Where I grew Up
First Stop Panama City Fla
On To Aguadilla, Puerto Rico
(map & info)
20 Years In Sacramento, Ca
Where I am Now

Commonwealth Of MA - Canton Links
Canton High School
Travel and Tourism - MA
Canton Historical Society

First stop away from home was Panama City, Florida at Tyndall AFB.The area is gorgeous. The picture below was taken at an area they call the " Miracle Mile ". There are 27 miles of wonderful white sandy beaches.Click below for links that will tell you more.

Funtastik Panama CityBay County-Miracle Mile

After about a year in Florida, it was off to Ramey AFB and Aguadilla, Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico at its longest point is only 100 miles long . The temperatures average in the 70's all year long. Naturally recreation revolves around the ocean. Go to the next page for a picture of "Crashboat Beach" in Puerto Rico and links to other information about Puerto Rico

To Puerto Rico