Well, the final batch of the Halloween contest entries are coming in - winners will be picked in a few days after I recover from the sugar high I'm sure to get going through numerous bags of candy I've ripped away from those sucker neighborhood little kids and...uh, I mean, candy...uh, I ....bought, yeah...BOUGHT at Wal-Mart...yeah...

I think a really scary halloween costume would be if you were a giant anchovie threatening to hop on people's pizzas... or perhaps if you were a giant piece of broccoli, then you could chase little kids around and give them nightmares for life, or at least make them scream when they came to the frozen foods or produce section... (ArrowsDeja)

And now, the random regularity continues...

Well, guys, I'm sure you're wondering why in the world I haven't been posting my really long entries anymore. Well, it's cuz, dammit, I didn't feel like it! So there! :|~ Ha ha ha ha ha! But I'm gonna continue with my long entries now... yes, that's right, JaguarMel is BACK!! BAHAHAHAHAHA! Hey!! Come back here! I'm not finished talking to you! gawsh darnit...Ok... here's my topic of the day... Who in the hell invented Creepy Crawlers? How DUMB is that? I mean... GEEZ! It's sad. People will pay money to have their child make funky plastic bugs, make a mess out of everything, then have them throw them away 2 days later. Trust me, they do this... it's really annoying... oh and you have to put the oven together, too.. damn thing.. I burned myself on one of the lightbulbs... Anyway, that's all I haftuh say 'bout thayt. Next subject. OK, Biochick (the artist formerly known as Biochick, actually), you think that Rasputin is WLW? ROFL!! Ummmm no. I know WLW personally.. he had to close his account, and now is at some earthink adress or something like that. Anyway, HEY! You were sittin there reminiscing about MagicClams, Tobasisco, WLW, and alla them.. and ya didn't even say HI to me.. :::sniff::: I was a reg, too, you know!! I HAVE FEELINGS DAMMIT!! I'm gonna go sit in the corner and mope if you don't mind. Oh, yeah, guess what!!! Beatles anthology 3 was released last night at 12:00 AM. woo hoo! I now own my copy of the latest Beatles album! Yaaaaaaaaay! :::ecstatic:::: Well, gotta go mope now... Aaaaaaaaaaaaah look at all the lonely people.... Aaaaaaaah look at all the lonely people.... Elenor Rigby picks up the rice in a church where a wedding has been... lives in a dream... Waits at the window.. wearing the face that she keeps in a jar by the door... who is it for? (JaguarMel)


It's The Inevitable Return... (Lt RJ)


Of RJ! (Lt RJ)


I wonder how long I can send in random entries. (Lt RJ)


Sorry Biochick, Don't take it personnally, I'm just a very bitter, cynical, sarchastic person. I like to think of it as part of my charm. Well Adios Amoebas. (SMAC48)


Hi. i really dont like electricity. i have been struck by lightning once. electricuted 9 times and stuck my toung in a toasted and a electrical socket (Guffyami)


I've thought long and hard about it, and I've decided to be spontaneous. (Shortsigh)
f vsf./uthwvuyh[wbop...ouch, I guess that's not what you meant - spontaneously bashing one's head against the keyboard...isn't... exacaatl;....
excuse me while I drop to the ground...


Here I go... (Shortsigh)


I've also decided to live forever, even if I have to die trying. (Shortsigh)


Did I get too deep there for ya? (Shortsigh)


Good. This is MY world, where the water's always deep. And that's not seaweed, either. (Shortsigh)


Better warn the natives. (Shortsigh)


Don't call an ice cube tray unshipable if it's built like a sink... (ArrowsDeja)


New pricing? Unlimited hours? So without any need to win hours, there's no need to try to submit any clever entries, and there will probably be more than 70,000 entries from the same person that many of us won't read. (Croaker34)
Augggggggggh!!!!!! God, don't scare me like that...


Yes, my last entry was blank....just wanted to see if you could SEND an empty entry!! Hmm, could be a winner of an hour!! (Pretti 0ne)


I don't want to burst Bad Omen79's bubble or anything, but you might have wanted to put that golf entry in one e-mail, because it costs like 2 bucks every time you send e-mail on AOL. That cost like what, 34 dollars? Whoa. Sorry. (Dante303)


Using my previous entry in mind, I will now proceed to put all of my thoughts on one entry.

Deck the halls with gaaaaassoooollliiiiiiine,
Fa lalalala, la la la la.
or should it be Deck the really annoying guy who sits next to me in espanol class, because he keeps saying to me stop it and i have no earthly clue what is going on. I have no choice but to beat the living mucus out of him...north of space, the final frontier. my train of thought has just derailed. iiiiiiiimthevery modelofamodernmajorgeneral,iknow everythingbeitvegetableormineral...wait, thats not right, i just know it. i remember the good old days...my entry a condensed history of the world won some hours...i used to be called dante209, you know. i remember biochick, wlw troub, magicclams, civil war49..or is it 29, or 69? Naw. can't be 69. guess what. you probably think i'm drunk off my ass but really i only had about 2 cases of odouls and they don't have any alcohol in them. really. ahhhgggghhh, supernatural activitiy at the jerky counter! my name is ralph, i seek hot fries. do not be alarmed. i have the nordic rider. i really do. ooooooo, slushy headache. wow, the colors smokey the bear is brown. carotene comes in chloroplasts. plast. that is a cool word. plasts plasts plasts plasts plasts plasts plasts...gad, i'm tired. nappy time. (Dante303)


oh well (JaymeC)


hi truman, remember me? i used to be dante209, you know. i was here when the blank game was established. what the hell was that, anyway? i was one of the first. you can read my entry a condensed history of the world in random game: the early years. i remember biochick, wlw troub, magicclams, and civil war 49, or was it 29? where have the imaginative entries gone? i come on and all i see are one liners and stupid sayings. i miss the good old days of random stupidity when people used to get drunk off of their ass, then post the colors they see. Oh truman, truman, where have all the colors gone? (Dante303)
I must confess...I am not HO Truman, I am HO Clinton, and I request you vote for me this November 5...oh, wait, you're all Dole supporters? Hahaha - JOKE! I'm HO Dole, yeah, HO Dole, and I'd like you to...NO! I am absolutely NOT HO PEROT!


It is just leftover Easter candy waiting for Christmas. (ADTYLER)


Thanks HIPR/Biochick for the compliment. People don't usually say I'm funny... just nuts!! (Pretti 0ne)
Well, you can be both funny and nuts at the same time, dear Pretti. But until I can confirm the latter, I'll just have to agree with HIPR/Biochick's compliment...


~Ode to the Random Game~

The Random Game
Who is to blame
For countless hours
Of my lifeless shame?

I type & type
What is the hype
Of ongoing randomness,
My humor, ripe?

200 hours at $2.95
How do we all seem to survive
Risking our wallet for one free hour
For Heckler's Online is what we thrive.

~Pretti 0ne~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (Pretti 0ne)
You're SO poetic, Pretti ...I am touched (no, really I am...I'm NOT being sarcastic...okay, I'm not touched per se, but it was good, honestly...oh, geez, Pretti probably thinks I'm making fun of her entry, even though I really, really like it...)


Um, when the new unlimited usage pricing plan kicks into gear, what will the various Hecklers Online games give away as prizes? (BoO Ignite)


I'm hoping for bags of the HOs' belly lint! :D (BoO Ignite)
Okay, we have our first suggestion for new prizes to replace free hours - any others? Nude HO macarena exhibitions? Boxes full of "AOL 15-Free-Hours" Setup Disks? Empty canisters of Steve Case's spray-on hair? Baskets of....oh, what's that? Steve wants to see me AGAIN? Uh, sure....yeah...


I like to try and walk around while both my feet are asleep. It's really hard. You keep falling. And I secretly hope that I'll sprain at least one of my ankles, if not break it. (BoO Ignite)


Use the stipple technique. (BoO Ignite)


I use a Mac and just installed the new preview of AOL 3.0....finally got to see "Hecklers' screens as they were designed to be seen"...well, woop dee doo, what the hell is the big deal??? (BoO Ignite)
pssst...if you see some strange looking fellows sporting the AOL logo and the phrase "3.0 Design Team" on their shirts approaching your place, by all means feel free to shoot them - We've already got the next line of suckers...er, fellow employees starting design of AOL 3.5.


I don't have enough lung power to blow out a candle. God bless Philip Morris! (BoO Ignite)


