Yosemite National Park Home Page

We are going to show you some of the things that you don't see on other web sites for Yosemite.  You'll see the same old photos of Yosemite's beauty later, but now, here are some interesting and usually unseen views  of the park.

We went to Yosemite over the Labor Day weekend in 1997.  The park was crowded - but nothing like it gets when all the campgrounds are open etc...     The floods demolished a couple of the largest campgrounds and that helped keep the crowds down.  We had a nice campsite but obnoxious neighbors.  The little kids were running around screaming at the top of their lungs and then the parents were as noisy playing drinking games late into the night.

This was our campsite, 159 in Upper Pines.  On the left is the food locker.  These provide safe storage for your food.  All your food.  Nothing can be left in your car or the bears will break in and get it.  Their favorite technique is to catch the top window frame part of the car door and pull down until the metal frame of the door is bent down to below the window level of the door and reach in for the ice chest or whatever they smell or recognize as food.  The food lockers work well when used properly.  There are two latches that must be used to secure the doors on the locker.  We had two bear attacks on food in the campground in the three nights we were there.  The bears only take advantage of what the humans let them get away with.  One locker raid by a bear was because the woman who was supposed to lock the locker forgot to; before she went to bed.  She had brought two padlocks with her to secure the locker, which weren't necessary, only a simple latching of the same type of device you'd find on a backyard gate.   The bear made off with Cheerios, boxed wine and other goodies.
Here is a look at half of a food locker with the door open  You have room for an average ice chest and lots of food.  We even kept our table top propane grill in here to help keep the bears away.

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