Hello again. Most of you probably don't remember me. The reason for this is that a few well - known random game enterers have been posting and posting and posting, not for the well being and comedy giving to other people, but for the sole reason of fame. So, In closing, I would like to leave you all with a little joke that I hope will brighten your day. "when is a door not a door???" When its a jar. (I know this was a truly awful joke, but If you can smile at the sheer stupidity of this joke, then my mission was successful. Thank you for your time. Keep smiling. (SMAC48)
Hey Bungalow Bill, what did you kill? What did you kill? (Tocadisco)
I just proved Biochick1 wrong. She actually thought that song was called Buffalo Bill (Tocadisco)
We all know that it is the Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill. (Tocadisco)
I love the White Album (Tocadisco)
Beatles Trivia 1:
Who is the Walrus? (Tocadisco)
Three Choices:
B. John
C. Paul (Tocadisco)
The Walrus was Paul of course (Tocadisco)
Goob goob ga joob (Tocadisco)
Biochick1: (ba da da) Will you still me sending me Valentine's
Tocadisco: Birthday greetings, bottle of wine
Biochick1: If I stay out til quarter of three, would you lock the door?
Biochick1: (Big finish)
Tocadisco: Will you still need me
Tocadisco: will you still feed me
Biochick1: Will you still need me, will you still please(??) me when I'm 64
Biochick1: Ahhh, need feed read sneed (Tocadisco)
What the hell is wrong with place. Not only is there a conspircy going on, there's also the fact that nobody had the decency to tell me. I post devotedly day after day, just to give the HO guys a break from the hilarity of others and what do I get? Abosolutely freakin nothin. I have worshipped the ground WLW, Biochick, Magic and Toca walk on, and still I get kicked in the face. that's it I BOYCOTT ALL OF YOU. If any of you feel that you would like to apoligize for this mix-up, e-mail me. All grovels and begging will be accepted. (Kheetah)
I can fly I can fly!!! (ArrowsDeja)
Is there something about becoming a mom that makes you like horrible music? (JaneDoe68)
Everyone I'm sure is wondering, "who is this mysterious and hilarious JaneDoe? I wonder if I can find more out about her? So I will post 101 random facts about myself, JaneDoe, when I feel like it, (and between boycotts). Aren't you, the people, lucky? (JaneDoe68)
Random JaneDoe fact #68: My dog, Teddy can actually say "I want it" for treats. (JaneDoe68)
Okay, let's get the ball on the road. The camel has his nose under the tent flap. (Chasferris)
Hey, hey Mr. Stray, get out of my house today! (Mr Onliner)
Yawn... (ArrowsDeja)
And then it ate him...
Oh, no not It!!! (ArrowsDeja)
some things people just shouldn't know.
YEAH!!!! (ArrowsDeja)
Leeches suck. (Biochick1)
Hey, that song was cool, I am the Eggman, woo! We are the Eggmen, woo! I am the walrus, koo-koo-ka-chu! (IZZO)
When I become the ruler of the world, I plan on disposing of our current system of trade, and just have everyone provide each other with what they need, and if they refuse to get along with each other, I will exterminate them with extreme punctuation. (IZZO)
Did I say punctuation? I meant prejudice. (IZZO)
can't stay awake, must fight sleep. must figyyhyhyhyhyhuu mytxzxc (IZZO)
sorry I dozed off and my head hit the keyboard. (IZZO)
I have this friend who is a really bad driver and when we got to a light he braked real fast and the van in front of us said "JUST MARRIED" so I screamed to Kevin, "Don't kill the married people!" He then sprayed out his mouthful of Dr. Pepper (what the hell is that stuff any way, and what is it with drinks that begin with Dr. and Mr. and Lt. etc.) all over himself, boy was that funny. (IZZO)
You wanna know a good joke to play, wear a trench coat, walk up to a total stranger, yell "I'm gonna cap yo ass, biotch!" while reaching into your coat and through a bottle cap at them. The bullet wounds I received still ache on cold days though. (IZZO)
whould you believe me when I tell you, you are to queen of my heart,please don,t dicive me when I hert you. can you feel my love buzz, can you feel my love buzz can you feel my love buzz can you feel my love BUZZ. (KChappler)
Howdy y'all, I really hate to be one of those "Goodbye/Hello" people (Hello. Hello. I don't know why you say goodbye I say hello) but I still have some access to AOL (just not on my desktop computer) so I figured I'd stick around for a bit more. I'm sorry in advance, Heckler X. Okay... (Biochick1)
Tocadisco and I had a nice on-line conversation today (although he does have this annoying habit of changing the background color). Anyway, we got into a little debate. He said, "Hey, Bugalow Bill, who did you kill..." I then said, "BUNGALOW Bill?! Uh-uh pally boy, it's BUFFALO Bill!" We argued back and forth for about ten lines until Toca, through the world of cybermagic took me to a Beatles sight ("The White Album") and I indeed saw he was right. I'm sorry I doubted your musical ability Mr. Tocadisco. My humble apologies. (Biochick1)
That said, what the hell is goin' on with this panda sham? (Biochick1)
Mr Onliner - S.T.S. -- May I make a few additions to the list?
People who tell you to "Smile!"
People that think they're funny by replying for your request for a cigarette light, "Bud Light?"
Your mother. (I apologize, and this is not directed at you Mr. O. I just couldn't resist a gratituous [correctly spelled?] mother joke.) (Biochick1)
Catch her at "Punchlines!" (Biochick1)
Chrsb, hello! (Biochick1)
PrettiOne - that story takes the cake girl (or should I say the hair p... Oh gosh, did I say that?). Anyway, very funny. It reminded me of when I was in high school (we wore an onion on our belt then, 'cause that was the fashion) and taking a Health course. It was so ridicoulousy (new word) boring and inane that when my teacher, Mr. Benedetti, asked me what I thought of the class I said, "To be honest, I just don't find it that stimulating." Mr Benedetti looked me straight in the eyes and said, "Sometimes you have to stimulate yourself." I have no idea if he was messing with me or being straight. (Biochick1)
Zaarin1898 is cool. No he's not. Yes he it. No he's not. Shut up, I said he is. Okay, whatever. (Biochick1)
Gee you all ::wiping a tear from my eye:: I really missed you. Although the time apart was brief, for me it was a lifetime (and by that I do not mean the cable station, although I do enjoy their programming). I see some new faces here, I see some old ones too. I hope you meet me and I hope I will meet you. I like our big happy RG family. Yeah, and if that's a crime, then color me guilty! (Biochick1)
Hi-HO Imitation Silverware away!!! Tis I, the one and only, the true, the original HECKLER X !!! That's right. You no longer have to put up with that lame-o replacement of mine. I have returned to my mighty post! My entries await... -Back in black, Heckler X (HECKLER X)
Announcement!! My Aol has been saved......but I won't post until his requests are met. Sorry Chicago...power to the people. I'm gonna get AOL free if it kills me (Hint, it will kill you first). If no one plays your game, you aren't a very good HO now are you?? Don't want you to go to HO HELL!!! HA HA. (WLW Troub)
One time, when I was a child I said a naughty cuss word. My mother hit me and told me what I had done. "But I didn't know I said something wrong," I pleaded. Then my mother explained to me that it is wrong to say a four letter word. (Tocadisco)
Then I said to my mom, "food is a four letter word is. Does that make it a curse." My mom was silent for a moment and then said, "yes, food is a curse." (Tocadisco)
So I caught on. When someone says a bad word, a four letter word, you smack them. You should have seen my grandmother's face after she asked if there was any food in the house. (Tocadisco)
That story was in memory to Biochick (Tocadisco)
Such a funny girl. (Tocadisco)
Sometimes I wish I were a funny girl. (Tocadisco)
I mean guy. (Tocadisco)
Let's all remind ourselves: It's just a game. No need to take hostage. That's my message for today and knowing is half the battle. (Tocadisco)
Could you explain it one more time? (SPIVEY 10)
hi :) (NLSC)
Q:what did the man in the locked room do?
A:he hit 3 strikes and was out. (LDunigan)
Free HOur........anyone anyone? (Your 10 95)
Can I go home now? My mommy is worried. (JaguarMel)
Hey, hey, my, my. (Tocadisco)
tornapple - noun -1. a foul smelling bug, indigenous to the Amazon region. 2. Tornapple, Ronald D.; man who discovered the tornapple bug, which is indigenous to the Amazon region.
This is not meant to be funny. By law, randomers are required to supplement their humor with educational posts. This has been part of the Tocadisco Series: Knowledge Can Be Fun. And knowing is half the battle. (Tocadisco)
That whole tornapple stuff, its just a bunch of crap. It was a test. To show you kids that you can't trust everything you read on the random game.
This is not meant to be funny. By law, randomers are required to supplement their humor with educational posts. This has been part of the Tocadisco Series: Knowledge Can Be Fun. And knowing is half the battle. (Tocadisco)
My ex-boyfriend's nickname was Boner because he looked like a talking penis. Acted like one, too. (BadOmen79)
I didn't know about his nickname till after we broke up. (BadOmen79)
However, now that I think about it, the resemblance is striking. (BadOmen79)
Do you think I'm bitter? (BadOmen79)
No, I'm not a bitter person. (BadOmen79)
Just because I once held a grudge against a guy for two years because he stole my parking space doesn't mean I'm a bitter person. (BadOmen79)
And now, because I'm whining about an ex-boyfriend and a parking space for $2.95/hour doesn't mean I'm bitter either. (BadOmen79)
So there. (BadOmen79)
peduncle - noun - a narrow, supporting stalk.
This has been part of the Tocadisco Series: Knowledge Can Be Fun. And knowing is half the battle. (Tocadisco)
a clock ticks, somewhere in America. Somewhere in America, somebody is buying a donut - right now. (Tocadisco)
Sometimes when i wake up screaming i hear off in the distance a vacant ice cream truck with it's cool soothing music. This soothing feeling lasts all of 30 seconds after which i feel like taking a trip around three or four states, killing those who use the word, "and." (Irme2)
I'm going away for about 10 days. So I would just like to remind everybody that i'll be back. And I will check up on all the past posts. Basically, i know that you all talk about people when you think they are gone. Out of courtesy, don't talk about me. If you do, you'll hear from me directly. (Tocadisco)
Remember that talk about idle threats? Mine wasn't. (Tocadisco)
I really hate turnips (Tocadisco)
a child is like a small grown up who hasn't grown up.
I don't think anybody even reads French Bread. (Tocadisco)
I don't think anyone even likes it. (Tocadisco)
I'll write more Chapters, only if they are requested. (Tocadisco)
And who can turn down a story with a cute panda bear, with violent tendencies, who looks like Jennifer Aniston? (Tocadisco)
I didn't think so. (Tocadisco)
Sixth Avenue Heartache, Heartache, Heartache (Tocadisco)
Bite me (SPCherry)
I don't like Molly Ringwald. And it kind of scares me that you didn't post the author in (). (LtJG RJ2)
you are stupid (Bugz Rules)
I don't know about you, but when I see someone posting a quote off of a pin or T-shirt online I just have to sit back and say to myself,"Wow, if only I could be that creative and original. Then the voices would stop, I tell you!" (Shortsigh)
I'm looking at my walls and thinking something in the neighborhood of puce...what do you think? (Shortsigh)
Wait a minute...how would YOU know what color would look best on my walls?? (Shortsigh)
What makes you such an expert? Like I can't decide what color to paint my own walls! How dare you presume me to be some babbling idiot! (Shortsigh)
Unless...of course...it's YOU that's been watching me...and sending those letters... (Shortsigh)
...and the fruit-cake I keep burying in my backyard but somehow keeps popping up in my bed... (Shortsigh)
I knew it! I knew some sicko was stalking me! NOW they'll realize I was right! (Shortsigh)
Oh, how they LAUGHED when announced I was in grave danger! One by one stumbling out of the Sizzler, snickering to each other about my hardships! (Shortsigh)
I tried to warn them that after you were through with me, they might be next. But, noooo...they chose to play "Let's Laugh at the Hippie with the Kazoo Around Her Neck" and totally ignore my warnings! (Shortsigh)
Well, they'll learn their lesson when I'm found wrapped up in a huge wad of tin foil and baked like a potato...or whatever it is wackos do to their "wackees". (Shortsigh)
Sooo...while you're here, what DO you think of puce, really? (Shortsigh)
::rubbing tender spot on head from being knocked out:: You know, I don't care what that guy thinks...I'm going with Mauve. And I'm telling him as soon as he comes back. (Shortsigh)
He has to come back, you know. (Shortsigh)
He forgot his rope... (Shortsigh)
...AND his eggplant. Well, at least I know he's not the devil. (Shortsigh)
What's Red with Seven Dents? (MAdams4594)
purple gooey cat eater (CUXY)
My momma is fattt she has mudflaps on her underwear. (Jbnmatt)
never mind. (IZZO)
Or is it nevermind? Never mind. (IZZO)
BOO! (ArrowsDeja)
Ha Ha! Scared Ya!!!! (ArrowsDeja)
If I were a cow I would say cluck cluck because all of the other cows say moo. (ArrowsDeja)
Have you ever really heard a dog say Bow Wow? (ArrowsDeja)
Didn't think so. (ArrowsDeja)
I'd like to buy a vowel.... (ArrowsDeja)
Creativity without discipline is not art. (UltraPhil)
defrest (Chadrand)
a ham sandwhich walked into a bar and ordered a drink a the man said we do not serve food here
I have to go to school tomorrow...is there no God? (Shortsigh)
Mind....won't....focus.... (Shortsigh)
Aaaaarrrrrgggghhhhhh! (Shortsigh)
Sometimes I wonder what mt cats do during the day. (Shortsigh)
I bet they do bad stuff...just because they can. (Shortsigh)
Cats can pretty much do anything, except go up the stairs by themselves which becomes very annoying. (Shortsigh)
I mean, it's not like it's a new house or we just got the stairs or anything... (Shortsigh)
...and yet they sit at the foot of the stairs and meow REALLY loud until you either chase them off (which doesn't really accomplish anything because 2 or 3 minutes later they return) or escort them upstairs. (Shortsigh)
I can't figure out what horror they must feel about the stairs that makes them afraid to go up alone... (Shortsigh)
Maybe they know something I don't...maybe there's something bad up there waiting for me to drop my guard so it can spring out of the shadows and rip open my eyes and tear out my throat so it can drink my blood and worship it's god of shadows and pain... (Shortsigh)
Gosh, I hope it doesn't need a virgin sacrifice... (Shortsigh)
But then again I could just have stupid cats...the world's an imperfect place. (Shortsigh)
Just ask O.J. (Shortsigh)
Wouldn't it be fun to have wheels on your head so you dould drive around on your head? (ArrowsDeja)
ok (Bokkon)
That is how the world should be run. Tell me more and I might run for president. (Bokkon)
hi (T Cell 94)
So, do you think the biology teacher that gave Jeffrey Dahmer an "A" is able to sleep at night? (Croaker34)
i'm eating my head (SSG Kain)
eat my shorts you weenie! (BClagg5793)