This is a Pedigree Picture Page..Dogs on this page are all behind current Afghans

THis is yet another pic of T-Khan...Candy's grandfather....Bandit's father....ABRAXAS" son!

: ZoSo's Heaven's On Fire...(T-KHAN'S son)..Yes I am Bandit, and this is a terriable pic of me~But its the only pic my breeder could find, so 'deal' with it humans!....I AM CANDY'S DAD!!!! Yeah yeah, ok I have a bit of an attitude..You wanna make something of it???

I was ZoSo's Physical Graffiti ...Dont laugh at my name, I was named after a Led Zep song as most of my other ZoSo 'friends'. I AM CANDY'S GRANDMOTHER...I was a pure Crown Crest bitch, breeder blended my line with her ABRAXAS" son. And if anyone can follow this, Ill personally come back from doggie heaven, and give you my famous 'high five'! In fact I'll bring Abraxas along with me, as I just saw him showing off ...Yes, ABRAXAS can still fly~only there is no show ring here...JUST DONT TELL HIM THAT!

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nitrosmom2 aka Tammy C...