Eva Peron, (b. 1922)
Sven Hedin, Swed. explorer, (b.1865)
Adolph Bush, Ger. violinist, (b. 1891)
Alfred Einstein, Ger. musicologist and critic, (b. 1880)
Heinrich Schlusnus, Ger. baritone, (b. 1888)
John Dewey, Amer. philosopher, (b. 1859)
George Santayana, Span. -Amer. philosopher, (b. 1863)
Albert Bassermann, Ger. actor, (b. 1867)
Norman Douglas, Eng. author, (b. 1868)
Philip Murray, U.S. labor leader, (b. 1886)
William Green, U.S. labor leader, (b. 1873)


The last London trams are retired.

Rocky Marciano wins world heavyweight boxing championship from "Jersey" Joe Walcott

Germany becomes a member of the World Bank

S.S "United States" (U.S.) wins Blue Riband, crossing the Atlantic in 3 days, 10 hours and 40 minutes.

John Cobb killed while establishing a water-speed record of 206.89 mph on Loch Ness, Scotland

Rose Bowl football game is won by Illinois, defeating Stanford 40-7

New York (AL) wins World Series 4-3 against Brooklyn (NL)


Isotopes in use in medicine and industry

Contraceptive pillof phosphorated hesperidin is produced

Brit. first atomic tests in Monte Bello Islands, W. Australia.

First hydrogen bomb (U.S.) exploded at Eniwetok atoll, Pacific, Nov. 6th.

Nobel Prize for Physics: Felix Bloch (U.S.) and Edward M. Percell (U.S.) for their work on magnetic fields in atomic nuclei

Nobel Prize for Medicine and physiology: Selman A. Waksman (U.S.) for the discovery of streptomycin.


Hindemith: "Cadillac," new version of 1926 opera

Popular Songs:
"I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus"
"It Takes Two to Tango"
"Your Cheatin' Heart"
"Wheel Of Fortune"


"This is Cinerama"...."Limelight" (Chaplin)...."Othello " (Orson Welles)...."Umberto D." (de Sica)...."Moulin Rouge" (Jose Ferrer)...."Don Camillo et Peppone" ( Fernandel, Duvivier)...."The Greatest Show On Earth" Acadamy Award (C.B.de Mille)...."High Noon" (Gary Cooper, Grace Kelly)


Truman Capote: "The Grass Harp"
Ralph Ellison: "The Invisible Man"
Ernest Hemingway: "The Old Man and The Sea," Pulitzer Prize novel (1953)
Joseph Kramm: "The Shrike," Pulitzer Prize drama
Paul Osborn: "Point Of No Return," based on J.P. Marquand's novel
Dylan Thomas: "Collected Poems"
John Steinbeck: "East Of Eden"
Edna Ferber: "Giant"
Thomas B. Costain: "The Silver Chalice"
G.B.Shaw: "Don Juan in Hell"


Anti-Brit. riots erupt in Egypt;
Aly Maher Pasha appointed premier in Jan.; resigns Mar. 10
General Mohammed Naguib seizes power and forms a government
King Farouk abdicates in favor of his infant son, Faud

King George V1 of England d.; succeeded by his daughter, Queen Elizabeth 11

Churchill announces that Britain has produced an atomic bomb
Truman announces H-bomb tests in the Pacific.

Dwight D. Eisenhower resigns as Supreme Commander in Europe; elected President of the U.S.

Hydroelectric plants in N. Korea bombed by U.S. planes

UN General Assembly adopts Indian proposal for Korean armistice; China rejects plan.

During the month of August 16,000 people escape from E. to W. Berlin

State of emergency proclaimed in Kenya following Mau Mau distubances

Israel and Germany agree on restitution for damages done to Jews by the Nazis