Movies :
Movie halls are scattered all over the city. After all, how can a famous
city surviive without cinema's ? English and Hindi film halls are usually
housefull in the first couple of days. So be sure to make your booking
on time, or reach really early.
Hang Out Places :
M.G. Raod, Brigade Road & Commercial Street are definitely happening.
Thats where all the college crowd lands up. You get all the shops from
A-Z here. So this is the one stop (3 actually) for all your shopping. Also,
if you dont find these places hot, get out of bangalore by the next flight.
But one thing i can warn you about... life here is slow compared to the
fast track of places like mumbai. You may feel that its the old people's
home at times.
Warnings :
When you are travelling by auto, be sure that you are carrying a handful
of change. Mostly you will find the drivers saying sorry no change. haha!
Another thing is that after 10pm, the rates become double. But the auto
drivers usually convert the time to 9pm to their benefit. If you have any
problems though, just knock the cops front door!