Adding Images - Page 2

Ok, good to see you here!

As you can see, I again have that bar as a divider. But this time I have changed the width by using a percentage.

It's done this way

<<>img src="http://URL of the bar"width="65%">

That means the bar will now take up 65% the width of the page. It's just another way to manipulate the width attribute of images.

I have selected another couple of images to "play" with now.So on this page, I will apply the images and put the codes below. Study the codes to see what's different about each and which attributes do what.

The first one is this l'il animated guy

The image looks like it is transparent background, but its not! It's on a white background and just blends in with the white bgcolor I have here.

This is the other image we will "play" with here.

It has a colored background and won't blend in all on it's own, but lets see what we can do with it.

Hmmm...maybe some tables and borders first?

Here's the code for that.

<<>table bgcolor="forestgreen"><<>tr><<>td align="center"><<>img src="http://URL of the image"border="7"><<>/td><<>tr><<>table>

I'll explain in more detail in the "tables" section what these things mean and do, but for now, I'll just tell you that TR=table row ( think of it like lined paper where the individual lines are stacked on top of each other ) and TD=table data, which is the "stuff"in the "cell" or block, that is in the table row.

A really DOPEY way to remember what does what... is to think of the cell in the table row like a cake pan and the TD as the cake or "filling" of the cell.

( Told ya it was )

For now if you like any of the effects, just copy the codes and substitute your own URL's where they belong.

So let's try this one.

<<>table bgcolor="orangered"cellpadding="6"cellspacing="4"border="5"><<>tr><<>td align="center"><<>table bgcolor="#88860B"cellpadding="6"border="4"><<>tr><<>td align="center"><<>img src="http://URL of the image"border="5"><<>/td><<>/tr><<>/table><<>/td><<>/tr><<>/table>

As you can see there are two tables opened, and TWO closed...but thet are opened one way and closed in reverse.

( opened as table then tr then td and closed as td then tr then table, TWICE to make sure both tables are closed. )

Honest it's not as bad as it looks, just copy the code and give it a try!

Now let's see what the other image can do! Hmmmm...lemme seeeeee...I know !!! Let's use a background to make a frame !!!

Now ya gotta like that one...huh???

So here's the code below, just change the #'s from 1 - 20 for the borders and the width up to about 400 ( sometimes more will work ) to get different effects.

<<>table background="http://URL of the background you want"width="400"border="8"><<>tr><<>td align="center"><<>table bgcolor="white"width="200"><<>tr><<>td align="center"><<>img src="http://URL of image"width="100"border="12"><<>/td><<>/tr><<>/table><<>/td><<>/tr><<>/table>

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