Zen's Keep

 Home of Lady Zendolyn of Thentis

Here you see a drawing of - Zen's Keep - home of Lady Zendolyn of Thentis.
The term keep is often used to refer to a strong point within a castle,
but it is sometimes used to refer to a variety of castle in its own right.
Zen's Keep is just such a castle and has for generations been the
Capital of the Domain and home of her family.
The Keep, built on an immense earthwork of infinite antiquity, is set in the lush fertile valleys that are Zen's Domain. This is an agricultural Canton of fourty by fifty passangs, with a number of small towns and vilages. The biggest of these towns lies near the Keep but is ironically refered to as "The Vilage".

We offer this drawing as an active map, click on any widow, firing slit or door to explore that floor in greater detail. Once there you will be able to go from floor to floor at will, and see interiors or fuller description