A Brief Biography of Lady Chani` of Thentis

Tal and greetings to you fellow Goreans. Please allow me to introduce myself.

I was brought to this place called Gor as a newborn, a replacement if you will, for a child stillborn to the Free Companion of a well known Master Scribe. The FreeWoman, being much drugged from a difficult labor and delivery, was unaware that her child had not lived to see it's first Ihn of life, nor taken it's first breath of the Gorean air.

As I grew, it was noticed that I was not like the typical children of the city. I was different. I seemed to know things I shouldn't have. I understood much. I seemed to have second sight . This made me an outsider amongst my peers; but by my Patre and Tassna, I was a much loved and spoiled child, greatly protected so as not to become one of the unfortunates who would be kajirae.

Being a somewhat independent young female, I watched many warriors as they trained... playfully imitating the thrusts of their short swords...  or running around the courtyard imagining I was flying on a great and beautiful Tarn. My Patre would laugh at me and tease me lovingly, but also told me to watch and learn the ways of the warriors, for I would never know when I may have to defend myself against thieves or slavers. Although as a young woman fear had no place in my heart or mind; he knew that there would come a time when the knowledge of defense would be my best and closest ally.

Though taunted for my appearance, having different colored hair than the norm, being a bit rounder than was usual, I nevertheless grew into womanhood, when was told about my circumstances, about how I came to be here. As I recollect, it was around 10,137 CA (the Cosian Invasion of Ar), that my Patre decided I should be cloistered and take the Robes of Concealment as a novice Scribe. I was to learn the knowledge and ways of the Caste into which I would be accepted as one of their own.

Since I was indulged as a child, the learning of second knowledge, reading and writing was not  difficult for me. My Tassna had taught me many words and forms of words as she read to me daily. She would have me write the different letters of the Gorean alphabet, putting them together to form words, teaching me how the words could illuminate the history of Gor, my home.

The image you see here, pre-dates my taking the concelment robes of a FreeWoman and the veils which would help protect me from capture and enslavement. (I have recently commissioned a newer painting to be added to these halls soon)

As I grew into full womanhood, it was decided that I should leave my home, the only home I had known, the safe barrier between myself and the life for which I have been taught to live.

The search for a comfortable and safe environment, which would welcome me began. I soon found myself near my dear Sister Scribe's residence. A lovely place to behold, I spoke with Zendolyn and was welcomed as a new citizeness. Henceforth, Zen's Domain was to be my homestone. Having been cloistered for so very long, I was not familiar with much of the goings on to be expected in this life. I had not yet been courted, nor had I found the time to take a kajira/kajirus to serve me. Sister Zendolyn, ever ready to offer advice and guidance..much like my very much missed Tassna, holds a place very dear to my heart..next to my Patre and Tassna.

While watching the impeccable service of my Sister's boy, and listening to various conversations, I met my now Sister Scribe, Czari. A most lovely redheaded FreeWoman, well versed in the mannerisims and witicisms allowed FreeWomen. Her most exciting life has served as both guidance and inspiration to this newly un-cloistered Woman.

As I met other FreeWomen of Gor, I began to notice again, I was not like most. Being an indulged child and allowed to express myself freely most times, I carried that into my adulthood as FreeWoman. I found that many would look upon me as untypical. Well, I am NOT typical !! I am very much of a free spirit... I represent myself in an honest and honorable fashion. I indulge my wit often, but not at the expense of others.

I, am Chani`, FreeWoman, not born of Gor, but Gor re-born. This is my life... the only life I have known since birth.

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