illak{Z} - kajirus - Property of Lady Zendolyn of Thentis

The image above is that of illak{Z} Lady Zendolyn's pleasure slave

illak{Z}'s biography

illak{Z} was born on Urth and although he was taken as a child by a voyage of aquisition, he has faint recollections of having come from a place called Ing-Lun. Subsequently he was owned by the local sa'tarna miller, who used him for cleaning the more inaccessible parts of the mill and sweeping up dust. One day he was noticed by Lady Zendolyn's twin brother Zendolar when visiting the mill with his father. Being a wise young Warrior beyond his years and knowing the chaos wrought by his demanding sister amongst the houshold slaves, he bought illak as a present for Zendolyn's 16th birthday. To the relief of her family, Zendolyn took to slave training like a duck to water, and personally trained illak{Z} to perform every domestic function she could think of - perfectly - to her exacting standards. From this experience Lady Zendolyn has developed an abiding interest in slave training. As time passed illak{Z} developed into a very pleasing specimen, his dark blonde hair set off nicely against skin which tanned lightly under the bright Gorean sunlight. illak{Z} is appropriately shorter than his owner, but of strong well formed musculature, a lithe and active boy, as servicable in disposition as he is pleasing in appearance.

Naturally as the boy matured Lady Zendolyn went on to train illak{Z} in the duties of a pleasure slave thus increasing his usefullness considerably. To this day the boy consistently performs the functions of both a domestic and pleasure slave to the high standards she sets. Lady Zendolyn has had the boy's ears and nipples pierced and fitted with non-removable gold rings and placed him permanently in "various" matching slave bells, his upper arms are adorned with handsome slave bangles and, obviously he is fitted with her Ko-lar so that he is easily identifiable as her property by her well known -Z- Mark. Since she feels that this is more than enough adornment Lady Zendolyn choses to have her slave attend her naked at all times, wherever she goes; the effect is said to be quite pleasing.

Before you start wondering Lady Zendolyn is quite clear on one point - apart from the usual domestic duties - she reserves illak{Z} for her own exclusive use. - Don't bother to ask - illak{Z} is rarely seen without his Mistress, but he is regularly seen serving her and her friends in the great hall of Zen's Keep in #Zen's_Domain on IRC Austnet and from time to time in the City of #Tysaria on IRC DALnet where Lady Zendolyn is an honorary citizen.

The Collaring of illak{Z} kajirus of Gor

Recently Lady Zendolyn decided to re-collar illak in a formal public ceremony. Follow this link if you would like to read the transcript of this event