This is my own personal poetry written back when i first started letting others see my stuff. (1990's) If you want me to add updated poems, email me.
Do not copy at will. Repeat this is myne! So back off!
(comes to mind--- "in the name of the moon, i will punish you!") So here is my loverly poetry for you to read. I will begin typing here.....
(Page last updated loonnnng ago)

imagine extasy 
music at night
old symphonys
singing soft praise to the night
prevading into the dreams of the romantic at heart
inmpules creating adoring smiles
as magic spirits are liberated this one night
eyes dance and caress
and rain jewels of secret desire and charm onto soft cheeks
rainbows of good cheer and hope warm the souls of the lost 
for we are one 
and we are forever together.

by: Bree

sitting in my chair
i stare out into the vastness
and gaze a little
and wonder a little
dreaming of what could be
a love as great as time
will it ever be mine? 
will it?
coulld it?
maybe i'll find one
one as true as the vast blue waters
i'll grasp it
i'll hold it
and never will i let go
of my love

a noise and a flash of movement catch my eye
and i am forced to leave my dream behind
turning my head i see nothing
only the void 
the void that could have been filled by my dream
sigh and sigh 
lament in my pain
dreams unheard lying in on the floor

tears fall unchecked down my face
and i sniff a weary sniff of pain

a hand reaches out 
gently brushes the tear away
as i look up through the watery mists
and see an angel 

is my true love finally here?
this is real.


Gazing around
what do i see
everything i need is here
Anything I could possibly want
is in this room with me.
Nice clothing, warm blankets,
good music and food.
But I don't have you.

Gazing around 
I see everything i've found
Walking the beach alone in the day
and alone in the evening i look 
at my treasures I've collected.
But one thing is missing,
my collection is incomplete.
I don't have you.

Everything I own
Everything I've had
It doesn't compare to you
and the love you inspire within me.

Nothing can compare
To what we could share.
I need you by my side
My companion, my friend
My love.

Left unfinished due to paranoia
by: Bree

Take me with you,
away through the night.
I know we hardly even met,
but when I think of you
I know it is true.
And I don't know if I can wait.
When I see your face
I just want to be near you
need to be near you,
forever and all through the night.
So please I need you here soon
There's no way in the world
that I could be whole 
without you by my side.
take me with you........

It's still february
by: Bree

Such a dream 
wanna be together
...maybe forever
no not again
 not one more man 
I can't handle the man 
oh what a man 
I’m so unsure
cause I’m just a girl

Old news 
bold news
when will I know 
cause I am swirling
and twirling alone
I need your arms
wrapped around my waist
flick the switch 
and the flame shall go on
and on and on
I just want to be one

Listen and glisten 
once more 
I do so want some more
please oh please 
I want to be pleased
I want more 
oh not a bore
old and new 
I need a few
minutes to collect myself
into one piece
peace I am calm
no I want to scream
I want to beam in a glorious
triumphant beam

Oh what bliss 
just one more kiss
please oh please
I need one more
dear why can't you be near
to me
right next to my heart
I need a man 
not one more man
just a man who will be there
for me
and thrill me 
fill me
love me
a adoring man with a life
I need a life

Just one more try
you big no one
I need a chance to shine
in the stars 
I want to be me...
with someone dear
someone dear and near

Lifestyles of torment
by: Bree

Oh god I wish 
I wish I had it all
All the intellect
All the personality in me
Every rainbow to sing my name
through my smile
Eyes to shine so bright
Talent pouring from my fingertips
Oh god I wish I had it

Today I felt motivated
Purpose in my stride
No bad thing to drag me down
Oh no, not one thing for me
Sunshine in my smile
Eyes radiating energy
Oh god today I had it all
Oh yeah every little drop

Now i feel so spent
Every ounce is gone
and I feel drained and sore
The pain of trying to do it all
To be everything I could
I feel so tired
Oh god I feel like I could expire
Why can't I just have it gone
All the pain 
all the aches and pain

But to have it all was so grand
Just the one day
To be the one
The one with it all
Oh god thank you for today.

Cry nothing
by: Bree

eyes burning with tears
vision clouded and stained
lips dry and cracked
voice strained and forlorn
how will i survive in this world?
this world of opportunities
it costs dearly to answer 
the impatient knock of opportunity
and i don't want to pay anymore
I don't want anyone to pay
its not worth it
I deserve what I can afford
I deserve freedom to learn
freedom to live
to be 
to be me...

 Wind, rain and quiz!
By: Bree

3 minutes to go
and I tense
strung out on a branch
I'm going to fall 
flat on my face
My head is spinning 
like a broken record
with needle scratching
My fingers shake
As I brush my hair 
from my blurring eyes

It's 2 minutes to go
and I don't feel 
like I can go on
My feet are tapping 
and I can't sit still

I feel like I fell 
from the moon
like I was reborn
I'm all torn from the re-entry
to the real world
I don't know which way is up
And I spilt my drink not in the sink
but on my new shoes
Looking down and shaking like a leaf
When will it be my turn?
Can I borrow some courage,
Or maybe 5,000 years of expierence

How about some help?
how about some help?

 Times Bane  
By: Bree

Calm as the sea
I sit here and breath
No purpose to my days
I need a direction, 
A way to go.

Look out at the endless sky
I've got so much time
Yet is it enough?
I need motivation
Or I could just sit here and watch

The ocean waves 
and seagulls cry
Am I to be forever dry?
Inspiration nips at my heels
Yet I can not hold onto the reigns.
Decision slips from fingertips
Wings of joy take me to and fro
Yet I am cautious,
Almost a coward
Will I go forward
Or will I stay and stand alone?

The ocean waves 
and seagulls cry
Am I to be forever dry?
Inspiration you are in my soul
Come on out and be my muse
Decisions spread wings and fly high
I need a destination to be my goal.

The ocean waves and seaguls cry
Am I to be forever dry?
I'm standing at the waters edge
Inspiration come and lap at my toes.

 Dreamers' Lullaby
By: Bree

When I dream
I dream of what could be
I dream of lives I'll like to live
days I'd like to enjoy
Dreaming what could be
helps soften tension 
from my days
Harsh lights and 
loud sounds 
drowned out and gone.

When I'm in my fantasy of life
Bubble gum is in mass quantities
Fashionable clothing,
wide walk in closets, 
and a ton of shoes,
Hats that look good 
Necklaces that store magical powers inside
Friends that share in it all
and class trips to ski lodges,
Mysterious tall dark not-so-stranger
of a guy to hold my hand
Warm sofas near a crackling fire place.

When I dream it is all as I wish
Mysterious, daunting
Challenging and fun
When I dream I can relaz,
be myself and do it all right
Never embarassed, its all right
Vampires in the throes of a strange love,
Pixies and nymphs singing in forests,
teenagers in love
The rich help the poor 
and Cinderella is never left out
Secret writers talked about in English class
turn out to be your best friend
Heros in disguise 
Witches playing with magic 
and everything is good.

When you dream
you are more than you are 
in real life
Dreaming is my reprieve from the 
daily pressure that is life
But when you dream 
that is a dream
So you sigh,
close your eyes
and begin to dream.