One full year... and nothing really happened.

Welcome to Zoogz's MST3k Soundshrine
tweaked slightly 29-Mar-00 (Japan Time)


Hey again, folks. I keep updating, despite the fact there's not much to update anyway. Fear not, though... next month at this time I shall be home and warming up the capture card for more sound and picture fun. This site might end up being a gateway for a vault pretty soon... as long as Tripod and other providers don't mind the kinds of stuff I'm planning. **evil grin**

The old plans still apply... I still want an image gallery of the theater titles along with many more songs. However, *now* I am stumped. Soon, I will be appealing to the few MSTies that still come here as to how I should organize everything. Especially with 11megs at a time...

And in other news, I opened up more webspace. In the coming weeks, it will be constructed and tweaked to my pleasure, finally recieving its coming-out party the 30th of June. This new site is a bit more personal than the MST site you see currently... I'm planning on posting pictures of my stay in Japan, pictures of friends and family, links to personal friends (be they MSTie or not...), along with my writings. However, I bring this up directly because of the writings. I'm writing fan MSTs, and anyone who is interested in seeing them can go to And mind the *huge* mess... it is under construction, after all... ^_^

And speaking of construction, I'm planning on redesigning this page through the summer sometime or another also. I like the nice dark background and etc., but on the other hand I could do something hopefully more exciting with this. I'd like to, at least... ^_^

And this is the ever-older, yet still topical, stuff. Every once in a while, like in the case of good ol' MarkOne, someone will send me a clipping of news which will be slightly important, yet not really be known on Satellite News. Nothing against the fine people there, but on the other hand they have to be official about all the stuff they get, and I can throw around rumours until the sky turns chartreuse. (Heehee). Anyway, one of the guys from our old Save MST days gave me something about five days ago, and I will quote the message verbatim right here and right now:

/samuels email ON
(Ed.note... like I'm going to do that to poor Mr. Samuels)

I talked to the president of the B Movie Channel again and he had some new things to say!
"Now that we've gotten quotes on the licensing fees, BMC is in discussions about the best way to bring the show (MST3K) back." In other words, ways to "MSTify" the network in preparation of classic episodes.

1. Putting together an all new documentary featuring the cast and crew of BBI, as well as fans.
2. Offering previous cast members and writers of the show the chance to create new TV projects for the network.

(Confidentially, they are having problems with the old shows, so these are ways to get around those rules so they can show fans they are indeed serious about the show till then. For one thing, they have to request licensing from not one, but three companies (CC, SCI-FI, and BBI). This is a lot more complicated than it sounds. Plus, those shows are NOT cheap, to put it mildly. I suspect this is the main reason why the other networks didn't touch the reruns. If you know how to help them contact cast members, please do!)
/samuels email OFF

Yes, your friendly despotic webmaster has re-taken control of this transmission. Seriously, Mr. Samuels, I hope me posting this news isn't going to be objectionable to you (and if it is, please tell me as soon as humanly possible!!), and I also hope that you don't mind me forwarding whatever questions this humble website might generate from this news. Again, thank you for the head's-up and I invite anyone to send (semi-reliable) news to this site, for I will put up rumours until the sky turns... well, you know the rest.

Just remember folks, stay tuned here and I will (hopefully) have all the dirt that can be thrown successfully.

The faces of evil... and our intrepid, light-hearted heroes.
You know, there is a clown in the sky for all of us...

Navigating my Shrine

I've decided to SCRAP the links page, because they're pretty out-of-date by now. In it's place... a link to's links page. Therefore, I'm *not* responsible for giving you a bunch of bad links. However, when I get back home, I shall have a link page of friends (like MarkOne... fear not, I'm not breaking contact).
The Viewer's Club page: Updated 23-Dec-99

Last update: 23-Dec-99.
I am taking any and all requests for sounds to put up on this MST site. Any feedback, either through email or guestbook, is also welcome.

Updated 23-Dec-99, because it's been a while...
Original, Sci-Fi Channel (mostly) Soundshrine

Last update... sometime last summer.
The Comedy Central era Soundshrine

I would be rather happy for people to inaugurate my new Guestbook. A little easier than all-out emailing me, and I'm almost always around here anyway...

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Scott "Zoogz" Jamison

This MSTie Ring site is owned by S. Jamison.
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