Hiya peoples!!! Man, I got a nasty cold over the weekend -achoo- And you know that Nyquil stuff? Well, I have an interesting story about it. See, I had taken Nyquill at night and woke up in the morning feeling like crap again. So I naturally took out the Dayquill. To my horror, there was only enough Dayquill to fill half a serving. (you know, those funky plastic cup thingies that they give you) So I figure, I don't want to go to work feeling sick. And there can't be much of a difference between Nyquill and Dayquill. So I proceeded back to my bedstand and filled the rest of the little serving cup with Nyquill. Yummy. So, I went to work, feeling great. Cold symptoms beaten to death by a deadly mix of two cold formulas. But then the Nyquil started to kick in, while the Dayquill was still working. I kept falling asleep and then jolting my head back up. It was really weird, I was super tired and wide awake at the same time. I couldn't figure it out. I'll bet it looked pretty damn weird to my coworkers.... "hey look, Melissa's asleep... wait, no, she's not... yes, no.. wait... she's asleep again... what in the hell is she doing?" So, in short, don't mix Nyquill with Dayquill; although the high may be nice, the insomnia and drowsiness sorta confuses you... but my general rule is that any medicine that comes with a plastic shot glass can't be ALL that bad. :) And just to end.... I'm soooo tired... My mind is on the blink... I'm soooo tired.. I can hardly think.... (JaguarMel)


42 (ESACompLab)


I've decided to submit my dissertation on the nonexistance of the present. This was in responce to a Daily Survey question asking which did I prefer, past, present, or future. Here it is, why the Present does not exist. "Think about it like this. The present is a line seperating the past from the future; are you with me so far? Ok, now lines have no width, only length. So if the present has no width, it must not exist. What's that you say, I'm a moron? Well then, tell me what increment of time is used to define the present. Nanoseconds are too big, as are any other measurement of time. So, if no increment of time can measure the present, it must not exist. The past and the future are both measured by infinity, which is an increment of time. Anyone who wishes to discuss the matter can e-mail me." There, that's my dissertation. I believe that this is sufficiently random to merit placement on the Daily posting. And anyone who wishes to discuss the matter is welcome to e-mail me. (Ekthbjlgke)


I love you guys! (Pretti 0ne)
But of course, Pretti, you can't have my Bud Light (old and worn out I know, but hey, those advertisers haven't come up with the next catchphrase yet...)




People will mock you because you have a giant lemming on your head. (ILgobbler)
You should see those folks in Heckler TV Trivia - they're good at BEING lemmings...


What is with the news? Why do they think that they have to take over all programming to show us four hours of them sitting around repeatedly telling us that in a few hours there will be new President? (Shortsigh)


And why do all the channels have to show the same thing? If we wanted to watch the four hour long special on the elections, we'd switch to the channel they were on. (Shortsigh)
Or at the very least, you could have MTV hosting the elections - you could see things like Al Gore doing the Macarena (of course, it wouldn't be much different from him standing at the speaker's stand giving a speech - you'd get the same amount of movement from him...)


Do they think that most of America's TVs stay on one channel and it just happens to be their's? (Shortsigh)


Oh, by the way, thanks for the free hour, you adorable clean-up man, you! (Shortsigh)
No problem, Shortsigh...


What do you call three nuns in a blender?
Twisted sister! (Shepherdes)
We're Not Gonna' Take It, No, We're Not Gonna' Take It (btw: I hear the former lead singer of Twisted Sister Dee Snyder now is working as a DJ somewhere on the East Coast...)


I have Jason's underwear!! (CRobin3963)


oh my dear dear random game!!! :::kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss::: (SupRMeGgin)


i thoughted you were gone and i was gonna cry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (SupRMeGgin)


did you all get sad when i was gone?? (SupRMeGgin)
Well, my work was a lot shorter while you we're gone (just kidding, welcome back...)


hey, did you ever notice how people in the south always seem to be putting words together to make it quicker er somethin, like yall and aint and stuff. they also tend to like to munch on grass and lean on gas station pumps...well, no, not all of them, but wouldn't it be funny if they all did???? (SupRMeGgin)


i watched twister in school for some class, the name of it i ccan't member, but anyhoo, i thought that that part where the cows got put up in the tornado was very uncalled for. cept then my pal billy helped me out and told me that it was a game which is good. (SupRMeGgin)
right front hoof, yellow...left hind hoof, blue... you know, cows don't do very well playing Twister


so much to tell you my dear random game...i just don't know where to start. i had to read a short story that i wrote in LA and eerybody liked it, but it was sad, which is bad, but it was good everyone says. so, again, i'm confusterated. my friends are being so weird and my puppy has the flu. poor baby, she keeps throwing up her food and so i let her lay on my bed all day and sleep cause she likes it there cause it's nice and sunny and she can look at all my toys. i got the new superman figureine that they (finally) got at KayBee. i cried and pleaded at the guy who works there to pleeeeeese get a superman person guy and he finally got one and i was so jubilent when i found it. oh wowie... :) i also got another pokey horse. it makes me so mad though that i have to buy gumby along with pokey, but i can buy gumby all by himself if i wanted to, but i can't buy pokey all by himself. so i stick saftey pins into gmby and pretend i do acupuncture. don't get me wrong, gumby's cool and all, but pokey's sssoooo much cooler. pokey is orange and a horse and made out of clay. and even though my dog is none of those, she still reminds me a lot of pokey even though she can't talk. but i still love her little cute self. even though she throws up everywhere and i have to run after her cleaning up. she is just a baby, she's only 6 years old, only 42 in puppy years. shut up, she is too a puppy. my friend has the same kind of puppy i have, a golden retreiver. his puppy was born on the same day he was!! wowie....my doggie was born a month after me, seeing as my birthday is december 31st and her's is january 31st. i know you think i have a cool birthday, but i don't :( my parents always take me away to go skiing even though i hate skiinng cause it's so friggin cold. so i don't get to spend my bday partying with my buddy ol pals. but this year i will stay at home and throw a big party. and you're invited and so are you and you, but not you, and you and you.... (SupRMeGgin)


By the way...thanks for the FREE hour!!! (Pretti 0ne)
No problem, Pretti...


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AIN'T HE CUTE???? (Pretti 0ne)


How to freak out your teacher / classmates... Keep a melon in a paper bag on your desk and don't show it to anyone. During a test take the melon out of the bag and ask it for the answers. When your teacher tells you to put it away tell him/her that you refuse to because it is a religous oracle. (Beatnik13)
Of course, it always helps to say you're Indiana Jones and that you stole this melon from the lost ark...


Hello (H 2 Edge)