a_head's ~~ page-3 ~~

next pictures show the developpement from one picture to another:

- from : behind the dunes, the sea - to - more dunes -finishing with : - mauve serpent rocks

From the heart of the pixel byte art_studio, let me reveal to your browsing eyes, the making of a picture . Let's start with a classic picture :

- - "Derrière les dunes, La Mer"

each new picture starts by bytes     taken from strong elements in precedent paintings     and they are manipulated until my mind's eye is satisfied with the result.
The results of such an operation, manipulations from one picture to another, is the making of a new picture :- to start off, I cut     from "behind the dunes and the sea- more dunes". Pour la fabrication de nouvelles peintures, je découpe des élements     d'autres peintures et je les colle ensembles pour les incorpore à l'oeuvre en les rehaussant avec les outils BMP .
- Le resultat final est le développement de
"Dunes" pour devenir "mauve serpent rocks" !

Pixel art permits mixing several paintings together producing a whole new work in which parts of the other paintings can be just seen but does not look like them. The work is a whole new landscape picture.

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