<HEAD>History of a.d.g.l.</head>

alt.discuss.gothic.lifestyle was originally proposed to the alt.discuss hierarchy on July 26, 1998 by Lord Morbid. Under the following charter:
This group is for discussing the gothic way of 
life.  The clothing, makeup, the music and much 
more can be discussed here.

~Information provided by Lord Morbid

Group passed by vote of 69:9

During the first month of the newsgroup it experienced an attempted take over from an internet group calling themselves the Knights of Grob (KoG). This caused a flame war in the newsgroup that in turn lead to the Katzenjammers to come into the newsgroup to assist the goths in getting rid of these trolls.

During this time in the newsgroup many of the original posters of alt.discuss.gothic.lifestyle were lost as posters.

At the end of the flame war that had ensued Lord Morbid posted in the newsgroup that he was shutting off the Webtv service in order to move to a personal computer. He at the same time e-mailed I.O. Pan stating that he was turning the newsgroup over to him and to please keep it alive for him.

I.O. Pan since that time requested the assistance of Ostara (a.k.a. Lady Ostara) for help in the rebuilding of the newsgroup as well as assistance on the pages for the charter.

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