Sarah Gilbert does the most god-awful impression of Six (of the "Blossom" fame) I have ever seen. (BoO Ignite)
Yes - the ever famous Six, played by an actress with a name that's hard to forget - Jenna Von Oy...LOL


Runny nose...runny nose...runny nose.... (BoO Ignite)
Allergies...please don't remind me...

You know I actually read the entire instructions for the Random Game today... (BadOmen79)
Yes, Mr. Case, here's the proof right here - someone DOES read the Random Game rules...


Does anyone actually send stuff to "HO Theme"? (BadOmen79)


And why don't you post it? (BadOmen79)


I think I will personally take it upon myself to inundate "HO Theme"'s mailbox with crap... (BadOmen79)


Because Chicago decided to add editorial comments to most of the posts yesterday... (BadOmen79)
Hey, don't ask me, I only work here...

And found that he's not nearly as funny as he thought he was. (BadOmen79)
Funny? That's right, these comments are supposed to be FUNNY - darn!


If I was purple with pink polka dots....oops nevermind.. (ArrowsDeja)
Nevermind indeed - I don't think you want to look like the child of Barney and Baby Bop...


You know those Pepridge Farm Goldfish, well, I'm the one swimming the wrong way on the package.... (ArrowsDeja)
Glad to meet ya - I thought that goldfish looked like you... :)


Are you an orange witch or a green witch? (ArrowsDeja)


To clear up all confusion:
Yes, it is a bad idea to play Superman from your second story window. And while lead paint is yummy it does give you awful gas. Dog piss does smell bad for a reason. And the tests on Spam are still inconclusive...Thank you, tune in next week for more confusing things to be cleared up... (ArrowsDeja)
I think those SPAM tests will always be inconclusive...LOL


Chase me away, HAHAHAHA, thought I was gone didn't ya, lulled you into that false sense of security didn't I? well she's back and random (ArrowsDeja)
You go girl!


Okay, the song is an original, but he stole the tune! I have heard that tune before! (Izzo0)


boring really dull game, must be a college grad (ETHIERIDER)
College grads are generally dull game - rhinos and warthogs are much more exciting...


The law has been placed on the table.. Either disregard, or obey, either way the pinball page is goin down!! (WEIRDALRLZ)


This is a random entry (WEIRDALRLZ)

This is another random entry (WEIRDALRLZ)

Hey cool, another random entry! (WEIRDALRLZ)
Raw, sheer's beautiful!

Did you ever post a trully random entry?? (WEIRDALRLZ)
YES! YES! YES! Keep going...

Random can be done in many different ways... (WEIRDALRLZ)
Go AL! Go AL! Go AL! Go AL!

Random is as Random does (WEIRDALRLZ)
just like a box of chocolates too...

How long can I go on with these answers??? (WEIRDALRLZ)
C'mon, you can keep going...

I walked down the street the other day, when I noticed a street sign that said no stopping or standing. So, to test that theory, I just stood there in that exact spot... Well, about 6 hours went by, and I got hungry, so I left. (WEIRDALRLZ)

Since their reunion tour is doing so well, do you think KISS will make a sequel to their movie "KISS Meet The Phantom of the Park"? (Croaker34)
and another LOL

ok, sorry if my jokes were sooo bad...I had my feelings hurt by the Ugh..then the Ugh x2...:( Oh well I guess I'll get over it! LOL (Pretti 0ne)
But they were such funny ugh's... ;)

Fly away, Fly far, far away... (WEIRDALRLZ)


yrtne modnar sdrowkcab a si siht (WEIRDALRLZ)
...suenitnoc ysatsce modnar fo evaw reehs s'zleladrieW

Do you understand my last entry?? (WEIRDALRLZ)
...see above

Well, I thought I'd just let you know that they thought I was funny over in HOmark Greetings, even though you guys hate me, so there :p (ArrowsDeja)
Well, they obviously cared enough to send back their very can we hate someone like that? ;)


I saw the Devil today, and my Mother followed behind... (Shortsigh)
Now...did the Devil or your Mother wear the Blue Dress?

Please note: No I don't know what the hell Vienna sausages are made of. But I suspect that it's that stuff lef over after they're done with the hot dogs and liverworst. Thank you... (ArrowsDeja)
Thank you for telling me...I think (heading for the bathroom now to puke royally...)

Fire is hot. (ArrowsDeja)
OUCH! Darnit, you're right ferhevvin's sakes...

Eww, gross, stop picking your nose, you know we all can see you, and putting your hand over your face doesn't help any, for God's sakes get a tissue! (ArrowsDeja)
Sorry...I've don't have tissues; can I use these AOL Credit Card Applications instead?


Do I sense censorship? Have you been not posting posts or not allowing multiple posts? I don't like this new deputy. He hasn't been properly initiated. Pass sentence King Lt.! (Izzo0)


I don't like the new deputy. Guards, sic 'em. (LtJG RJ2)
...and strap 'im down to those multiple posts for some drawing & quartering...


Is the Random Game truly random when it's edited for content? (BadOmen79)
Watch out...I hear AOL is thinking about using a computer to randomly process and edit these things to make this game truly live up to its "Random" name...

One day I think someone should just go through the phone book and call everyone in alphabetical order. (Shortsigh)


Not me, but someone really should... (Shortsigh)


Like people in prison...they have plenty of spare time. (Shortsigh)
Yeah - get those no good scumbags working for us for once!

Wouldn't it be awful if you were psychically linked to someone in prison? (Shortsigh)


They'd be talking to you ALL the time... (Shortsigh)


Then people would think you were crazy and lock YOU up for hearing voices in your head! (Shortsigh)
You just might have devised a PERFECT insanity defense there...LOL


Isn't irony fun? (Shortsigh)
How ironic, I don't... ;)


You know, this cleanup dude has a real sense of humor. Really, you can tell if you decide to read him. (Kheetah)


I talked to MagicClams the other day, and he said that we have been letting Biochick and His disappearance go to our heads. (Kheetah)


:::Feeling Head:::: I have no idea what he is talking about. (Kheetah)
:::Rubbing Bald Spot::: Same here - must be too many Magic Clams :)

::::Standing on chair and yelling:::: Bring me chocolate and Pepsi. Then bow down before me you lowly subjects of mine. Hey, no looking up the dress!! (Kheetah) caught me...have a Nestle's and a six-pack on me...