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Boat Canoe Kayak Paddle Life Jacket Clothes Other Backpack
Boat Canoe Kayak Paddle Life Jacket Clothes Other Backpacks




IK:Lynx II

We are the Taiwan dealer for;
  Prijon Germany - 獨木舟及印第安獨木舟
  Old Town USA - 印第安獨木舟及船 
  Aire USA - 充氣獨木舟及橡皮艇
這些都是世界知名且品質最好的產品, 『品質保証』、『價格合理』
We have over 1000 items, too many to list. 
These are the best products in the world, most with
guarantees, and have fair prices!

獨木舟 and 印第式獨木舟    KAYAK and CANOE

/河流獨木舟/  * Rockit  * Tornado  * Slalom *
 * Junior  * Kendo * Topolino *

/海洋獨木舟/ * Sea Yak(單人) * Odyssee(雙人)*

/印第式獨木舟/ * Old Town USA  * Disc 119  * Pack * Still 12  *
 * King Fisher  *  Osprey  *  Sport 13  *

/印第式獨木舟/ * Prijon Germany - * Nahanni  *

/充氣式獨木舟/ Aire USA - * Lynx I * Lynx II *

/檯面式/ USA - * WW * Ocean (1 人) * Ocean (2 人) *

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