Absolute reality

This page is for people who deny God's existence or are not Christians. It is easy to say that there is no God. Why? We do not see God. We do not hear God. We can not touch God. We can not smell God. We can not taste God. Where is God? Is there God? They say there is no God. They ignore the thought and go on. They hear many times people talking about God, but they say there is no God. Why? Because their senses tell them so. They live their lives and become old, ready to die. They say to to themselves,"I wish that there was God. I wish that there was heaven, and eternal life." But somehow they do not believe the thought, because it seems all nonsense to them. They do not want to believe in something that does not exist. Why should they waste their time on abstract and meaningless thoughts? Then one day they die. The moment they die, they stands before the judgement of God. They become terrified, and do not know what is happening to them. They realize that there was God whom they had rejected. Then at that moment they want to apologize to God that they had not believed in Him and had rejected him. But God says,"I do not know you. Your life on earth is when and where you should have believed in me." And then he casts them into hell, where they burn forever.

How sad is the destiny of an unbeliever. It is easy to say that there is no God. But realize the consequence that you face when you say that. Just because you do not see God does not mean that there is no God. Look at God's creation: yourself, the animals, the heaven and the earth, the stars and the universe. How can you deny God after all that? Our body is our enemy. It is always in a war with our soul. It will deny us always about the things that are unseen. Thats why we can not apply our senses and find God in that manner. Do not let your body win over your soul, because the body is going to go back to the dirt where it came from, and the soul is what is going to stay. Why is it so easy to believe in evolution and not in creation? If you use your brain wisely, you will see that the evolution of the world which the scientists try to explain is absolute stupidity. It makes no sense. It is meaningless. Just as hell is real, heaven is also real. If you beieve in God and believe that He sent His son Jesus to die for our sins, and rose the third day, you will have an eternal life. Do not make the mistake of the unbeliever and deny God, because you will end up in hell. Satan wants to take you to hell with him. God wants to take you to heaven where He is. Which do you choose? You pick your destiny. Gnashing of teeth in hell or joy in heaven? Do not wait until you die to find out if this is true or not, because it will be too late. It is better to be safe than sorry for the rest of eternity.