Here you'll find fun things to do, and ways to manipulate things on your pages.
Like right in this box.
( huh? )
Well if you look, it's a way to make text show up on a "busy" background.
here's the basic code
<<>table background="http://URL of background here"width="width or % here"border="any number here"><<>tr><<>td align="center">Any and all your text here.<<>/td><<>/tr><<>/table>

all you need to do here is change the numbers for different effects with the color, border size and all the widths. You can also add font color and size as well as " font effect" too.
Pretty easy huh?
For more on tables, click

Make an instant messenger that looks like this

Instant Messenger

That little "gizmo " allows visitors to your email or webpage to send a TEXT ONLY message to you without having to access their own email to reply.

The code to make it is:

<<>center><<>font color="color here">Instant Messenger<<>br><<>form action="" enctype="text/plain" method="post"><<>input type="text"name="message"> <<>/form><<>/center>

Or you can get a little more decorative with it and make tables and borders etc. It might look like this.

Instant Messenger

The code for that one is:

<<>center> <<>table bgcolor="gold"border="3" cellpadding="10"> <<>tr> <<>td align="center" colspan="2"> <<>font color="darkgreen" effect="emboss" size="3">Instant Messenger<<>/font> <<>tr> <<>td align="center" colspan="2"> <<>form method="post" action="mailto:yourEMAIL" enctype="text/plain"> <<>input type="hidden" name="subject" value="Re: The Instant Messenger"> <<>textarea bgcolor="white" text="gold" cursor="Yellow" nohighlight autoactivate growable borderimage="file://rom/borders/buttonborder4.bif" name="Message" rows="1" cols="30"> <<>/textarea> <<>tr><<>td align="center"> <<>input type="submit" value="Send" text="gold" borderimage="file://rom/borders/buttonborder4.bif"> <<>td align="center"> <<>input type="reset" value="Erase" text="gold" borderimage="file://rom/borders/buttonborder4.bif"> <<>/td><<>/tr><<>/table>

In the code above you can experiment with borders, colors, sizes and the buttonborder.bif tag. They can be numbered 1 thru 4 for different style buttons.

Now you can go


For More Things To Do.