squared, why the hell is the C in there??? (NJFoNiX96)


It isn't Cpeed, is it? (NJFoNiX96)


You know what I figure....half the people that know about hecklers online is because they wanted to get a HO at keyword HO. (NJFoNiX96)


Why is this called the random game? Is it actually at random, or do you just want us to think that? (NJFoNiX96)


I once carried out a conversation with myself in IM's for a good hour. what I don't get is why your name appears twice when you say something....oh well. (NJFoNiX96)


Did you know bulls are color blind and the color red has absolutely no significance? (NJFoNiX96)


Why the hell does the hecklers sign have one f***ed up eye? First of all, my head isn't sideways, and second of all, One of my eyes isn't drooping down..Please fix it!! (NJFoNiX96)


I wanna win (Laurenne14)


I'm gonna win (Laurenne14)


or maybe not (Laurenne14)


Darn, where'd the blank game go? I liked that, I could probably win at that. (Laurenne14)


If I send in enough entries, maybe I'll win. Either that or receive hate mail. (Laurenne14)


My head is killing me. I just took an Aleve. I know that my headache is from being on the computer too long but I'm addicted. Is there a pill for computer addiction? (BabyLamms)


I love Hecklers Online, don't you? It is my most visted place online. I LOVE YOU!!!! (BabyLamms)


Bob: Hello, my name is Bob and my legs itch because I don't think I shaved them properly.
ALL: HELLO, BOB (CyberCompy)


lifes imporntant questions: If I drank all of the water in the ocean, how long would I pee? What is forrest gumps real name? Is there a jungle gump? do aliens go on honeymoons? can you swing all of the way around the bar on a swing? if i wake up fast enough can i see mi eyelids? do the dallas cowboys cheerleaders have silicone implants? Did mister ed really talk? can you tie a penis in a knot? (LIBLO)


Ummm...when can I get my free hour?...I need to win something....I NEVER win anything;) (NCPitViper)


What the hell sort of game is this? I think that this AOL and Hecklers has gone out of it's mind. Here we are, derangged people saying anything to win a free hour. I do not even know how to draw an image except for a smily face and a rose so here you go. :) and @-------------}--------------. I really enjoyed doing this even though it is probably not what you were looking for. Nice to meet you- Wendy (Wendy60077)


God, I didn't win....AGAIN!!! But, like a fool, I keep sending in entries after entries, hoping that some day, I too will be in the circle of winners of the Random Game. Everynight I ask myself the same question..."Will I ever win?" That question haunts my mind, invades my dreams, interrupts my train of thought. I too, like many other non-winners, am a sheep, under the spell of this wicked, wicked game. (LeonardABC)


I (LeonardABC)


LOVE (LeonardABC)


THE (LeonardABC)




GAME (LeonardABC)


!!! (LeonardABC)


I like to pass things, whether it's gas or a class it doesn't matter. (WLW Troub)


I got my ear pierced today. (WLW Troub)


At one point in our lives, we must learn to accept that ice cream cones will always melt before you eat them. (WLW Troub)


Necro-pyro-beastiality is wrong. I think it's in the Bible. (WLW Troub)


I have never actually read the Bible. (WLW Troub)


I have heard that it was good though. (WLW Troub)


My friend once swallowed a bee and it stung her throat. Her father made her drink warm whiskey to numb her throat. She was seven at the time. Now she is much older and an alcoholic. Coincidence.........I think not. (WLW Troub)


AA meetings are actually kinda fun. (WLW Troub)


I really cannot find a reason to have Alla-Tot though. Gimmie a break. (WLW Troub)


Wasn't Gimmie a Break a great show?? (WLW Troub)


Interlochen Michigan is very far up north. There is a legend about the tree people who live up there. I believe it. It's an Indian thing. We have a lot of Indian roots in Michigan. Not the kind that grow, but literally...or figuritively. Anyway, many Indians lived in our great state of Michigan at one time and they had a legend about murderous tree people who live in Interlochen Michigan which is far up north. I visited there. (WLW Troub)


There is an arts camp at Interlochen. I went there. I am a singer. La. (WLW Troub)


It's sad that I spend my free time writing meaningless things for you to read. I hope it gives you enjoyment and my time and ramblings do not fall on deaf ears...or eyes. Have a nice day.....I mean it buddy. Do IT!!!! (WLW Troub)


athough French is a neato language, never visit Detroit. It is messy and gross and dirty and the people there smell like poop. (WLW Troub)


I hate mechanical pencils because they always break.....and they're expensive. (WLW Troub)


Did I mention that I got an earring today? It was really weird because it did not hurt at all. I have to put this goop on it though. Also, they asked me which ear I wanted it in. I couldn't say left for some rason so I just pointed. I think the lady thought I was mute. Either that or a really bad mime! (WLW Troub)


When one kills a mime, he is essentially killing all of that mime's unborn children. (WLW Troub)


if and ONLY IF that mime has reproductive organs. If it does not, the previous entry has been proven not true or in one word false (meaning not true ie. a lie). (WLW Troub)


Why was it that there was only one female smurf and she kept on disappearing into Papa Smurf's little mushroom hut??? (WLW Troub)


AND where did the little kid smurfs come from?? And Granny smurf?? Are smurfs like gremlins? Get them wet and who knows what happens?? Surfette was NEVER pregnant. And if she was, she carried the children rather well. (WLW Troub)


WHo on Earth wants to see a pregnant smurf? (WLW Troub)


Canada is cool! The people are kind of weird and they're rude in Quebec but other than that it's cool. The best thing about Canada is that the drinking age is 18. And I, being an American 18 year old, went to Canada and got drunk off my ass every night in strip clubs. The next best thing about Canada is that they sell beer in McDonalds, and pizza, too, but the beer is what I care about. And in downtown Montreal there is a McDonalds every two blocks, so if you're ever in Montreal trying to describe to a cab driver where you are don't tell him you're near a McDonalds or you'll be there all night.The next coolest thing in Montreal is St. Catherine's Street, all they have there are XXX video stores, strip clubs, bars, dance clubs, and peep shows. And I, being an American 18 year old with abs and buns of steel, met plenty of, uh, friendly French chicks, if you know what I mean. My trip to Canada was one of the most fulfilling weeks of my life. When I was passing through the border to return to America a border official asked me the question, "Did anything that you brought to Canada stay in Canada?" And with a proud, reassured voice, I replied, "Yes sir, SPERM!" (BOLT4518)


Ten out of fourteen people had to see Mission Impossible for a second time. (Antagone)
