Did you ever notice that the little scray guy in HO who is winking is winking his eye upside-down?? ;) See???? (WJHSmile)


Huked on foniks wurkt foor mi! (WJHSmile)


Call 1-800-2223334! (WJHSmile)


Please give me 1 token!! Just one little token to tide me over until I figure out something funny to say... If that's not possible, will bold face guy please write something under my entry? Thank you. From, A broken Batman. =*( (WJHSmile)


PHISH <{{{{{>< (WJHSmile)


Have you discovered inner peace? (WJHSmile)


Are you an evil being? (WJHSmile)


Do you like chicken and mustard? (WJHSmile)
[Chicken with mayonaise is better. I think the Crispy Chicken Deluxe was sent down from heaven. But, apparently, there is a chicken shortage in heaven, because the chicken patties are getting smaller and smaller.]


Are you a Chiquita Banana? (WJHSmile)


By the power or graystone! (WJHSmile)


I am She-rah! (WJHSmile)


I'm not weird, I'm gifted. (WJHSmile)


If I promise to miss you, will you please go away? (WJHSmile)


AHHHHH!!!!! It's the beating of the hideous heart!!! (WJHSmile)


Calm yourself. Be at peace wth the world. Deep breath in, deep breath out. (WJHSmile)


abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz (Dragonmzt)


Okay MISS BOLD LETTER CHICK...after years of asking will you please tell me what will happen if I were to push the enter key??? (SMAC48)

[If you were to press the enter key, the earth would leave it's path and start to fall into the sun. It might seem okay, or even pleasent, at first. But, the price of sunblock would soon rise and everyone would soon smell of coconuts. Are you prepared to be soley responsible for that?]


The Single Guy?? That's the only don't see in Thursday's Must See Tv....Well, if you don't count Suddenly Susan (MissScully)
[Well, I was using The Single Guy as my analogy of choice. We could use an older example of Fresh Prince of Bel-Air and the mysterious new mom and suddenly-aged toddler. Or we could use Ellen, who seems to ditch her friends for totally new ones every year. We don't need to even use sitcoms. What about the Lassies and Morris the Cats?]


WOW a rookie...thatnk God that I'm not the newest person anymore.....and yes Mr. Bold Letter Guy Jr., we ALL know the directions and yet people still think the all-mighty copy/paste button is all clever and funny....prove them wrong Bold-lettered II. PROVE THEM WRONG!!! (MissScully)


Once apon a time there was a little fairy gnome named Rumplestiltskin who had the power to turn straw into gold, but nobody gave a damn. Now, some guy with a Bronco kills his ex-wive and THEN all of a sudden people care!?!? Sheesh! Some people..... (KngDaBomb)

[You know, I've never seen the two together. Maybe that is how OJ is paying his attorney fees.]


Chicken on a car, and the car can't go. That's how you spell Chicago. (Giarc Man)



[Is this some sappy romantic comedy?]


I'll give you a hint bold-lettered guy...if you want people to like you....give lots of tokens away to people. I say LOTS!!!! (MissScully)


a (JKim363453)

[Yeah, Fonzie was kinda cool, wasn't he?]


One day when I was walking down the street, I met a strang looking guy who told me he was a tiger. I didn't believe, so he ate me. Now I believe him. But I'm dead. (Coolkid109)


Don't eat tomales straight from the can ... drench them in mayo first, then they taste squishy and yummy. (Coolkid109)


I'm sorry I accidentally swallowed my car. It made my tummy gromble like a mean person. (Coolkid109)
[Oh! Don't you know that cars are high in cholestrol? And I don't mean the good kind.]


You want cake? You want the cake? YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE CAKE! (Coolkid109)


I like cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese. (Coolkid109)


Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuultry cheese (Coolkid109)


I think WG Sean is cute. Is he married? Where does he live? (Kenderyn)


What does WG mean anyway? I think it means Weally Great Sean. (Kenderyn)


Do you think Sean likes ABBA? (Kenderyn)


They say it is better to give than to recieve, but give me a break, wouldn't you rather recieve $10,000 than give it away. (HarveyHurf)


gimme tokens (HarveyHurf)


seriously, I really want them (HarveyHurf)


Damn it, GIMME TOKENS NOW! (HarveyHurf)


[Now, that's where you are wrong. I think the cost may eventually be my sanity.]



[Probably. Probably not.]


...one clown short of a circus.... how small was that room? 1. so small even the mice were hunchbacked 2. when you put the key in the door it broke a window 3. even the light took up room and the finale!!!!! 4. there was no room for complaints!!!! (Theresalea)


Anytime I see something screech across a room and latch onto some ones neck....I just have to laugh because....what IS that thing??!! (MutantYoda)


I'm practicing kind acts of randomness. (LMart72)


I will keep the insults comin unless I get some flamin tokens you commie scum!!! (MutantYoda)


Excuse me, I have to call 911 now. (LMart72)


Uuuuuuuumm. helllo


[Call me back when I'm not home, right now I'm too busy screening my calls to talk with you.]


How come Ice Cream has no bones???(HOYT09) (HOYT09)


Is this the Make a Wish Foundation? I was just wandering, you see, I'm dying (from lack of tokens), and was wandering if you would grant my last wish of receiving some HO tokens. I don't know if you have heard of my ailment, it is called Lackdatokn Disease, and if I continue without this vital cure called HO Tokens, I will surely die. I am getting weak now and must sign o..................................... (SWatts5269)





What if the sky was red? (Zeroloo)

[If the sky was red, I think we'd die. You see, the carbon dioxide in the atomosphere absorbs the colors of the spectrum. It is a scientific process and if one day the process was overrode...is that a word?..., and instead of blue, we got a red sky, well I think it would mean one thing. I think it may be be a sign that Elmo has infact grown to enormous proportions and is leaning over the earth. All we see is his red fur. He sheilds the sun from us. And we slowly die and the last thing we hear is...oh you say it, it's just so sad, that I can't.]


I feel all squishy inside now. I got PARTIAL bold black letters under my entry, but no I am not good enough to get all bold. They seemed to fade away to regular writing, man where's the love? Sure ain't here. (Zeroloo)
[Here's some bold letters for you...there's enough to go around. That is of course assuming that the bold letters feel like cooperating. I can't control them. Their will is their actions.]




If I said the magic word would I get free tokens?(as if I would pay for tokens anyway.) (Zeroloo)


You know, I really don't appreciate the fact that I didn't win anything for my random bursts of creativity. (Ds Shorty)


That really pisses me off. It chaps my hide. (Ds Shorty)


I have to go potty. (Ds Shorty)


I have a boyfriend named Danny and a friend named Taryn and my mom's name is Cindi and my sister's name is Jenny and my baby's name is Taylor, but I can't seem to remember MY name... (Ds Shorty)

[So were my boyfriend, friend, mom, sister, and baby. The coincidence is too much! You stole my life, didn't you?]


Okay, stop me if you've heard this one: Why do blondes have to whistle when they pee? So they'll know which lips to wipe!!!!! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!! (Ds Shorty)


"Where I come from there's a saying, 'If you see a turtle stuck up on a fence post, it probably didn't get there by accident.' " -Bill Clinton (Oshers Hat)


Are we having fun yet?--Frgpuff (Frgpuff)


You know, this game is really very random... You should call it something else though, like Monopoly, or Life, or Chutes and Ladders or something... then it would really take off! (ThundrSong) (ThundrSong)

[I think it was originally named one of those, but due to copyright infringement, I can't tell you which.]


You know the world is coming to an end don't you? You didn't? Oh, well, then never mind. (ThundrSong) (ThundrSong)


I lied, I have been to me, but it was a lot like Disneyland, it looks really good on the outside, but if you get backstage it's really scummy. (ThundrSong) (ThundrSong)


I wonder if President Clinton ever comes to play the Random Game... these are the kinds of things that keep me up nights. (ThundrSong) (ThundrSong)
[I think Dan Quayle used to play, and now look at him!]


Mirdushki omni bolyeeshnya, mirlo aramazni broach peevno...

Zhmeetna! Zhmeetna! Zhmeetna! Zhmeetna!" Do - du bernoznia dottsky, Marla.

h! Byootsky dottsky! Perch, damasa baxa raxa. Hai! (ThundrSong) (ThundrSong)


Uh, Pick me or I'll :() (Dildoian)


I got cheese whiz in my shorts (Jerryklon)


anyone have any crackers? (Jerryklon)


FREEEE CHEESE WHIZ.....STEP RIGHT UP....!1!!!! (Jerryklon)




and cheese whiz for you...yeah you... (Jerryklon)


here I am trying to read the randomly posted sntries in this lovely random game, but I keep getting random im's from random net geeks begging me for my picture. Well, I just have to say it is causing me some random amount of insanity. (Industrry)
[Suddenly I'm wondering what you have in your profile, Industrry, but I'm too frightened to look.]


Wow, how weird...this looks really strange...something's wrong here (BoldLtrGuy)


Egads! I'm on the wrong side...what's going on?!?! (BoldLtrGuy)


Oh, that's right...I managed to snatch the key to my ball and chain from Mr. Case's keychain...I am officially an AOL fugitive (BoldLtrGuy)


They're offering 50,000 tokens for my return (well, actually, they'll give you an AOL 2.5 disk and an picture of 50,000 tokens...) (BoldLtrGuy)
[Someone who knows what the tokens actually look like? You *must* be Mr. Bold Letter Guy. I certainly haven't seen them yet.]


As the old Bold Letter Guy, you best treat the new Bold Letter Guy well. Learn who you're dealing with, and get to know this person well...it is your ticket to tokens galore... (BoldLtrGuy)


And plus, I'd like to thank all you folks who've sent in all those wonderful entries in the past (Toca, Pretti0ne, Kaz, Kumantes, BlueWaffle, MrOnliner, SMAC48, Forty9ersss, JaguarMel, JaneDoe68, BabyLamms, ArrowsDeja, the names go on and on... (BoldLtrGuy)


Oh, geez, someone's going to be pissed that I left them off that previous list... (BoldLtrGuy)


Maybe I should send in all the names of all the folks who've sent me entries and thank each and everyone of them personally [just kidding, new Bold Letter Guy ;)] (BoldLtrGuy)


P.S. I was promoted to L'Artsy Fartsy - I'm now taking pictures of nude women and posting them there (BoldLtrGuy)


Yeah...As if! (I wish...) (BoldLtrGuy)


Anyway, off I ride into the sunset...New Bold-Letter Person, good luck and have fun - you're now the boss of Randomness, and by all means have a ball with it... (BoldLtrGuy)


Gotta go now - I hear the bloodhounds of AOL tracking me down now (they want to try to have me edit Steve Case's monthly messages...) (BoldLtrGuy)


my little brother, he is about 12 well actually he is twelve, anyway he told me if you pee in outerspace your whole body will be sucked out through your penis. I said "huh". then i asked how he knew, and he said he just did. SO i told him to remind me not to pee in outerspace.(Breite982) (Breite982)


Outerspace is really confusing. when i become an astronaut i wonder if the guys who teach space-man classes tell you what to do if you fart. because i dont want to spend weeks and weeks with that smell in my suit. i wonder if there is a special air vaccum attatched to the astronauts' butts. if there was i bet NASA would'nt tell us.(Breite982) (Breite982)

[Yes they do tell you, but you have to watch the right shows on the Discovery Channel. The NASA channel is just a decoy.]


have you ever thought about what that song "ring around the posey" means. you know ring around the posey and something like ashes ashes we all fall down. i don't get it. (Breite982) (Breite982)