The Bible: An Extraterrestrial Transmission from an Alien World By C.L. Turnage
The Bible is a collection of ancient writings chronicling the history of the Hebrews, and one of their progeny, Jesus Christ. This is what scholars believed until the recent discovery of a computer code, mathematically encrypted into the Old Testament writings. In fact, the entire Old Testament, or Tanakh as it is called in Hebrew, is in reality a huge computer algorythm! Orthodox Jews believed that God dictated the Torah (the first 5 books of the Bible) to Moses, letter by letter, a total string of 304,805 Hebrew characters. Many believe that encrypted in the texts are names, events, and other words that form a sophisticated "hidden book."
An Encrypted Book – A Hidden Book
In fact, the Bible does refer to a special concealed book in Daniel 12:4, Isaiah 29:11 and Revelation 5:1-3. In Revelation 5, the special book is "written on the inside and on the back, and sealed with 7 seals." The "inside" of the book is the encrypted message, while the writing on the "back" is the background text." Since "no one in heaven, or on the earth, or under the earth, was able to open the book or look into it," it seems to indicate that only a machine such as a computer would have the ability to perform the feat of "opening," or decrypting the book. Ironically, the computer coded text of Daniel 12:4 states the following: "To shut up the words and seal the book until the end, computer." In other words, the book would be sealed until the end times. A time in which the computer would enable mankind to "unseal" the hidden messages of the Tanakh, and the messages of Daniel deemed so important that the angel Gabriel himself delivered them along the banks of the Tigris River. These prophetic reports pertain to the "end time" events revolving around Israel, a resurrected Babylon, and a reincarnated Nebuchadnezzar figure, the subjects of my book: War in Heaven! Three Israeli mathematicians, (Professor Eliyahu Rips, from the Hebrew University, Dorn Witzum and Yoav Rosenburg), published a study in 1994, in the scholarly journal Statistical Science. This study referred to "equidistant letter sequences" (ELS) in Genesis. They programmed a computer to search by "skip code," the book of Genesis in an effort to find the names of 32 sages who had lived between the 9th and 18th centuries. They checked every nth letter, where the value for n can take any value. Amazingly, the program found most of the names, though the odds against this occurring by chance were 62,500 to 1. The word Torah was found in both the books of Genesis and Exodus, at the same ELS of 50 letters, starting with the first occurrence of the latter tav. The odds against this happening by random chance alone are 3 million to one.
The possibility of an encrypted code in the Hebrew Bible seemed impossible at first. For such a code to exist, this would mean that the writings of the Tanakh would have to be "coherent," and that they would also have to have remained completely intact over thousands of years. Losing even one letter of the books of the Old Testament would have rendered a mathematical "skip code" completely useless. For the "code" to be synchronous, it would mean that someone capable of living for thousands of years was responsible for transmitting the code, and therefore the books of the Bible to mankind. It also means that the encoder had the ability to see into the future. Who is this mysterious encoder? And, where does the encoder come from?
The Hebrew writings speak of a race of pluralistic beings called the Elohim, or "gods." According to Genesis 1:26, it was Elohim, or multiple beings that said: "Let Us make man (the adam) in Our image, according to Our likeness." And in Genesis 6:1-4 we learn that the "sons of the divine beings" (the Elohim) were intermarrying with the daughters of mankind. The human women were also giving birth to hybrids before the Flood, because Genesis 6:4 tells us that the daughters of men "bore children" to these sons of the "divine beings." The Biblical patriarch Noah was in all probability one of these half human, half Elohim hybrids.
In the extra-biblical book of Enoch an account is given of the birth of Noah – an account which understandably caused quite a family controversy. Lamech, the father of Noah told his father Enoch: "I have begotten a son unlike to other children. His color is whiter than snow, the hair of this head is whiter than wool, his eyes like the rays of the sun, and when he opened them, he illuminated the whole house." Lamech goes on to say "he is not human, but resembles the offspring of the angels of heaven, and is of a different nature from ours, being altogether unlike us." This description of course, matches descriptions of the angels or Elohim given in the pages of the Bible. Angels are usually described as man-like, having "eyes like flaming torches," and with a "face like the appearance of lightning."
Since angelic beings are sexually compatible with human beings, then it would seem that they are physical beings, a race of entities in whose image humanity has been genetically "created." The Bible also tells us that there is a "kingdom of the heavens," where these Elohim dwell. According to Matthew 3:2 this "kingdom of the heavens" can "come near," or move about. Is this a planet moving in its own orbit? It would appear so, since the Old Testament tells us that the Lord comes from "Olam," a Hebrew word meaning "world," or "hard firmament." But what world might this be? Biblical scholars have known for some time that the first eleven chapters of Genesis resemble and seem to be drawn from older stories written on clay tablets by the Sumerians and Babylonians. For example, the first chapter of Genesis appears to be a very edited version of the Babylonian "Epic of Creation," or Enuma Elish. Abraham himself was a Sumerian, who emerged from a culture that worshipped multiple deities. Ironically, these Mesopotamian deities possessed physical characteristics consistent with those of the biblical "malachim," or angels. They were human looking, and exuded a brilliant radiant aura of light called the "melammu." This melammu was a phenomenon of light, that was both terrifying and awe inspiring. If a Mesopotamian deity were killed, his melammu was destroyed. Zecharia Sitchin, the author of The 12th Planet, writes that the Mesopotamian deities were actually beings from a planet called Nibiru. In fact, the Babylonian "Enuma Elish" describes a mysterious planet that can be seen periodically in the asteroid belt, and it is named in that text as NE.BI.RU. It is stated in this text that "NE.BI.RU shall hold the passage of heaven and earth," and that "Crossing is the name" for NE.BI.RU. A cross symbolizes Nibiru, because the planet crosses, or moves in the place of Tiamat, a large planet that used to exist in the asteroid belt. The Hebrews also used to believe that Heaven, or "shamaim" could be periodically seen in the "rakia" or hammered bracelet, a term used to describe the asteroid belt. In all likelihood, the planet Nibiru is the "kingdom of the heavens," described in the Bible, and this explains its ability to "come near" and go far. Using the computer code of the Old Testament, I searched for Nibiru, (nun, yod, bet, yod, resh, vav) throughout the Tanakh. To my surprise it is a pervasive code, appearing numerous times. The Elohim gave Moses a computer code on Mt. Sinai When Moses went up on Mt. Sinai to receive the Torah he received in his hands the events of Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy before they had yet occurred! According to Galatians 3:19, and Acts 7:38 & 53, the Torah was given to Moses by the malachim on Mt. Sinai. Malachim is the Hebrew word for angel, and it literally means "emissary from heaven." Curiously, the face of Moses glowed, or radiated light, when he came down from the mountain. So much so, that the sons of Israel were afraid of him, and forced him to wear a veil over his face. Apparently, Moses was in contact long enough with these Elohim astronauts that he too began to radiate light. Hebrew legend has it that when Moses received the Torah, or Law, it was given to him "contiguous, without break of words." In its original form, there were no spaces between the words. The Torah was given to him in a data string resembling a computer code! And, as it turns out, that is exactly what it is.
The writings of the Bible were transmitted to the prophets, or kings that received them over an approximate 1600-year time frame. In the case of Moses and Daniel, the malachim or angels were directly implicated in the transmission. Many books were considered to be divine scripture by the Hebrews. These were sometimes referred to in the Bible itself, and include the "Book of the wars of the Lord," the "Book of Gad the Seer," and the "Book of Jashar." However, only 22 writings were chosen by Ezra to make up the official canon of the Hebrew Bible, and as a result, some books mentioned in the writings are not part of the canon. The 22 books chosen were considered to be "orations of God," or the spoken word as related to a human being directly. It is my belief that the 22 books of the canon were selected because they were mathematically encrypted, and comprised part of an overall message. The books chosen by Ezra had to be arranged in a specific manner – and they are not in their order of transmission! Why? I believe this was done to offer proof that the Hebrew scribes and priests could not have perpetrated, or designed, a mathematical computer "skip code." If the code were of human origin, then those responsible would have to have been able to lock a code into books detailing accounts of a future time. A time of which they did not know. The letters/numbers of the events that had not yet transpired in the future books – books that would comprise part of an over-all code. Since the code is meant to work when the books are placed out of the order of transmission, this implies that future codes were designed to work with existing books – and visa-versa. The priests would also have had to possess the ability to design a future code that would synchronize with books already written, because coded portions overlap from book to book. They would have to have had precognitive ability to execute a code synonymous with future events. It is almost as if someone wrote an encoded text, then broke it into sections. They transmitted the text in story form, with the encoded text out of order. Therefore, the text had to be rearranged for the code to show up! Ezra also assigned a letter of the Hebrew alphabet to each of the 22 books. Think of the Hebrew writings as a huge puzzle. Ezra selected certain books and laid them out in a specific manner because these books contained the mathematical computer coded transmissions. They had to be laid out in a precise manner, or the encrypted texts would be disrupted. Curiously, if even one letter of a Tanakh was missing, the entire thing had to be destroyed. The Masorites, a special Hebrew family made it their responsibility to copy the texts and preserve their integrity. They counted every letter of the Tanakh, and how many times it occurs throughout the text. In this manner, they preserved the writings of the Tanakh for thousands of years, and made it possible for the computer code to survive intact!
Revelation 5:1 mentions a special book "written on the inside and on the back, and sealed with seven seals." This verse tells us how the text was encrypted. First an alphabet must have been generated. Then each letter was assigned a number. For example aleph, or the Hebrew letter for A is equivalent to 1. Bet, or B = 2. (Computers recognize numbers, and data is entered in digital strings). The encrypted text was written, then the plain text was eventually generated around the encrypted text. This might be why the Hebrew writings appear contradictory or elusive in meaning at times. It may also be why certain phrases repeat themselves.
Think of the entire text of the Tanakh as a long string of numbers inside a huge box. The string is continuous, and can be broken down into "equidistant letter sequencing" by moving mathematically through the string. Every 5 letters can form an encrypted word, or every 7, or every 3,617th letter. Search parameters can begin at 2, and search up to 50,000 distances between the letters. The possibilities are endless for movement through the text in either forward or backward mathematical intervals. (Using 1 to search yields the plain text of the Bible).
In my book: The Holy Bible is an Extraterrestrial Transmission, I illustrated how the Bible was originally laid out in a series of 49 books. There were 22 books in the Old Testament, and 27 in the New Testament. The original layout of the Bible was synonymous with a Sabbatical cycle of 49 years. The Sabbatical cycle culminated in a 50th year of Jubilee. Upon learning of this layout of 49 books, I wondered where the 50th book that should complete the cycle was to be found. It is now my belief that it is the encrypted computer code. Curiously, 50 was the rank of the Mesopotamian Deity that reigned over the earth. The number for earth was 7, according to the Mesopotamians, and the Bible is divided into 7 sections. The Old Testament comprised 3 sections: the Law, the Prophets, and the Psalms or writings. The 4th section consisted of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and the book of Acts found in the New Testament. The 5th section was called the general or universal epistles of James, Peter, John and Jude. The 6th section was Paul's letters to the 7 churches. The book of Revelation stands as the final or 7th section. In Revelation chapter one, John sees Jesus standing in the middle of the lampstand. The writings of the Bible corresponded to the Hebrew menorah or "lamps" used in the temple. Therefore, Jesus was standing in the 4th section, or the Gospels and the book of Acts. The Bible is a Legal Contract with Extraterrestrials Now the truly interesting thing about the Bible is that it is really a legal contract. The word "testament" means covenant, or contract. The Old Testament is a legal agreement between the God of Heaven and the Hebrews (Genesis 17:1-7). The New Testament is an extension of this covenant with the Gentiles of earth, through the son of the Hebrew Deity – Jesus Christ. The purpose of the agreement is to enable mankind to become "citizens of heaven"(Phillipians 3:20). The New Testament names Christ as the "reconciliator." Revelation 5 tells us that the book was sealed with 7 seals. Mesopotamian deities sealed their legal contracts with seven seals. Once the Messiah opened the first of the seven seals, this signified the execution of the legal contract – and it signaled the beginning of the "end times" according to Daniel 12:4. The finding of the concealed or sealed text of the Bible code means that we have legally entered the end times. Part of the inheritance is the encrypted text, the 50th book of the original Bible layout – the "Jubilee" text. Christ claimed his "father" was in "heaven." Since his father was the "king of heaven," this would mean that he was the king of planet Nibiru. Christ stated that after his resurrection that "all authority has been given to me in heaven, and on earth." This means that the Bible is in reality a legal contract with the extraterrestrial monarch of the "kingdom of the heavens," or planet heaven. His son Jesus Christ is the executor of the contract. In fact, the name of Jesus in Hebrew is Yeshua, and this is one of the most pervasive codes throughout the text of the Tanakh, appearing thousands of times!
Here are some other codes appearing in the Hebrew Bible: cross, alien, spaceman, spaceship, crossbreed, hybrid, the names of Mesopotamian deities, current world political figures such as Saddam Hussein, President Clinton etc. It would appear that the code was placed in the text of the Old Testament as a sign for modern man. The plain text of the Bible was enough to satisfy people of the existence and rule of the Elohim throughout the generations…until today. The Elohim that encrypted the Old Testament knew that in the future, man would become too sophisticated for the ancient scriptures. That is why they computer coded those writings. It was an effort to provide us with proof of their existence.